Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 867 Chair with Iron Chains

A chair sits in the center of Courtroom 10 on the tenth basement floor of the Ministry of Magic.

If the person involved is charged with a serious crime, the chain will bind the person tightly as if they were alive as soon as they sit on it.

Lucius Malfoy was once tied up. In order not to be imprisoned in Azkaban, he, like Karkaroff, identified many people who appeared in his house.

After Voldemort was resurrected, Karkaroff died, lucky enough to have no family.

If Voldemort is resurrected again, will Narcissa and Draco be implicated by him?

That chair was once borrowed by the Muggle Birth Registration Committee, which was better than the Inquisition, or like Robespierre during the Terror of the French Revolution, who used Rousseau's thinking as the standard for judging.

Have you ever committed a crime of luxury and embezzlement? Have you ever evaded your obligations when you should have served the country? Are you involved in price gouging?

Rousseau was a man who spoke on behalf of ordinary people. He was speaking for himself as well as for the people.

The National Convention passed the "Grain Price Ceiling Act", but the Girondins turned a blind eye to the skyrocketing food prices of speculators, and they became the best stepping stones.

Because of the corpses of these people, Robespierre almost became a dictator, and those capitalists who made a fortune because of the Great Revolution would not wait for the guillotine to fall on their heads, they launched a Thermidor coup.

To choose between starving to death and being beheaded by a guillotine, normal people know how to choose. If you don't eat grain, you can use acorns and other foods instead. If your head is lost, there is nothing to replace it. Louis Saint-Just was one of the leaders of the Jacobin dictatorship in the French Revolution, Robespierre's staunchest ally, and the youngest member of the Public Security Committee.

Because of Saint-Just's beauty and coldness, he is called the "Archangel of Terror" or "Archangel of Revolution".

Generally speaking, all new governments will use some self-directed assassination incidents to strengthen their own management, check traitors in their own party and management loopholes, Joseph, the Minister of Public Security, once wanted to buy Napoleon's intelligence.

When Napoleon's private secretary learned that Joseph would spend 100,000 francs every month to spy on Napoleon's every move, he also wanted to make the same exchange with Joseph. He offered to pay 25,000 francs a month, and he would provide all the information on Napoleon. If he could pay the whole year in one lump sum, he could only charge 90,000 francs.

In the fall of the same year when Saint-Just was elected to the Public Security Committee, he was sent to the critical Alsace front line to supervise the army. Through the implementation of terrorist policies to replenish supplies and restore military discipline, the battle was finally turned into victory.

In places like the army, beheading has the effect of restraint. After the battle of Alsace ended and Saint-Just returned to Paris, he went to the Northern Army again and won the battle again.

As a soldier who returned victoriously with a high reputation, Saint-Just could have been saved from being guillotined, as long as he was willing to stay out of it, he would not be affected. But Saint-Just finally defended Robespierre faithfully. He planned to read a report in the National Convention that was considered to be full of compromise spirit and might save the fate of Robespierre’s faction. was interrupted, and he never got a chance to speak again.

The National Convention unanimously passed the decision to arrest Robespierre's party. The Jacobin leaders who were separated into various prisons met for a time after that, but due to time delays, poor organization, and sudden torrential rain, the next day In the early morning, there were not many supporters left in front of the City Hall Square waiting for their orders. Soon the parliamentary army broke into the city hall, and Robespierre's party was again arrested by force. In the confusion, Robespierre was shot in the jaw with a pistol, Couton fell from the stairs, Lebas committed suicide, and only Saint-Just waited silently for arrest.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Saint-Just and 21 other people were sent to the Place de la Concorde by a carriage. He calmly walked onto the guillotine, his expression as stern and heavy as before.

When the coup happened, the opponents would not give the opponent time to prepare. It took less than a day for Saint-Just to change from a general to a decapitated general. Most civilians were ignorant, and the change of dynasty was over.

They will still live step by step, just like the glass craftsmen in Murano Island. Whether it is the Republic of Venice or Napoleon in power, their work is still blowing glass, at best they go out when performing for the emperor.

Napoleon was imprisoned on the island of Corsica after losing his power. No matter how powerful he was, he will eventually return to mediocrity.

Napoleon was inferior to these ordinary men on the issue of women, at least their wives did not betray them.

While Severus went about his business, Pomona ordered the mermaid chandelier on the glass island.

There are differences in the appearance of mermaids in warm seas and mermaids in cold areas. The mermaids living in the Black Lake are a group of Selkies. Compared with the mermaids in the Mediterranean, their skin is a bit iron-gray, and they are not as beautiful as the mermaids in warm areas.

Lucia is not a local merman, Mercus, the leader of the great lake merman, allows her to live outside her village.

When Pomona designed the mermaid chandelier, she still used Lucia instead of the image of Mercus. People usually have a preference for beautiful creatures.

A leader who is loved and a leader who is feared, of course, the former is better. "Angels" are often beautiful, even if he brings death.

She was reluctant to let Severus take the risk, but Lucius didn't care, it didn't seem strange that so many of his enemies were assassinated once.

After completing the test papers, you must check. Self-inspection can proactively find faults and replace faulty parts on the premise of avoiding fatal injuries.

However, to implement this plan, you need to find a suitable killer. Draco will not assassinate his father, not to mention that he is a very bad killer. He knew it when he assassinated Albus Dumbledore.

Gringotts and Hogwarts are the safest places in the world. This is not only because of Albus' strong organizational skills, but also because he is surrounded by people who are loyal enough to not be easily bought by interests.

However, there was a traitor in the Order of the Phoenix, who put a "letter written by Lily" in Sirius' bedroom, Severus, who was caught in sensibility, and Harry, who was young and curious about everything about his parents None of them noticed, let alone Ron, only Hermione Granger noticed that Sirius' room hadn't been occupied for a long time.

Sirius didn't go back to his "parents' house" after he ran away from home at the age of 16. Black's old house still had a shielding spell, and the owl couldn't send letters in.

With Severus as the "flashy" suspicious-looking double agent, other spies can hide, and catching moles is always annoying, but a "insider" can do more damage than outsiders Much better.

People in the Order of the Phoenix are loyal, but they are not capable enough. Severus may not be loyal enough, but he is capable enough. Mr. Wen from Hongmen is the kind of person who would rather use a person with insufficient ability than be loyal.

Secrets cannot be given to those who can be tempted by profit.

Between sips of lemon and honey water, she watched the glassmakers who had brought great wealth to Venice, who had the power to turn sand into gold.

They were little people in themselves, but they carried valuable information, which is why they were forbidden to leave Venice and isolated from other people on this small island.

A small negligence may cause irreparable damage, such as Sirius temporarily changing the secret keeper to Peter Petitlou.

He was eventually framed by traitors, for which he was imprisoned in Azkaban for 12 years, and the best time of a person's life was wasted.

The most wanted photo of Sirius, he has been yelling, he is not crazy, but because of anger.

In Zodiac's kill list, the person who knocked the gavel in the court is also one of them, and the person who knocked the gavel is often a judge like Buddy Crouch old.

Is it possible that Sirius Black killed old Batick and Old Chi? If so, why did Theodore Nott, who witnessed the murder and could see thestrals, remain silent?

How much she wanted to be an ordinary girl, not so suspicious, and able to live happily every day.

The power struggle is cruel and complicated. Those in power are dependent on each other, but also have mutual suspicion and suspicion. She doesn't like that kind of life.

She liked the atmosphere of the Weasleys.

Too bad her godson was Draco Malfoy, and Severus still had an unbreakable vow.

Even if there is no contract in black and white, they still have to fulfill their promises. Swearing cannot be made casually, but it doesn’t matter to atheists. Robespierre is against Catholicism and atheism at the same time. Maybe he regards himself as a disciple Peter and wants to preach Rousseau's "book".

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