Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 861 The Emperor's Tent

On November 1, 1981, when Voldemort was hit by the rebounding Avada Kedavra for the first time, all the restrictions he had left on other wizards disappeared, and the wizards took to the streets to rejoice, as if The chains on his body were untied.

If it is "possession" caused by witchcraft, the only way is to find the wizard and kill him.

Or, let him drop the curse.

Albania is not far from Venice, and Pomona really wonders if Tom has been there.

There are cruise ships from Venice to Padua, and you can see very beautiful scenery on board.

They also miss out on a lot of the amazing scenery if they choose to Apparate instead of taking the train.

Although the pace of running is fast, it misses a lot of things.

If possible, she really wanted to live in Venice, instead of just staying here for a month.

But it's a pity that she still has to go back to England. Master Malfoy has been misunderstood a lot. Now he is discriminated against because of the Death Eater mark on his arm. This mark will not disappear with Voldemort's death.

The pattern imprinted on the cow distinguishes him from ordinary people.

In Byron's opera Two Foscari, Governor Foscari did not lose the position of governor because his son was identified as bribery and corruption by the Ten. He was honorably buried in the state.

Buddy Crawley and his son were not so lucky, because his son joined the Death Eaters, he lost the popular ministerial election and was replaced by Lucky Fudge.

When "luck" comes, sometimes it is so overwhelming, but unfortunately, the blessed Fudge met Voldemort, and his good luck ended.

Luck affects many things. Regarding the issue of those hedges, she appreciates the Chinese approach. Government workers are responsible for writing a big "demolition" on the buildings that need to be demolished. Need to talk about 'traditional' being unconventional and hurting innocent Hedges in Cambridgeshire.

Jean Jacques Rousseau wanted to be recognized for his talents and live the luxurious life he wanted.

He liked noble women more than his maid wives, but unfortunately he didn't get what he wanted, and the child was sent to the Foundling Hall after birth. Of course, this has something to do with his poverty, but if he really loves his wife and children, he will find a job and settle down to support his family like Arthur, instead of continuing to chase dreams and freedom.

Once you get married, you have to settle down, and you can't be the same as when you were young.

There must have been a lot of bachelors during the French Revolution. He could eat enough for the whole family by himself, but the problem was, what was he afraid of when he couldn’t even eat enough for himself? To die of illness and starvation in poverty is of course the latter choice compared to "overthrowing the decadent and declining feudal system".

There are too many boys in a family, and Molly is often accused by the boys of being partial.

She bought a new robe for Patsy, but Ron wanted to use a second-hand one. Ron was more honest, and the twins immediately quarreled, "Do you have it or not?" The problem is that the family doesn't have that much money. Save money to start a business.

Sometimes self-motivation is forced out by life, and jealousy is related to love. Churchill’s family has a lady from the United States. She married into the Churchill family who was about to break the bank with a huge dowry, and she won the title of nobility. , the Churchill family will not take the title of duke and tramps to compete for territory. It would be nice if this kind of "good luck" could befall men who were less fortunate, but is it possible? Who would marry a poor ghost with a dowry for "sympathy"?

Napoleon was also poor, and Severus, who was admired by so many people, was also born in a slum, and his fate was unfair. If the Chinese method is used to remediate the hedges, some people will definitely feel that it is unfair, and they will even hold placards to protest against this plan.

Hedges are part of the garden landscape, and proper pruning is beneficial. You can cut them with a "click" of scissors. If you are lucky, you will get compensation for removing the hedges. If you show off to your neighbors, you must be careful about your head. The other party was the kind of Gaunt family, an Avada Kedavra, and the forensic autopsy could not find out the cause of death.

There is no magic in this world!

The Muggles in Britain are like this. When the governments of other countries use the Inquisition to rectify lynchings, Britain was the first to tear down the Inquisition.

Believe it or not, the personal injury caused by this witchcraft slander is prohibited first, but the British Muggles do not recognize it.

The British are not so likable in the world, and they are still "isolated" in Europe. A professor from the University of Birmingham took his parents to Venice to travel and was blackmailed. He just complained about the dishonesty of the Venetians and brought the matter to the United States. It was published in the newspaper, and she guessed that the professor was not from the history department.

Children like to do one thing, which is to show off their toys to others. At first, other people will cast envious eyes, and then ask to play together. If the person who shows off does not share, it depends on the situation.

He's a big guy like Dudley, if others can't win him, then he can keep his toys, if he can't beat him, he will be robbed, and he can't get it back until it breaks.

If he tells an adult, he can ask for it back, but whether it is "informing" or taking back the toy with his big head, other children will not play with him.

In the second year, Draco begged his father to replace the whole team with Nimbus. How did Hermione Granger mock him?

Harry was also favored, otherwise, how could he be in the Quidditch team in the first year? He was small and light, and he was hit by Slytherin's brutal play, and he would lose half his life if he didn't die.

Draco and Harry are equal when it comes to suitors. Harry has strength, and Draco has strength. The poor have prejudices against the rich, thinking that their money comes easily and is an inheritance left by their ancestors.

The war between Milan and Venice is also one of the reasons for the decline of Venice. Far from Venice, near the bend of the Brenta River in Padua is Foscari's villa.

This was his villa closest to Venice. After visiting it, Pomona finally understood why Venice's army was far inferior to its navy.

In Napoleon's army, the soldiers slept in the open, and the emperor lived in tents. His only privilege was to have a camp bed to sleep on.

Foscari lives in a comfortable villa with a sofa, dining table and comfortable bed.

The same was true for the Italian army during World War II. It had the world's largest logistics supply, but there were also many jokes.

Since the Governor's villa has a vegetable garden, the more than 100 Renaissance villas distributed along the Brenta River are basically the same as the Foscari Villa, but not as prominent as this one.

The legacy of the Venetian Republic is now being peddled by the Venetian government to raise funds for the Moses Project which has little hope of solving the flooding problems of Venice.

It is difficult for the poor to start a business, and it is also difficult for the rich to maintain their success. This is an era that requires mutual understanding and consideration, but some people just show off their wealth to escalate the conflict. Everyone has no way to calm down and think about the problem. The result is that they cannot communicate and cross the gap. It got deeper and deeper, and finally formed a hurdle that could not be crossed.

She once saw a London girl who won the lottery in a magazine. The girl bought a lot of luxury goods after getting the huge sum of money, and lived the life of aristocrats in her imagination, but she was not accepted by the real aristocracy, She is like Cinderella in a dream, returning to her original life after the ball, and what's worse is that no prince comes looking for her with a glass slipper.

Old houses are often haunted, and the White House in the United States is also an old house, although it looks very new.

During the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, when Churchill visited the United States and stayed overnight at the White House, he had already retired at that time, but the Americans still let this leader who made great contributions in World War II live in the Lincoln Suite.

After taking a bath, Churchill walked into the room naked with a glass of Scotch whiskey and a cigar in his other hand.

At this time, he saw Abraham Lincoln standing by the fireplace. The two looked at each other for a few seconds. When Churchill swallowed, Lincoln disappeared in front of him.

Churchill hurriedly put on his clothes and asked to change rooms. He insisted that he had seen Lincoln's ghost. When he visited the United States many times later, he refused to stay in Lincoln's suite.

In fact, it may not be Lincoln's ghost, but some wizard who travels by the fireplace.

But whether it was Churchill's ghost encounter or the Bell Witch case admitted by Andrew Jackson, Americans did not take it seriously. The vampire recognized by the Holy See even became a handsome male protagonist who fell in love with a human girl on the silver screen.

Do humans fall in love with cows?

Because of it, there was the Minotaur, who was half man, half bull, locked in a labyrinth.

Rousseau, who regards population prosperity as a sign to judge whether a government is good or bad, is not a shepherd?

"What do you think?" Severus asked her when he walked to the door of the villa. The agent had asked her this question just now, but she casually ignored it.

"You must think I'm crazy," she whispered. "When was Foscari governor?"

"In 1457, more than a hundred years before the Black Death broke out in Milan in 1630." He said in a voice heard by two people.

"Are you sure that tall 'master' is a wizard?" she asked again.

"Isn't it a wizard or a devil?" He pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled stiffly.

She looked at the ancient Roman-style building, the villa should give people a warm feeling, but she felt that this "villa" was more like a temple.

"Let's go." She said without turning her head, and she had no attachment to this gorgeous house.

The place reminded her of Soul Casino.

She heard that there is a business in Myanmar called gambling stones. When the raw jadeite is mined, it is covered with a layer of weathered skin. With the current technology of human beings, it is impossible to know whether it is good or bad. It has to be cut to know whether it is jadeite or ordinary. of stones.

In this world, there are people who are rich and jaded, and there are others who are worthless. Betting on stones is a contest of experience, strength and luck. "Marriage" is even more so. The ending in fairy tales is that the prince and princess live happily together. But is it really that easy?

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