Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 860 Alternate Old and New

In the Triwizard Tournament, the final maze uses a hedge.

In the 14th and 15th centuries, during the disintegration of serfdom, the emerging bourgeoisie and new aristocracy in England drove the peasants away from the land through violence, seized the peasants' land and public land, deprived the peasants of their land use rights and ownership, and restricted Or cancel the original joint land rights and animal husbandry rights, enclose the seized land and turn it into privately owned large pastures and large farms.

During this process, they used fences, fences, and ditches to demarcate boundaries. In 1945, the British Muggle government began to implement the new rural policy, but the implementation process was extremely chaotic. In the 40 years leading up to 1985, Britain lost 96,000 miles of hedges, and the government lost countless funds to destroy hedges.

The Malfoy family's ancestral territory was also fenced off with hedges, and Lucius went there when he heard that the Muggles were going to hold a meeting on the issue of the hedges.

People from all walks of life participating in the meeting insisted on continuing to destroy the hedges. The scenery in the travel magazines that looked like a fairy tale world was being destroyed by the overgrown hedges. Not only the hedges had to be destroyed, but also the high-voltage power towers and hypermarkets should be demolished to restore the original British landscape.

As rents in the city center continue to rise, many hypermarkets have begun to move to the suburbs, and modern life is undoubtedly destroying the ancient past.

Others believe that hedges should not be demolished. Shrubs are actually a "geographical feature" and a relic of the "enclosure movement". Trying to destroy hedges is nothing more than artificially hindering the evolution of natural scenery in the countryside.

Lucius went to observe once and then stopped, and the meeting on whether these hedges should be destroyed went on for three days. There is a Judith Hedge near Cambridge University, which is older than York Minster, but there is no law on the issue of life or death of that hedge, and 900 years of history have been bulldozed. Do it, so that it looks more in line with the "original style".

The hedge appeared before no one appeared. It stands to reason that Cambridge University should be demolished in order to restore its original appearance. Who would tear down the university? Then a new question came, didn't the teacher teach the history of the decision-making official, Judith Hedges, when he was in college?

It’s all for the sake of making the postcard pictures look better. Oh, at this time, a real estate developer said: The so-called tradition is actually a heavy burden. It’s the nostalgia for a golden age that didn’t exist. Even if that era did exist, such sentiments may have killed invention and innovation.

According to his statement, Big Ben and Stonehenge should also be demolished. This kind of "nostalgia" prevented him from inventing and innovating.

Voltaire famously said: Monsieur, I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to be a complete bastard.

As a tool for dividing territories, hedges definitely look better than barbed wire, but this obviously cannot wake up people who have fallen into a certain thinking dilemma. The reason why the government stopped destroying hedges is not because they heard the voices and protests of the people. Instead, someone discovered that farmers were taking advantage of poor management loopholes to earn money to remove the hedges, and when it was not profitable, no one drove the bulldozers to manage those hedges, and they continued to grow like crazy.

As a result, a kind of argument has arisen, saying that no matter what species is protected, it is actually much ado about nothing.

Seriously, all the churches in England are not as old as the Judith Hedges, and why should those Muggle children playing with fire in the hedges be protected? What if a fire engulfs the church? Those little monsters caught in the fire, should they be rescued or not? Didn't it be said that protecting a certain population is causing trouble?

The streets of Sao Paulo are like a labyrinth, so narrow that there is no way for fire trucks to come in. The fire exit is the canal outside, and it is safe to jump in. However, such a dense old building complex is easily affected, and there is no need to wait for the flood to submerge Venice. , the fire will burn the sea foam first.

The New Venice Group responsible for the Moses plan has not done nothing good. They have developed a residential area on the island of Santa Elena in the east of Venice. It deliberately avoids the trend of modernism and looks like the epitome of Venice. The houses here are no different from the hundreds of millions of dollars in the palace on the main island of Venice.

The Archduke of Lorraine is not a good person either. The reason why he lent them a house is because they can handle the tricky violin, and the church probably won't take care of that thing.

They don't have enough manpower, and many exorcists are old priests over 65 years old. Even if they can survive the spiritual pollution of the devil, they can't withstand the toss of the plane.

The exorcist of this diocese had the character to inform the bishop's secretary that he was on vacation, that the island was not Poveglia, and that the origins were clean, and she was soon satisfied with the community.

Severus said that she was not worried about the house price. As for whose name the owner wrote, hahaha, of course it was hers. Severus Snape was dead, so it was okay not to write her name, just like It is written on the origin of human inequality: If you don't make me feel better, I won't make you feel better, and I will hit you on the head with a big stick. By the time you want to chase me, I will have already run away.

If possible, she hoped that the money used to buy the house could be used elsewhere.

When she was studying the history of the Tang Dynasty in China, she saw an example. There was a Turkic Khan named Sulu. He was once a hero who resisted the Eastern Expedition of the Arab Empire, and was called a running bull by the Arabs.

He was brave and resourceful, and the spoils were distributed among his subordinates, many of whom were loyal to him.

Later, Tang Xuanzong gave him two princesses as Ketun. Since then, he no longer distributed the spoils to his subordinates, but to his women. Gradually, no one was loyal to Sulu.

The dance they are dancing now is very dangerous, she is not crazy enough to feel like Su in Gone with the Wind that it is time to start a family and live a peaceful life.

This place would be their safe house, it didn't need to be overly grand and dramatic, it would be linked by a fireplace like the Malfoys' and Godric's Hollow houses.

In this way, it is necessary to buy a luxurious manor to attract the attention of others.

"Are you still satisfied, ma'am?"

Just when she was thinking about it, the real estate agent who looked like the beautiful and legendary lawyer in Sicily said with a flattering smile.

"I heard that there is a former noble manor on the Brenta River, with a vegetable garden there." Pomona said.

"There are, but those are antiques and are not for sale."

"If you can find a way to help me find a manor that can be sold, I will buy the two houses together." Pomona said eagerly, "It doesn't matter if you can't find it, I will buy this house too. However, it is you who I want to suffer, where can you find a good customer like me?"

"You heard what she said." Severus said, "We are just looking at the house on behalf of others. The main family is in London now."

"Do you take cash at this property?" Pomona asked. "I don't like credit cards."

"Please wait a moment, both of you." The manager seemed to be 30 years younger all of a sudden, and walked to the empty room next door as if dancing.

"You only look at the scenery outside the window, and don't visit the bedroom inside?" Severus asked with his arms around her waist.

"I live with you, not with the house." She played with his buttons and tipped her toes. "You have read the history of Tang Dynasty, so do you know Sulu Khan?"

"You want to teach me?"

"No, I just hope that you can become someone worth following in the eyes of others." She touched his dirty chin, which was the work of her unsuccessful attempt to shave him. "I don't want you to be said to be for a A woman is confused, from a wise ruler to a foolish ruler."

He tilted his head and pulled out of his coat pocket a bottle of perfume they'd bought earlier at a bespoke perfumery that had once been a seventeenth-century apothecary.

Venice is the center of trade between the East and the West. Those wooden drawers with spices are similar to those in the Chinese drugstores in Venice Chinatown. It looks better than the bottles and jars soaked in animal carcasses in the old bat cellar.

"It's our perfume," he whispered, spritzing a little on the back of her hand. "Like the one you buy at the British Museum."

"You're not Caesar, and I'm not Cleopatra." She interrupted his delusion and sniffed the perfume, which smelled of evening primrose and mint.

"You are my Helen." He said obsessively, "I dare say that everyone who sees you will feel that it is worth fighting for you."

She didn't take his words seriously.

"How about we make it look like there are mermaids?" she said, looking around the whitewashed walls. "All the lights are Swarovski."

"How about we go to the Crystal Palace?" He took out the key that can go anywhere.

After yesterday's experiment, it does go anywhere, and those old priests need it more than they do.

But, who knows if they will be abused?

Many things, even with good intentions, end badly in the end, such as someone's marriage, or a hedge.

"No problem, anytime," she said cheerfully.

At this time, the loud voice of the manager came from the next door, and they calmed down, and they did not leave blindly and impulsively like the young people.

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