Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 822 Macchiatone

In Venice, in addition to the Church of Our Lady of Health, there is also a beautiful church built for the Virgin - the Church of Our Lady of Lilies.

It is located in the small square of Zobinigo on the west side of St. Mark's Square. It has one of the most beautiful Baroque facades in Venice. The relief map is the place where General Antonio Barbaro once served, including Heraklion, Zadar, Pa Dova, Rome, Corfu and Split.

The church was originally built by the Zobinigo family in the 9th century, but it was rebuilt in the 17th century due to disrepair.

People will remember the names of artists and writers, but they know little about the soldiers who died for this country. In order to leave traces of their existence, they will donate money to repair sculptures and bronze statues.

Lilies are the flowers presented by the angel Gabriel at the Annunciation, and there are white petal-shaped terrazzo marble on the way from the chapel to the altar. In addition, the decoration inside is very simple, which is not a tourist attraction for tourists who like to take pictures, so it brings a rare tranquility to this church hidden deep in the commercial street.

While the other Venetian girls were busy dating and working after school, Veronica regularly volunteered at church.

Sweep the floor, wipe the chairs, change the flowers in the altar vase.

Sometimes, though, after cleaning, she would pray when no one was around.

The so-called first vow is the determination to become a nun, which can be reversed within a period of one or three years. After the temporary vow expires, it is called a revival vow, until the final vow is made for life.

When making the first vow, receive the cross, the Bible and the constitution from the officiant; when making the lifelong vow, receive the ring and other evidence passed down according to the conventions of the congregation.

According to the regulations, it will take another two years for her to make her first wish when she is 18 years old.

A 16-year-old girl is often confused. Being a nun is no small matter. Minors have parental supervision. When she is old enough, the vows she makes can represent her own will.

She had to wait until that day came, like waiting for the ears of wheat to ripen, and the heavy ears of wheat bowed down and became humble and simple.


The priest in the black robe of a seminarian stood at the door of the chapel and said.

He is over sixty years old, and you can see traces of his youthful handsomeness, with a pair of black eyes and gray hair neatly combed behind his head, he looks no different from ordinary believers who go to church with a Bible in their hands.

"Father Constantine." Veronica stood up.

"I heard you need me urgently?"

"Yes." Veronica rubbed her hands anxiously, "I have something to report to you."

"What's up?"

"As for my sister, I believe she was involved in witchcraft," said Veronica. "She said she knew a witch."

Constantine remained silent for a long time.

"Come here, kid." Constantine called Veronica by another name, "Come and sit down."

Konstantin sat down on a bench and Veronica sat sideways in front of him.

"How do you know she's a witch?"

"My sister said that the witch admitted that she was a witch, and that the witch used magic on her. The witch used the flying technique to send her home the night before."

"Which sister is yours, Monica or Raula?"

"Sister, Monica."

"I know her. I'm very curious about ghosts and gods. Maybe she's joking with you again."

"She said she found a devil, an American serial killer, Zodiac." Veronica said, "That's a famous serial killer. I heard he hasn't been caught yet."

Constantine didn't speak for a long time.

"It's not for me to say these words," Constantine said, "but you should know that neo-pagans will play with beliefs as a way to get rid of their shackles. They use occultism and non-Christian metaphysics, take meaning out of context, and form a hodgepodge. , make a lot of money from movies and other sources, and their purpose is to provide entertainment, which is to promote supernatural beliefs, not our beliefs."

"Do you think I should stop her?"

"Three years ago, there was a serial infanticide case in London. Several babies were dismembered. The police believed that it was related to 'witchcraft', and it was done by women." Constantine said, "If the witch is just a play Astrologer of playing cards, you don't have to worry about it, but if that witch is involved in black magic, you'd better not face it alone and tell me everything you know."

"She said there was a devil." Veronica clenched her fists nervously.

"What kind of devil? With horns?" Constantine asked.

"It seems to be possessed, he wrote a password, and the content is different from other content."

Constantine stared at Veronica without speaking.

He glanced back at the door, and after making sure that no one was there, he spoke in a voice that only two people could hear.

"What I'm going to say next is a secret, you can't tell anyone else, can you swear on it?"

"Yes, Father." Veronica said solemnly.

"The large-scale witch hunt was almost related to bad weather." Constantine said, "People at that time believed that witches used climate magic to make the weather worse, reduce food production, and turn grapes sour. This is a kind of witchcraft. Slander, Prince Ernst, the abbot of Bavaria, forbids this kind of slander to spread in his own territory, but there will still be some pamphlets linking witchcraft and food production reduction. Now we know that 1600 was the Little Ice Age, that People at the time didn’t know, farmers only knew that their income was affected, and someone should be responsible for it, and some of the books we banned from printing at that time were this kind of books. Scholars in the 19th century pushed the responsibility for the persecution to Catholicism in a broad sense, Although these persecution activities are not launched from the top down, the public opinion is no longer on us, and no matter what we say, they will think it is sophistry."

"So we keep silent?"

"Yes, silence is golden, and thinkers should be silent. We should meditate on the inner structure of the soul, instead of arguing with the secular world about defamation. Many woodcuts depict Satan, which is drawn according to folklore, such as horns. What." Konstantin compared the two horns on his head with his hands, which made Veronica laugh.

"There was a monk named Francisco Maria Guazzo who wrote a book called Compendium of Wizards, the woodcuts of which are still quoted, and in his book he recorded an exorcism for At that time, Archduke John William of Ulrich and Clervaux was appointed by Cardinal Charles III of Lorraine. Gu Azzo had performed exorcisms for more than one member of the Lorraine family, and he had a lot of experience. An exorcism is very different."

"You mean there really are devils?" Veronica asked nervously.

"Sometimes it's just that young people are too eager for love, but Grand Duke John William seemed to be possessed at first. Gu Azzo treated him for five months without any improvement, and later found that he seemed to be under witchcraft, so he had to kill him. Only the Archduke who cursed the wizard can be saved. From 1601 to 1604, Archbishop Beacon of Mainz was weak. He also believed that witchcraft had cursed himself, so he persecuted wizards very seriously. After learning about the incident of Archduke John William, he was sentenced to There are more people burned at the stake, 650 people were burned within 3 years. The appearance of the devil looks like a human, child, no scales, no tail and bat wings, I can't judge based on the information you give me now , maybe the so-called witch is a neo-pagan, or a grandstanding liar, the only thing I can tell you is that when history is in an uncertain period, people's fear and anxiety will take some natural phenomena as signs of some kind of doomsday, thus In a terrible and anti-intellectual act, some Dominican monks preached in the Alps in the 15th century to spread fear of satanic plots. The fear of the end of the world caused the villagers to act directly when all was well. You can't tell whether a person is good or bad at all times, only when the harvest turns bad can you know what a person is really like."

"What should I do, Father?" Veronica asked.

"If you have become a nun, I would suggest that you ignore those jokes, but Monica is your secular family." Constantine took off his cross and handed it to Veronica "I rarely Seeing a girl as devout as you, I thought you'd keep it safe, wouldn't you?"


In the DFS store by the Ritoial Bridge, Veronica witnessed a person disappear in front of her and reappear in another place.

Even though the woman wasn't flying, transforming, or partying at night, Veronica knew she wasn't the kind of witch who played poker.

She clenched the crucifix Konstantin had given her and managed to keep her composure as her sister Monica rushed out.

Of the three sisters, Monica and Raula were the closer, perhaps because they had one father and Veronica the other.

She has no interest in the world full of luxuries.

Her family and neighbors are always arguing for various reasons, the noise and excitement are annoying, she wants some peace, what is more important than the house is always full of laughter and peaceful sounds?

Taking advantage of this moment, Veronica picked up the phone, and with the beeping sound, the phone was connected, and Constantine's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me, Father." Veronica whispered, "I have new information to tell you."

Cedric is going to play the vampire MMP

Give me back Hufflepuff the unicorn!

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