In Breakfast at Tiffany's, Audrey Hepburn's Holly Golightly, wearing a fake necklace, stands in front of the Tiffany's window on Fifth Avenue, her cheek pressed against the window, and a brown paper in her hand While eating the croissants in the bag and drinking hot coffee, he looked enviously at everything in the Tiffany store.

At first Tiffany was just a small stationery and jewelry store on Broadway, but Charles had great ideals and aspirations, hoping that Tiffany would become a world-class brand. At that time, the royal jewelry of the European court was of high quality and was a boutique in the jewelry industry.

Americans, who are getting richer day by day, are eager to have royal jewelry that symbolizes the upper class as an affirmation of their own value, so as to show their new economic and social status. Instead of jewellery, it was silver tableware.

In 1879, the Greek Sotirio Bulgari immigrated to Naples, Italy with his family. In 1884, he opened a silverware shop in Rome. At about the same time, Tiffany launched the most classic Setting series diamond ring. Its The six-claw platinum design sets the diamonds on the ring, which sets off the diamonds to the greatest extent and allows the light to be refracted in all directions. After the "six prong setting method" came out, it immediately became the international standard for diamond engagement ring setting.

Women will never save money on wedding expenses, and it has always been like this throughout the ages.

Since Gianluca gave them the black card, Pomona will never be polite. There are many luxury stores in T Square, and Bulgari is the third largest jeweler after Cartier and Tiffany. Unlike Tiffany's highlighting the dazzling diamonds, Bulgari uses a variety of gemstones of different colors to match and combine, using semi-precious stones, such as coral, amethyst, tourmaline, topaz, peridot, etc., and even ceramics, full of in classic Greek style.

Some people like pure and simple beauty, while others like complex and colorful beauty. On Bulgari's showcase, Pomona took a fancy to a series of 7 snake-shaped bracelets, and she bought them all in one go.

These seven snakes are platinum, turquoise, and blue, but there is no red one.

Bird Snake Cockroach Heap is very curious about the few snake jewelry as gorgeous as it is, and it is now staying with them in the Ophidia travel bag she just bought, a pocket full of shiny jewelry, as if she is a jewelry thief .

The place where DFS is located used to be the German Business Hall. There is an observation deck on the top floor, which is one of the best places to view Venice.

It is in the style of a wooden bridge. The Ritoyal Bridge was once crushed because of a wedding, and the flow of people going up to the observation deck on the top floor is also controlled. It is necessary to make an appointment 15 minutes in advance.

It's not that the Venetians have learned their lesson and know to control population density. The problem is that the development of tourism is not their own decision, it is decided by Rome. Tourists will not only take pictures and eat food, but also shop. There are many hand-shaped decorations hanging on the ceiling of the DFS central square. How much is it? Left by the person who cursed and swore "If I buy it again, I will chop it off"?

Bulgari has a gimmick. Legend has it that several Roman princesses used their territories in exchange for Bulgari jewelry.

Bulgari was established at the end of the 19th century. At that time, Italy had been unified. Rome was the Papal State, and Catholics did not allow marriage. Where did the Roman princess cede her territory in exchange for jewelry?

The more a country advocates freedom and equality, the more people want to show that they are different. On the contrary, the feudal country where fate is determined by birth shouts for equality.

During the French Revolution, those feudal nobles who were born in aristocratic families could easily participate in politics, and the bourgeoisie had to overthrow them in order to participate in politics.

The British feudal aristocracy was more eclectic, and they "let" those new bourgeoisie occupy the seats.

Louis XVI refused to compromise. He is not George III. If there is no constitutional monarchy, then there is no need to keep the king. When the former tsar fell, the Russian nobles could still escape to Shanghai. When the French emperor fell, the French nobles were not so lucky. .

Severus had said that if he was caught one day, she would find a way to save him.

Draco hid in Venice, the British Aurors might not chase after him, but not necessarily Severus and Lucius.

Focus attention on Venice, and no one will pay attention to South America.

Pomona is not going to buy high heels, she has no interest in the kind of torture device that makes her beautiful, but she can buy things for Gianluca in the name of partying - he can't wear jeans and T-shirts. shirt for a party.

Buy coats, pants, shoes and ties and other accessories, it's a masquerade party and he needs a mask.

While they were happily scanning the goods and taking time to look at the masks, Pomona suddenly felt that her shoulders were empty, and then she saw a young man wearing a mask running away with her bag.

Apparently, she was robbed.

In fact, it's nothing if the bag was robbed, the main thing is that there is a bird snake in the bag, which can become a fifty-foot giant, if it runs around Venice, then she will be in big trouble.

"Why does trouble always come to me?" she complained, apparating in front of the thief directly in front of the public.

"Give me back the bag!" she said to the thief, but he threw her bag downstairs, where his accomplice caught it.

The law and order in Venice is better than other parts of Italy, but it doesn’t mean there are no thieves. Pomona just wanted to Apparate to catch up, but when she saw Monica who was chasing her, she waited for her to run over and apparated again .

When they came to the exit on the first floor, the thief had already run out of the mall and got on a waiting motorcycle. With two "buzzing" sounds, they rushed across the crowded crowd in front of the Ritoial Bridge. Tourists taking pictures, walking through the intricate alleyways of Venice.

"Sandy!" Monica waved towards Alessandro who was driving the motorboat at the pier.

"When did you let him come?"

"Is it time to ask this? Get on the boat!" Monica said angrily, pulling her onto the motorboat before the boat docked.

The scene looked very much like an action movie, and many tourists were still looking for the camera.

"Quick! Catch up with that motorcycle!" Monica urged, patting the bow of the boat, and Alessandro immediately started chasing at full speed.

"Oh, I'm so like James Bond," she said with silly amusement, without any nervousness.

Venice is the only city in the world without cars, but it does not mean that there are no traffic rules. The boats here drive on the right.

Opposite the Ritoial Bridge is a slum with a more complicated terrain, but there are not many boats in the waterway. The waterway in the San Marco area is full of gondolas and water taxis. On the contrary, it is not as convenient as a motorcycle, and you can change lanes at will. turn.

On the first day she came to Venice, she noticed these speeding gangsters. Pedestrians were frightened by these restless young people and dodged left and right. She really didn't expect that she would be robbed one day.

"In the past, thieves like you would have been hanged, and then your hands would be chopped off to make them hands of glory!" Pomona yelled at the two thieves, who obviously understood English, and the one in the back seat The biker gave her a middle finger...

How rude!

Pomona took out her wand. She wanted to teach them a lesson, but the road was full of people, unless she didn't mind getting hurt.


"Save someone, someone has fallen into the water!"

Pomona followed the cries for help and saw that a gondola was shaken by the waves of the motorboat. The groom, who was taking photos on the boat, lost his footing and fell into the water. The bride was standing on the boat with a white gauze. By the side of the string, he was asking passers-by for help.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said guiltily and insincerely.

Why stand on a boat to take wedding photos?

Although she was the one who caused others to fall into the water, the person who fell into the water also had problems.


She yelled like a dead sheep, and her voice quickly disappeared into the screams one after another in the narrow road.

This is a chase scene, how could a gangster movie not have a chase scene...

In other words, this seems to be a love novel, and I seem to be doing nothing.

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