Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 817 Thorn Bird

Chanel launched black dresses to resist the colorful, complicated and cumbersome popular women's clothing at that time. She borrowed the black nuns' clothing worn by the nuns of the monastery she once stayed in, bringing fashion with religious solemnity.

She believes that at a ball, a woman in black or white is always the focus.

Maybe it was like this in her era. Scarlett wore black mourning clothes and danced with Rhett, didn't it attract the attention of the audience?

But now there are too many women wearing black, and designers are starting to use saturated colors again.

There was nothing special about the fabric of Monica's dress, except for the pleats she used.

Vivienne Westwood believes that art is the junction of out of control and control. This fluffy dress is not like the one worn by Fleur at the Triwizard Tournament Christmas Ball. The skirt is a pleated straight line.

The straight line belongs to man, the curved line belongs to God.

After Monica got the antique skirt, she immediately removed the pannier that could be used as a "weapon".

The Creole skirt is a favorite little skirt for Disney princesses. It can show women's slender waist, and the swollen skirt can produce a strong contrast effect. It's just that in the Victorian era, many women became human-shaped candles because of it. And in order to maintain the waist line, you have to wear tights, which are anti-human things.

Panniers are like birdcages, not only restricting women's bodies, but also restricting their freedom.

Women in the Victorian era could not divorce. During the first Opium War, the law only recognized men as human beings. Women would lose their property rights after marriage, and their rights would not be restored after divorce. Divorce could only leave the house .

Therefore, even if her husband is fooling around with his mistress outside, she can only endure it.

Punk was born in the mid-1970s. People of that era were full of aggression and aggression. The combination of these two styles formed a borderline between out-of-control and control.

What young people think is cool now, Head Slytherin played in the 1970s, and he still has a tattoo on his arm that cannot be washed off.

Tonks looks like a bad girl in a Weird Sisters shirt, but she's still a little less than a real punk.

Pomona used to be a top student, she was always so obedient, and Albus never dreamed that she would have rebellious moments.

She was very envious of Hermione, that pink dress was not as stylish as Monica's dress, but Hermione's smile was so beautiful at that time.

Prince Victor is waiting for her.

However, she would have preferred Ron Weasley in his lace gown to pick her up.

Because of Victor, Ron finally knows jealousy, love needs jealousy to measure the degree, love without jealousy is not love, at least it is impure.

"Bible" 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 verses 4-8, it is described like this: "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy; love does not boast, is not puffed up, does not act shamelessly ;does not seek its own, is slow to anger, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never fails."

It is also a kind of harm to make people not to be jealous. Jealousy should be controlled at a normal temperature: if the temperature is too low, the interest will be dull;

He said that if there was such a wedding between her and Sirius Black, he would drag them both to hell, the three of them.

He could obviously keep the wedding of James Potter and Lily from making a fuss.

This may be because James Potter saved Remus' life after he turned into a werewolf, and he and Sirius only had a grudge, without any possibility of reconciliation.

It's very common for a poor and ugly guy to be jealous of a rich and handsome guy.

When this society is caught in an unsolvable self-contradiction, split into irreconcilable opposites and unable to get rid of these opposites. In order to keep these opposites and classes with conflicting economic interests from destroying themselves and society in meaningless struggles, it is necessary to have a force that appears to stand above society to suppress conflicts and keep them in "order." within the confines of society; this power arising from society, but which sits above it and is increasingly alienated from it, is the state.

When Sirius and Severus were dueling in the basement, Albus arrived in time, and he stopped the conflict between the two.

The crinoline is neo-loque, the style women love so much that they lose their sanity.

The aristocratic men during the French Revolution did not know how to protect their own interests, so they were knocked down and sent to the guillotine, and the luxurious Roque style ended.

Article 1531 of the Napoleonic Code stipulates that a woman's property is in the hands of her husband and returned after divorce.

In fact, Louis XVI did not flee, and staying in Paris to continue the constitutional monarchy would not cause trouble to the point of sending the king to the guillotine, but he wanted to run away.

Cleopatra Mary didn't persuade him not to run away, but also transferred assets along with him. That's how he found his own dead end.

Miranda regards fashion as an industry, just like the automobile manufacturing industry, creating jobs for those who learn to sew.

You don't have to drive the car, but you have to wear clothes.

Clothes may not be so good, but a car must be needed, it is a means of transportation.

All your choices are actually based on the choices offered by others.

Before hitting the cage wall, the bird always thinks that he is free. Ignorant will miss many things, but he can live happily.

Other tourists come to Venice in a hurry and leave for a day, or rent a vintage dress to participate in the carnival, stay for a few days and then leave.

She is close to the life of the Venetians.

Francois built a museum in Paris, and he came to Venice to build a museum without the approval of those bureaucrats.

He was unlucky, and bought Leonardo da Vinci's painting Salvator Mundi for $30 million, which became his treasure to attract traffic.

It happened that Pomona knew a Chinese antique dealer. If he didn't mind using famous Chinese paintings for exhibition, then she could make a match, and everyone would win.

This exhibit can't be too gorgeous, otherwise it will arouse greed and attract another "Eight-Power Allied Forces". .

On the boundary between out-of-control and control, making people dizzy without losing their minds, what kind of exhibits can achieve this effect?

Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. What she lacks now is that inspiration. When I meet the king of Gucci later, I always have to talk about topics he is interested in, otherwise he will not bring them in the social circle. Make friends.

She doesn't know much about China's national treasures. The most famous one is the Qingming Riverside Picture, but it seems to be permanently banned from going abroad.

The next thing she thought of was the treasures of the underground palace of Famen Temple unearthed in 1987. Among them was a gold silk pomegranate dress worn by Wu Zetian, but it probably caused little sensation. Legendary stories are needed to achieve the effect of Tutankhamun's treasure.

In short, there must be a gimmick, and the British Museum will not lend its collection to the French for exhibition in Venice.


Pomona drank the champagne in one gulp, and Nicholas poured it for her immediately.

"Your complexion is not very good. You take the affairs of the world too seriously; a person who thinks too much will lose the joy of being a human being."

Nikolai's acting skills picked up, and he began to read the lines of the Merchant of Venice.

"I see this world as nothing but a stage, and everyone must play a role on this stage, but unfortunately my plans can't always keep up with the changes." Pomona clinked glasses with him, "Salud."

"If doing one thing was as easy as knowing what to do, then small churches would be turned into cathedrals, and the huts of the poor would be turned into princely palaces." Nicholas danced and said, "Even Shakespeare loves Venice, who doesn't love it?"

Pomona wanted to say that it was those who claimed to protect the city.

But think about it again.

That was an expert team composed of a hundred scientists. They all said that the Moses plan was useful, but who would believe it when a nobody like her said it was useless?

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