Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 816 The Sadness of a City

Miranda has everything a demon boss should have.

She doesn't eat fat. When other models carefully count calories to maintain their figure, she can have Starbucks and donuts for breakfast, and she can still wear size 0 clothes after giving birth.

When the hurricane came and she was stranded in Miami, she called her assistant and told the poor girl to find a way to book her a flight out.

Maybe it's because she doesn't understand the word natural disaster, or maybe she thinks she's really become a god, in short, she "rules" the fashion magazine.

She is beautiful and fashionable, but Miranda doesn't wear clothes to attract men's attention to the prom. The style she dislikes most is girlish style.

At the magazine topic selection meeting, when an editor said that he wanted to shoot a group of flower-themed blockbusters, Miranda sarcastically said: "Flowers? As a spring theme? It can't be more creative."

Style is the image she presents to the world. Miranda represents elegance and nobility. She does not need to cater to anyone, but others should dress according to her guidance.

Many people resigned because they couldn't stand her, including her husband, who was divorced three times. One of her husbands described her as a sharpened pencil, sharp and fragile at the same time, but she could draw the lines of ready-made clothes with the tip of the pen And acrimonious articles that make a designer famous and discredited at the same time.

Her words are like the "Devil's Bible". Even though Nicholas resents the female devil very much, he still agrees with her point of view-fashion designers are not godmothers of gods. people with innocent dreams.

She had silvery white hair, not the blond hair that men generally liked.

Her signature move is to ruthlessly throw her expensive jackets, coats, and trench coats on the assistant's desk.

It's strange that people like her have won the loyalty of many people. Nicola's "boss" Paul has followed her for more than ten years. Many magazines and clothing companies want to poach her, but he thinks he can get Miranda His recognition was hard-won, and he actually gave up his high salary and continued to work by that female devil's side.

"I bet he must have had Stockholm Syndrome and can't live without that demon."

Monica was still getting dressed in the fitting room, while Pomona was making tea at the small coffee table, and Nicola sat down uninvited to complain to her.

Like she's a psychiatrist.

"She doesn't like flowers as a spring theme?" Pomona asked. "So what did she use?"

"How do I know, I left." Nicholas said angrily, "Anyway, I don't like that New York City full of garbage."

"I will use spring water." She said whimsically, "Spring is here, and the ice and snow melt."

"Then the flowers bloom, what's the difference?" Nikolay asked inexplicably.

She felt unable to communicate with this person.

"Parada, it happens to be the abbreviation of the Royal Academy of Drama Preparatory School, do you know what the abbreviation of ETT is?" Pomona said.

"What ETT?" Nikolai asked in confusion.

"Never mind..."

"Also, it's Prada, although I didn't expect much intelligence from 'Chanel Girl', but how bad is your spelling, how do you think Prada is short for Royal Academy of Drama?"

"Oh, my God!"

"I know people like you who value inner beauty and look down on people like us who live by modifying the outside, but work is not dating, no one will pay attention to whether you are beautiful on the inside, neither the inside nor the outside is worthless , don’t think that you have nothing to do with fashion, every choice you make is a product of fashion; and all your choices are actually based on the choices provided by others, you should respect us.” Nicola said arrive.

"I don't know what to say," she said feebly.

"Aren't you going to try something else? You look like the Queen of England the way you wear a suit."

"You say I look like an old woman?"

"Oh, of course not," he said falsely.

"You're so rude!" Pomona exclaimed angrily.

"Don't fall for him!" Monica said in the fitting room. "Don't buy anything he sells you."

"This is Hepburn's clothes."

"Look, who was Hepburn's image designer again? 'All your choices are actually made on the basis of choices offered by others.' Do you think that's true, wise man?"

Pomona thought of herself who was always wearing a witch's robe covered in mud.

In fact, she was not very popular in noble gatherings before, and at first she thought it was because of Albus.

Now, she needs to think about it.

"Tonight's party, if you're just going to experience it like Cinderella, I have nothing to say, but if you really want to achieve something, you have to deal with their boring criticism, because they As customers, people often don’t have the self-consciousness of ignorance because they don’t want to understand the culture behind them, are you willing to admit that you are “ignorant” of the fashion industry?”

"Yes." She said reluctantly.

"I know what you say is insincere, just like you think models don't have brains except for being beautiful, you have to admit that this is a prejudice." Nicholas said sharply.

"Staying in New York is hard, isn't it?" Pomona asked.

"It's exhausting." Nicholas rolled his eyes helplessly. "I swear I tried my best, but I still couldn't satisfy her."

"At least you're still in good health," Pomona said sympathetically. "Did you know Zodiac has a sweating problem?"

It is normal to sweat after exercise and in hot weather. Sweating for no reason means that the body is in sub-health.

"How can a 20-year-old have this problem?" Nikolai asked.

"Not the Zodiac II, but the Zodiac from the late sixties, early seventies."

"I don't know him, I only know the Zodiac in New York." Nicholas frowned and said, "How did you end up on this road at a young age?"

"Staying in New York was hard," Pomona said. "He couldn't get into college."

In a big city like New York, it is almost impossible to find a good job without a prestigious school diploma.

Outsiders have squeezed out the job opportunities of the locals, and everyone wants to stay in a good place. When dissatisfaction arises, there must be a place to vent.

Aristotle said that people come to cities to live; people live in cities to live better.

But she felt that the city was like a maze. There was an invisible Minotaur chasing people. Once a person stopped, it meant something. The monster would chase him and eat him.

"I know people call it a modern city, but I think the people there are terrible." Nicholas said with lingering fear, "I saw someone stealing the shoes of a homeless man."

"What are they stealing shoes for?"

"The streets in that city were full of broken glass. Some people thought it was funny to see people get hurt. You can't imagine how terrible things people can do to people, so I left the fashion industry and did this."

"I know," Pomona said. "I know a bunch of people who like to torture."


"Death Eaters."

"What?" Nicholas asked confused.

They just love torturing Muggles, it's fun that way.

She meditated in her heart, took a sip of tea and said, "Emotion is a gift from human animal ancestors, and cruelty is a gift from human beings. It's good that you can't get used to it and go home."

"There is a kind of kidney-removing person there. Some people found themselves lying in a pool filled with ice cubes in the hotel after waking up. Their kidneys were removed and sent to the black market. It's really unbelievable."

"Protestants have never had a good sense of sin," said Pomona resignedly.

They will only struggle to survive and will not confess, because the confessional booth in the church has been demolished, so they need a psychiatrist to listen to their thoughts.

"Are you a Protestant?" asked Nicholas.

"It's privacy, but I'm telling you, I'm not, I believe in something else."

Nicholas didn't ask any further questions, he took a sip of tea silently, and then said.

"You can go to Cannaregio's theater later. I think he might watch the rehearsal somewhere today. With his recommendation, you will go much smoother tonight."


"Francois Pinault, he invited an Egyptian troupe to perform at the Gracia Palace."

"I remember that Palazzo de Gracia is not in Carregio."

"Oh, Carregio is now a testing ground, have you ever heard an American cellist perform Kyrgyz music?"

"To be honest, I haven't heard of it."

"Now you have heard, take my business card and say that I sent you here, so that you can go in from the backstage." Nicholas said.

"You want us to send you costumes again, don't you?" Monica said as she opened the curtain and walked out.

It was not a tutu skirt worn by Cinderella. It had retro elements, but it was simple and stylish. The black background was matched with red wild roses, just like Monica's black hair and red lips.

Not a sweet little princess, nor an elegant and cold queen, a little punk rebellious, beautiful and cool.

"Vivienne Westwood, great idea." Nicholas stood up and said appreciatively, "I knew you had talent."

Looking at the clothes on Monica's body, Pomona really thought that she might succeed in studying fashion design.

"Can you change this dress for me?" Pomona brought out her own dress, which looked old enough because it was an antique.

"No problem!" Monica said generously.

"I'm going to open the champagne." Nicola said excitedly. "Let's do something interesting."

Looking at the "man" in front of her, Pomona smiled helplessly.

Even if a woman stood in front of him without any clothes on, he was probably still thinking about what clothes to put on her to look good, which was different from Martina who was completely naked in the eyes of other men.

Girls should not be victims because of what clothes they wear. Unfortunately, not everyone is Scarlett, who has the courage to shoot and kill to protect herself. In this case, she has to be the lovable Melanie.

That night, Scarlett stood at the door in a red dress that looked like her war robe.

Melanie, on the other hand, is simple and conservative. She is sympathized by everyone and is a saint in everyone's eyes.

But off-screen, a rich man's son sees through her disguise.

Melanie wasn't really forgiving, that was her way of being.

But Pomona will never choose to be patient like her. If her husband cheats like Ashley, she will definitely divorce.

Therefore, she likes Miranda very much. As long as she has her own career, she can get a divorce without worrying about her future survival. This feeling is really cool, and it makes people feel happier than buying a wardrobe of luxury goods.

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