People who live underground sometimes think they live in a tomb, Slytherins take it easy because they seek power, and Hufflepuff digs holes to hide.

Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff are two very different people, not just men and women who disagree.

The other three houses run Hogwarts as a family, but Slytherin ran away from home. When reading a piece of school history, Pomona always felt that Slytherin was a man who abandoned his wife and children, desperate for power, She doesn't like this kind of Slytherin, but because of this person beside her, she has a new understanding of Slytherin.

Helga hopes that everyone will not hurt each other, and Slytherin wants to protect those who need to be protected. As long as Slytherin approves, he will protect him under his wings, and the black magic will not be against him. My own family members, but facing the barbaric world outside, shouldn't I feel safe to have such a person protecting me? How could anyone think he was a bad guy?

Dumbledore didn't teach her black magic, and Kamikaze was also prepared to deal with Lupin, but it turned out that by mistake it became a good spell to teach Gergp a lesson.

Hagrid is kind-hearted. He took his younger brother who was abandoned by his mother to the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. The problem is that there are many little human wizards outside the forest. Feng Wuxing used it as a whip, and kept whipping it until the mentally retarded giant remembered the lesson.

Gergp will listen to the words of the tough mother, but he can't understand the words of the gentle mother. If he doesn't restrict his words and deeds, he will hurt human children. Once the Ministry of Magic makes a move, he will be whipped.

In order to protect him, he must be whipped. People who are afraid of pain will never grow up in a lifetime. They are all the same age Draco is the best comparison. That "bad guy" Draco actually went to St. Mungo's doctor. It is not advisable to work in such a dangerous department, so it is not advisable to look at people with academic prejudice.

He held her hand and stood in front of the graves of Lily and James Potter. It seemed that they were not the only ones who remembered them. There was a bouquet of daisies on the ground, and it was calculated that their death days were approaching.

It was almost in this weather that Dumbledore took her to Lily's parents' house and asked her to help them erase their memories, so they should not be the ones who sent Lily flowers.

"Do you think Petunia might have been here?"

"Why do you think that?"

"Lily has always hoped to get her understanding. Lily has been crying since she decided to stay in the wizarding world. What she is most reluctant to part with is her sister."

"You talked to her?" Severus' voice became sad.

"I didn't talk much, but Mary, who is in the dormitory, has been instilling with her..."

Severus suddenly sneered, "Find a rich man to marry, don't marry a poor boy, she was taught by the Death Eaters just because she had such thoughts."


"Although they detest my half-blood identity, the humiliation of Death Eaters by Muggles is unacceptable to them."

In the end, Lily chose the rich Potter instead of the precarious Death Eater.

"Do you remember that James used to lure girls around the school with a golden snitch?" Pomona took out the lipstick she had just bought, and painted her lips extra bright red.

"Remember, what's wrong?"

"How could he be so foolish as to think girls would be interested in Quidditch."

"Lazy, stupid, arrogant." Although grave sweepers shouldn't speak ill in front of the dead, Severus said it very happily, almost with a smile on his face.

"We're here to see Lily, James, and I really think chasing a ball on a broom is a really stupid sport." She suddenly turned Severus' face to herself "Do you think Am I beautiful or Lily is beautiful?"

"Of course it's you..." He still wanted to say some nasty words affectionately. Slytherin is this style, and he wants to use sweet words to get people drunk.

"See, he won, his wife is more beautiful than yours, and he is also famous in history, protecting the headmaster of Hogwarts, who are you? You are just a weak person who can't even protect your own family, except sneak attack Do you dare to fight him head-on?"

Severus remained motionless as if petrified.

"Oh, you want to say that if you have money, you can buy love? Fortunately, you died early, otherwise you will cheat like Lucius Malfoy sooner or later. You like the feeling of being surrounded by girls, I Already figured it out, that's why I hate you so much, why did Lily want to invite me to the wedding and you didn't agree? Or did you forget to send me the invitation at all? Selfish bastard! It was Lily's wedding, you thought Is it a Gryffindor party? Why can't people from other houses attend?"

"Okay." Seeing that Pomona was going to kick James Potter's tombstone, Snape quickly hugged her.

"Slytherin is bad, Hufflepuff is stupid, what about Ravenclaw? You always think that Gryffindors are all warriors, but who betrayed you? Pete Pediru, your most trusted My friend, he is a coward like a mouse. He turned into a mouse and hid in Weasley Gary for twelve years, causing Sirius to waste twelve years of his youth with the dementors in Azkaban. It's time to get married and have children, inherit the Black family, but look at what you have done! How did you change the secret keeper to someone you can't trust!"

She is worthless for her own kindness, she took in a person in need, why did Pete treat her the other way around? Real snakes have more conscience than Pete.

Out of this bad breath, she was in a better mood, stopped the snot-nosed man's neck, and then kissed his lips, deliberately applying lipstick on his lips, and she peeked at Lily Potter's grave from the corner of her eyes when kissing, It's the Hufflepuff girl's way of demonstrating to her rivals.

You're dead, I'm alive, Lily, and sooner or later I'll win.

She thought comfortably, she just wanted to deepen the kiss, but she didn't expect the other party to fight back like a storm. Two Muggles passing by walking their dogs were frightened by them, who would kiss so passionately in a cemetery.

Severus didn't let go of her lips until the feeling of suffocation hit, and he let out a long breath that sounded like a triumphant cheer.

He was originally as pale as a vampire, but the lipstick on his mouth made him look like he had sucked blood, and he had an inexplicably strange and evil charm.

"Severus, we haven't graded homework for more than six years!" Professor Pomona Sprout was very excited. God knows that homework is not only a burden for students, but also a torture for teachers. Only Hermione Granger likes it Finish.

Other people's homework can be perfunctory, but Hermione's can't, because she does it seriously, and even the old bat who likes to twitch students across the way has to read it carefully and give points.

"Nobody blew up the cauldron in class."

"Nobody passes out in class."

"Nobody's pranking."

"Nobody breaks their limbs."

"No one is jinxed."

"No one boils the love potion in the dormitory!"

"I didn't even notice that we are living in hell." Severus Snape wiped the lipstick from the corner of his mouth, then looked at his bright red fingers and said, "And it's still hell in the pool of blood."

"Dumbledore was wrong, he was absolutely wrong." Pomona murmured, a family with one child is so difficult to manage, not to mention a big family with thousands of minors who treats the school as a family. Leigh was going crazy managing the seven Weasley children alone, and Arthur Weasley couldn't help at all, and instead became children with his own six children.

"Although I know it's inappropriate, honey, you haven't visited our Lily yet, but I really want to finish what I haven't done in the morning." The tall vampire in black walked over and stopped the same black vampire. silver-haired veela.

Immediately following two "pops", the two of them disappeared, and the surroundings returned to calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

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