Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 71 Under Seven Feet

While old Malfoy was sitting at home dealing with Dean Thomas, Narcissa and "Kristine" were out spending his money hard.

You can never imagine how comfortable it is to be a rich wife, but the premise is that if the husband keeps cheating, Pomona doesn't want to live this kind of life. She prefers this kind of free life where she can go wherever she wants.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, she gave Neville the position of professor of herbal medicine, and then she lived in seclusion. This was the first time she enjoyed the feeling of freedom. She didn't even have to drink compound preparations like before, and she had to use it on her face. With magic covering her face, she can show off her beauty as much as Fleur.

The girl didn't feel it herself, and she changed a lot of things, maybe because France is more liberal and open, which is very different from the always gloomy England.

"You have a sister in France. If you want to see her, we can arrange it." Frank's words in front of the Shrieking Shack rang in her mind, and she could actually visit her sister. Bill Weasley was scratched by a werewolf, and his face was almost destroyed, but Fleur still didn't care about her appearance, maybe she was Fleur's mother.

Even Narcissa can see clearly that Lucius Malfoy is ostentatious. Appearance is not important. Only a little girl will be confused by a handsome face. Fleur doesn't mind that the Weasleys have no money. A smart girl who is quite stupid in the eyes of others, because she knows exactly what she wants.

She can often see mirrors when trying on clothes, and whenever she stands in front of them, she thinks of the Mirror of Erised. When Harry Potter was in the first grade, Dumbledore was on the fourth floor to test the loyalty of his friends. A game was designed in the corridor on the right, and the deans of each college showed their housekeeping skills. Dumbledore said she was his favorite student, but gave Minerva the spell to activate the gargoyles anyway.

The stone statues used by Ron Weasley in the wizard chess game are the same as those stone soldiers activated in the Hogwarts battle against McGonagall, why didn't he hand over the spell to Pomona Sprawl of the Earth Academy What about Te?

Maybe Dumbledore didn't trust Pomona as much as she thought.

"What do you think of this dress?" Narcissa walked behind her and asked, and she realized that the mirror in front of her was just an ordinary mirror, not the Mirror of Erised.

"That's it, thank you."

"Why buy mourning clothes?" Narcissa shook her head, "If I were as young as you, I would definitely wear colorful clothes."

Pomona shook her head as she thought of Umbridge's pink suits. "I was told that a black dress can never go wrong with any occasion."


"Madame Chanel."

"Who is that?"

"A fashion guru." Pomona said with a smile. "Come on, let's go buy lipstick, it's too dull to wear black."

She thought of Lily again, who really owed the red-haired witch so much.

At about the appointed time, after she and Narcissa broke up, she disapparated directly and came to an apartment building near Westminster, from where she could see the Muggle government's parliament.

Crooked Hat, who was born in the Order of the Phoenix, has become the Minister of Magic. The intelligence station that was used to facilitate communication was no longer useful. She took a detour and walked into a narrow and deep alley. It had just rained before.

When she passed a passerby sitting by the trash can, the man with the black umbrella stood up too, so they entered the deserted alley one after the other.

She followed Narcissa's suggestion to wear high heels, and the sound they echoed in the alley masked the footsteps of the man behind her, who followed her like a tail.

Hagrid hid his wand in the umbrella. Although his half-giant height was very eye-catching in the Muggle world, as long as he didn't have a wand in his hand, Muggles would at most marvel, and waved it like a lunatic with a wand.

She seldom went out to perform missions alone, usually as an assistant, let alone killing people with magic. She originally thought that peace had come, but she didn't expect that the war in the dark hadn't stopped.

"Cough, cough, cough." She exchanged a glance with a Muggle homeless man, and then quickened her pace, because what she saw in his eyes was not only stunning but also malicious. It is a high-end custom product.

She doesn't think it's wrong to use black magic to protect herself when her life is threatened, and she doesn't give Irene a look because Tobias says she won't be allowed to use a wand and is bound by a weak man Bully.

All the kids of Hufflepuff who were old enough to stay in the final battle did the right thing because it was right.

When she fought against Gegepu, she understood that if she didn't use enough power to intimidate the opponent, then the opponent would provoke again and again, and even become more and more violent as her emotions escalated. If she wanted to tame the beast, she had to With a good whip, the beast will be beaten honestly at once. Only when absolute authority is established will the opponent know what it means to stop.

Originally, a man with force should not do anything to a woman who is not strong enough. If the scorpion does not provoke it, it will live in peace with others, but someone keeps provoking it. In the end, it deserves to be stung by a poisonous needle. Like Lynn Prince, she is soft on those who want to hurt her.

Just when she stopped and turned around to raise her wand to the two behind her, a black figure suddenly rushed out from the alley to her left, covering her like a black mist.

This is the Death Eater's flying technique. Aurors first catch rich and powerful people like Lucius before catching fish that slip through the net.

She didn't resist, because the opponent apparated the moment she grabbed her. If she struggled at this time, it might cause a split body. Whether it was missing a viscera or the body was divided into two parts, it would be very tragic.

The weird black smoke frightened the Muggle homeless, but not the people who followed him. What Tom Riddle found from the Slytherin chamber were all ancient spells, which looked particularly weird and mysterious, and had a kind of The ability of man to be enchanted.

In contrast, apparition is just a space magic. Its essence is the same as that of disappearance, it is transferred from one place to another, but apparation will appear in a designated place, while disappearance Traceless is something that is going to disappear XZ is in the dirt, waiting for someone to dig it out with a shovel and see the light of day again.

The secrets hidden in the mud are beyond people's imagination. Lockhart opened the duel room. The snake that Draco threw to Harry during the duel was not conjured out of thin air, but transferred from somewhere with space magic. It's the opposite of disappearing without a trace, who taught him this spell.

When she appeared again, she came to a cemetery. Reminiscent of the wand that Wormtail cast the Cruciatus Curse on her, she thought she was caught in Tom Riddle's cemetery, but when she found out who was holding her hand Don't worry.

"Severus!" She quickly gave him a hug.

She thought it was the god of death.

It is true that they are still in a cemetery, but it is not the kind of cemetery that is scary at first glance. It is kept clean and tidy, and there is a church not far away, which is very quiet and suitable for long sleep.

"We haven't seen Lily for a long time," he said softly. "I think Harry Potter is too busy. How about we visit her grave?"

"Okay." She agreed without hesitation.

"There is also the child we haven't had time to name her. She is also buried in this cemetery. The tombstone has not been engraved yet. What do you want to call her?"

"Lily." She said without hesitation, "Give her the last name of Tobia."

Being with Lily Snape was like burying a woman in him, and now he was a widower.

"You are her mother, do you want to see her one last time before the burial?"

She refused as if to escape.

Now she felt guilty, as if she had murdered red-haired Lily and buried her in the cemetery, the perfect place for a corpse.

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