Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 69 The Vanishing Victory

After the mother is pregnant, she will share life with the child through the umbilical cord. The energy that the mother eats and drinks, in addition to the part used by herself, will also be given to the child. During the ten-month pregnancy process, it will be uninterrupted. At the same time, the energy for the mother The damage done to the body is also great.

It is impossible for a person's body to hold two souls. Even soul magic only puts information in the body of a living person, but a pregnant woman holds two souls, one for herself and one for her child.

Some children have different magical affinity from their mothers. All in all, pregnant witches are very fragile and will recover a bit after giving birth. At that time, the physical umbilical cord between mother and child is broken, but the spiritual umbilical cord is still connected. Neville can feel that Alice was Frank, who was also tortured together, couldn't feel the feeling of torture. Although father and son are related by blood, they don't share their lives. It's normal to have a relationship with a person who shares their lives.

When the child was lost, she felt it very quickly, because she couldn't feel the faint heartbeat, but there was no way to continue to conceive under the Cruciatus Curse or curse. Her life might be in danger, and sometimes she had to give up.

When the curse of despair and the fetus of hope disappear together, Pete's Cruciatus does less damage.

Wormtail wasn't strong in the first place, and his health was not good, if it wasn't for the sneak attack on Pomona, he might not even be a match for a pregnant witch, now her body is much better, and she can even walk on the ground, completely gone The danger of some time ago.

Narcissa repeatedly reiterated that what Bella was talking about was a contract, not an oath. The oath does not need to be recorded, just like the unbreakable spell she signed with Severus, only a verbal agreement is required, while the contract needs to leave traces.

The lightning scar on Harry's forehead disappeared after the Battle of Hogwarts. Most people believe that it was because You-Know-Who's soul fragment was destroyed, but in ancient runes it represents the victory of light over darkness. , is it disappearing? Is light really defeating darkness, or is the contract invalid? This complex issue was difficult for Harry's mind, let alone his friend Ron Weasley.

Which eye of Hermione Granger was blind enough to fall in love with him? That arrogant megalomaniac, just because he won Quidditch, has a Gryffindor who is crazy about devotion, they can go anywhere, and the whole school spreads. Those men who speak out about their heroic deeds in pubs and public places are just like him in essence, hoping that women will admire their "heroic spirit". What they do is more shameful than some rich men who use material to seduce women.

Hufflepuff girls and Ravenclaw girls despise each other, but Ravenclaw girls despise Gryffindor boys even more, yes, you are a goddamn hero, women must kneel before you Are you begging for your favor? A Gryffindor blinded by victory is no better than a Slytherin blinded by bloodism.

Severus Snape was framed maliciously. When he left the office, someone moved his materials, turning the potion that had no problem into a problematic one. He believed that Dumbledore hadn't framed him, so in the end It's possible that the people who were inspecting his warehouse at the time were the ones who did it, and who better to falsify evidence than law enforcement.

He can't argue with anything, he can only say that he was stolen, and now Dumbledore who can protect him is dead, and he is asking for a dead end if he returns to the Ministry of Magic where the person who framed him exists, even the Order of the Phoenix is ​​not safe, you know He is still a very small number of people alive, and he still walks in the cracks of multiple forces as he did when he was a double agent. Since he hates rats so much, he is a cunning snake.

"Turn around, Pomona, and I'll look behind you."

In the early autumn morning, when the roses were not harvested, the thick velvet curtains blocked most of the light outside the guest room, and only filtered into the bedroom through a gap.

"You searched so many times, no!" She was a little annoyed, Severus always believed that they had runes on them like Harry, "Why can't you just find them on me?"

"Wait until next time, I want to make sure you have it first." He pushed her down so forcefully that she turned her back to the top, and after the quilt was lifted, the cold air made her hairs stand on end.

A hand pushed back her long gray hair. She had seen Hogwarts three-headed dogs before. They couldn't breathe fire. She felt that behind her was a Hungarian Horntail.

"When will I see Neville?" After the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, Sirius died, and Dumbledore transferred her back to Hogwarts on the grounds of protecting Neville. At that time, Severus had become a black magician. Defense was taught, and he got a lot of attention, not just because he was a Death Eater, but also because people wanted to see if the cursed position would continue to be cursed by his protégé after the Dark Lord's resurrection.

"Let's talk about it later." Fire Dragon said vaguely, as if he had lost the ability to speak. Pomona lay on the pillow and thought desperately that her little savior was not a Quidditch player like Harry. There is no way to lure that monster away, but he may be sprayed by the dragon flame.

"Don't hurt me, Severus." She believed that now Snape could face Goggp alone, and even a giant was no match for him, not to mention that she was only fifteen or sixteen years old at the height of a human. A teenage veela hybrid.

"Stop talking."

This hidden relationship is like an affair, except that they used to do this kind of shady thing in the Hogwarts castle, but now they are in Malfoy Manor.

The bad girl hidden in Pomona's body, at this moment, he only has her in his eyes and mind, not the pure lily.

"I shouldn't have opened the door for you," she said. "You're luring me into the dark."

"It's too late," he said. "That's what it feels like to sully the sanctity, like it, Pomona."

I feel a little guilty, a little guilty, deviate from morality, and even feel dirty.

"Boom boom."

There was a knock on the door.

"Your student is here." She seemed delirious, thinking she was still in a magic school.

"Leave him."

"Boom boom."

I knocked on the door twice, but there was still no answer. After a while, the voice of the house elf Robbie rang out, "Master, Mr. Malfoy told you that the Ministry of Magic will be here in fifteen minutes. If you want to leave, please do so as soon as possible."

"Damn it!" Snape yelled and bounced, and Pomona also felt that she was as uninterested as if she had been poured with a basin of cold water, and it was even more disappointing than being discovered by Dumbledore.

Malfoy's house is much better than the previous two years. People from the Ministry of Magic only come to search occasionally. Fortunately, the old Malfoy who is good at management still has a few friends who can get news in advance.

"Should I go too?" She looked at Ji Speed's well-dressed "lover" and asked.

"You can be said to be Narcissa's friend, but no one knows you anyway."

The more they were banned, the more they wanted to try. Snakes and rats really had a nest. Both Hufflepuff and Slytherin lived in the dark underground. Pomona licked her lips. The person in front of her reminded her of Black Forest Cake , the surface is black chocolate, which looks like bitter coke, and the inside is cream and cherry wine, which can withstand all kinds of picky tastes.

"I'll meet you at Westminster at eleven o'clock. The stronghold there is empty today." Before leaving, he leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Wear formally."

"What else is there to do?"

"No, I'll take you to meet someone." He looked at the smile on her face and hesitated to speak.


"I'll tell you when I get there." After speaking, he immediately Apparated.

After he left, Pomona looked around the darkness of the room, touched her still hot back and the bitter smell lingering in the sheets, wondering if she had a real dream, because there were too many Everyone believed that Severus Snape was dead, only she firmly believed that he was still alive.

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