"What are you hanging this for?"

Severus saw that Pomona had hung a string of crystal wind chimes under the corridor, which tinkled when the wild wind blew.

"Blessing." She stood on the stool and looked at her masterpiece with her hips on her hips. Hearing the ding ding dong dong sound, she felt that she was still in Dumbledore's office, but unfortunately his pet phoenix went to nowhere. .

A pair of big hands hugged her off the stool, and the boy who was only as tall as her chest became much taller than her, and he aged very quickly, at least much faster than her.

She never felt that awakening the power of Veela was a gift. Although she could gain a beautiful appearance, she also lost a lot. No one would believe that Severus was younger than her just from the appearance.

"What are you thinking?" he said deadpan.

"I want to grow up with you." Instead of maintaining the height and appearance of fifteen or sixteen years old.

"You never showed me what you look like after transformation, why?"

Because I'm afraid you'll think I'm a monster just like Pete, and I don't want to be single like Queenie for the rest of my life.

"You grow up so fast, Severus." The bullied Slytherin actually started to lead the Order of the Phoenix against werewolves.

"Do you think it's a good thing?"

She nods.

"Then what's my reward?"


He laughed dumbfounded, "Do you think I'm still a teenager?"

"Then what do you want?"

"I hope you can forgive me about the child."

Her mind was contemplating how the transformation from a teenager who needed her protection into a man who could give her a child seemed to happen in the blink of an eye.

"Can I come into your room tonight?"

It's a cue that adults understand.

"Oh, you're too slow!" The red-haired Lily was sitting on the railing and waved her fists anxiously. "Be bold, Pomona!"

After she finished speaking, she jumped off the railing and turned into a hare and ran away.

The transformation of Animagus seems to be related to weight and personality. Lily just now seems to be only eleven years old...

"What's your answer?"

"Yes, Professor."

"I'm not a professor anymore, you call me that, I always feel like I'm in love with a student."

"Do you want me to wear a Hogwarts uniform?"

He looked at her expressionlessly, and when the wind blew, she found that his hair had been washed, and it looked very fluffy, thin and soft.

"You're really an evil witch." He finally couldn't hold back his lover's look, put his arms around his shoulders and began to argue with her, "Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?"

"This is new training, resist temptation." She said blankly, "Tom didn't resist the temptation of immortality and became crazy, Lucius almost lost Narcissa because he didn't resist the temptation of women outside, remember Dumbledore How did Lido die? He didn't resist the temptation, and put on the ring of the Gaunt family, if you want to become stronger, you have to resist the temptation."

"Didn't you tempt me back then?" He squinted his eyes and sneered, "Because of your invitation letter, my potion warehouse has been searched, and I have to explain to them that it was stolen, Dumbledore You also asked me to prepare a compound decoction antidote, do you know how angry I was?"

"I've heard that the process of turning back into Buddy Crouch Jr. was miserable."

It was like being punched several times by an invisible fist.

"I wasn't the one who revealed the structure of the maze. Wormtail's Animagus is a mouse. Maybe he turned into a mouse to get in through the hole."

Pomona was deep in thought, there is indeed this possibility.

"You don't want to know if I made his Polyjuice Potion?"

"The compound decoction is not complicated. Hermione can know it in first grade, and the ingredients are not rare. I can basically find all the greenhouses in my greenhouse. I can't count whether the leaves are missing."

"So you believe Cedric's death has nothing to do with me?"

"I don't know, you are too suspicious." She imitated his appearance and folded her arms around her shoulders, "Who told you that you don't look like a good person."

"Dumbledore trusted me, and he asked me to train Harry Potter in Occlumency."

To this day, Severus Snape still eats flies when he mentions Harry Potter, "He is giving Sirius Black a chance, thinking that if I don't go to Black's old house, you will be with that stupid dog Already!"

It seemed that at that time Dumbledore felt that Sirius was running out of time and wanted to leave some blood for the Black family, but so many girls had a crush on Sirius, why did he choose her?

"Damn Potter, it took so long to even get started. It doesn't take much effort to see his brain clearly, let alone the Dark Lord's insanity. He didn't even need to learn it that day. If it wasn't for his sneak attack, how could I have been recruited, he is just like his father James Potter, winning is not fair at all!"

It started again, and Pomona found a place to sit and listen to him pacing back and forth while making tea.

"Oh, I told him to look at me in the dock, and he really looked at me, with an affectionate expression on his face. It was really disgusting, and he forgot again! After teaching so many times and suffering so much, I remember I couldn't help but look at each other with Legilimency. I'm a Potions professor. He didn't even ask if there was any blood tonic in my belongings when he saw me bleeding so much. He just watched me die. He was studying at Hogwarts. The years of books are all in vain!"

So without Hermione, Ron and Harry can't save the world. She closed her eyes and drank a sip of tea leisurely, warming her stomach.

"I hate the Potter family. Why put my name and James Potter's last name together? Albus Severus Potter, doesn't he think that's a mouthful?"

It seemed that when Neville said last time that Harry was going to name his son that name, he remembered it, but he didn't have the energy to dislike it at the time.

As Narcissa said, he has gone through a lot, so forget about some things.

"Severus, I'll be a widow if you die in front of me, you have to try to live."

"Which one of us will die first will be discussed later. I investigated the wand that Wormtail left at the scene. It was used by Tom Riddle when he was studying. Where did he get this wand?"

"The graveyard?" Pomona asked cautiously.

"I don't remember who buried him at that time, and his body is said to have not been found. Was it destroyed by Avada Kedavra's rebound?"

The most eye-catching thing about the Battle of Hogwarts is that Voldemort destroyed the defensive magic, which is really amazing.

It takes a lot of strength to throw the ball. Small strength can only smash the glass, and strong strength can destroy the city wall. The stronger the spell, the higher the degree of destruction. A person can be so strong. Similarly, if the thrown ball hits The force bounced back from the wall will not be reduced, but the spell will not crush the flesh and blood into a pulp. If it is torn apart, then Harry's baby room has become a pool of blood.

Tom's body disappeared as if it had been blanked out.

"what's on your mind?"

"How strong is Lily's defensive formation? It can withstand the full blow of Voldemort in his heyday. That formation may be stronger than Hogwarts' defensive magic." Only that great witch can use it.

"Narcisha told me that when I was fighting with Lucius, that bitch Bella wanted to curse you. She said that the two of us already had a contract. If you die, I will die. When Navica checked the information, she found out that There is also a life-sharing relationship between the mother and the child. Do you still remember that he used the God-calling guard to drive away those dementors? The second call-up guard is much stronger than the first time. Could it be that Lily is the first time? To fight against the Dark Lord's Killing Curse, they used the way of life sharing to greatly increase the defensive power of the defense array for the second time, and the Dark Lord's spell was rebounded. The symbol on Harry Potter's head is not the Dark Lord's Horcrux at all A symbol, but an inscription of a life-sharing contract."

Being able to analyze the death process of his beloved woman so calmly, is he still cold-blooded or prefers magic to love.

"From another angle, the scar looks like Sigel in the rune. The character means the power of the sun, representing the victory of God over the devil, light over darkness, and clarity over blur. It is a symbol of victory. It is shaped like Odin's lightning. , Do we have this inscription on our bodies?"

Her intuition is really useful, and it is useful to learn ancient magic patterns.

Snape laughed maliciously, "When it's dark, the light will be bad. While there is light now, let's go back to the bedroom to check."


"This is doing research, how can you think wildly?" Someone said sternly, looking like a gentleman.

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