Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 66 Listening

The Unbreakable Curse has loopholes that can be exploited. Dumbledore and Grindelwald agreed not to hurt each other, but there is no rule to restrict the freedom of the other party. How painful is it for a person to lose his freedom? Ask every housewife who depends on her husband, they know best.

The once-prominent Black family has been dimmed, with no trace of the stars in the sky. In the absence of a strong natal family, even if Lucius Malfoy is unfaithful, Narcissa can only swallow her anger and keep the superficial family intact for her son.

This is the case with many aristocratic families.

Although Arthur Weasley was very poor, his family was very happy. Even though Molly had a hard life and her figure was completely out of shape, she always had a smile on her face. On the contrary, the well-maintained Narcissa looked a little dull, Only when her son's life was threatened, she would muster up the courage, and Bella ran to Spider's End to find Snape for help.

She couldn't trust her husband at all.

In order to protect the child, everything can be sacrificed, and he is also too important to lose, that's how the nasty little bastard was raised.

What a cute little Draco, especially when you think about him as a baby, he is like a moving doll, smiling at you every day, who would want such a cute child to die?

On the contrary, the woman who broke into the Malfoy Manor today and broke the peaceful life of their family is not so difficult to deal with. Besides, what Bella asked Narcissa to do is not difficult. You only need to untie the bracelet on her hand, then It was originally Narcissa's stuff.

A woman in love, whether she's a wizard or a Muggle, ends up being a fool, but then learns the lesson. Men can't be trusted because they can't handle temptation. Smart people choose to work. To hell with living on my own, getting married and having kids and being a housewife.

If no newborns are born, the population will decrease sharply. After losing diversity, they will face the risk of inbreeding. Many pure-blood families are related by blood, so of course there will be fewer children.

This is something that any Muggle or even a Muggle-born wizard knows, but the wizard doesn't know it, and they are still playing the pure-blooded noble thing, and they have wiped out their own race.

The woman lying on the bed is very beautiful, but not so beautiful that it makes a woman's heart flutter, but the long gray hair looks like silver in the sunlight coming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and it is scattered on the green bed sheet, Making the girl in white look like some kind of sacrifice. Narcissa felt as if she was making a very, very bad decision, just like when she married Lucius Malfoy out of admiration.

Four or five steps away from the head of the bed, she stopped, and the piercing pain brought tears to her eyes.

"I didn't make a bad choice, it's all his fault."

Narcissa didn't know who she said this to, but it was indeed a knot in her heart for many years, and she felt much better after saying it.

She closed her eyes, and in a trance, she felt that she was not in Malfoy's luxurious manor, but in any glade, Bella ran in the front, she was always the most daring, followed by Andromi Da, her sister, and finally herself.

"Come on, Narcissa, come on!" Bella urged, laughing, still a child in the white dress her mother had chosen.

"I wish I was a little girl." Narcissa stood staggeringly. "That's why I always dote on Draco. It's too painful to be an adult."

Especially when you want someone's love, but he won't give it to you no matter what.


me too.

"Why? He gave you his life."

In his heart, there will always be another woman.

Narcissa sighed and slowly opened her eyes.

She looked again at the woman Bella said that Snape would not be able to live if she died. She was not very beautiful, at least not as beautiful as the gorgeous red-haired Lily who was said to be so beautiful in the world.

"It seems that we all fell in love with the wrong man. It's just that your opponent is dead, and I don't know how many living opponents." The special woman's hand happened to be the one with the bracelet "Sometimes I feel really tired, why should I persist, but when I think of Draco, I decide to grit my teeth and bear it, the battle of Hogwarts Lu Xiu Sky is useless at all, my son almost died in the forest, just thinking about his body being eaten by those animals breaks my heart, I really love Draco."

Narcissa gently stroked the emerald bracelet, "I hope you can understand, this is the mother's nature, I can die for him, but the unbreakable spell that protects him will also be broken after I die, I just want to kill the danger budding."

Slytherin rules.

"Yes, Slytherin rules, how do you know?" Narcissa frowned in confusion, because the girl hadn't opened her mouth to Ben just now.

I think I know your talent, Narcissa, you are good at listening, remember what question you asked Harry that day in the Forbidden Forest?

"I asked him if Draco was still alive."

How did he answer?

"He said, yes, alive." Narcissa pressed her finger to the clasp of Pomona's bracelet. "I will do anything to keep him alive."

Narcissa has not unlocked the hidden lock for a long time.

"Hurry up, Narcissa, hurry up!" Bella urged her sister as she ran across the grass.

"Andromeda later married a Muggle, Bella, because of you." Narcissa whispered, "You made the entire Black family a laughing stock, no wizarding family would marry us, except Malfoy. "


"It's just some gossip." Narcissa took her hand back and straightened her messy hair. "Okay, it looks much better now."

Narcissa raised her chin like a Malfoy, and said arrogantly and reservedly, "Even if you are good-looking, you will become ugly if you don't dress up carefully. Without a beautiful appearance, you can't keep a man's heart. There are only lazy women in the world, no ugly women."

I'm not lazy, I just fell asleep for a long time.

"Oh, I forgot, Severus was taking care of you during this time." Narcissa covered her mouth and laughed. "Why is his hair still the same, and you haven't tried to change him?"

He said that was his style.

"Hey, man, they never grow up." Narcissa smiled and shook her head, looked out the window, and accidentally found the red-eyed raven on the balcony, and she drove it away like a poultry.

"You should know, my dear, that your Severus is now infatuated with by many people. If it is known that he is still alive, you will have many competitors like me." Narcissa put the one on the bracelet "Every woman hopes that her lover will be faithful, but they are half-hearted, and love potions become so popular. For young girls, good looks and family background will confuse them , but at my age, I understand that there is no charm that is more important than loyalty, even I was almost fascinated by him."

he's mine.

"I know, and I don't intend to betray Lucius in this regard, not to mention that I can tell when the contract is made that he already belongs to someone."

He belongs to Lily.

"It seems that every couple has their own problems. You can discuss this with him after you wake up. In fact, it is very lively to have a few words every day. Our house has always been deserted, and it is as quiet as a grave."

As soon as Narcissa finished speaking, there was another loud "bang" from the dining room, and something was broken again.

"Maybe he's not that bad after all the gossip and rumors." Narcissa said to Pomona with a smile, "Maybe I can give him another chance."

As long as you are happy.

"Yeah, as long as I'm happy." Narcissa sighed, as if years of resentment had dissipated. "I believe in my vision, Severus is a person who can keep his promise, if my vision The problem is that even if you remarry, it will be just as unfortunate, after all, I am no longer a little girl."

Nice to meet you, Narcissa.

"Me too, nice to meet you, dear." Narcissa bent down and kissed Pomona's forehead. "Sleep well, you are very tired."

After finishing speaking, Narcissa did not leave. She concentrated on looking at the doll-like girl lying on the bed, as if thinking about how to dress her up to look good.

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