Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 65 The Devil's Trill

"Look, the slug is eating a cookie, did your mother slug make it for you?"

With the promotion of James Potter and Sirius Black, his nickname spread throughout the school, and almost everyone knew it, but he didn't think the freshmen of Slytherin had the right to call him that.

If you want to gain status, you have to step on other people's backs. Obviously, the young masters of those rich people can ignore the traditions of the academy and directly challenge them.

Snape looked left and right, there was nothing wrong with the seniors, Pringle, the dorm master, was playing with his dog, and there were four people on the other side, obviously a dormitory person came out to have fun.

"Do you have the guts to come with me to the Forbidden Forest?" Snape sneered provocatively, he wanted to teach this group of ignorant nobles an unforgettable lesson.

"Why don't you dare?" said a freshman sitting opposite him. He was very handsome and looked very familiar.

"Who are you, Sirius Black?" Snape asked.

"He is my brother, but he is a traitor to the family." Another Black said with a sneer, "Remember my name, my name is Regulus Arcturus Black, the future head of the Black family, don't think you I'm on par with my house, bastard."

After the appointment, Regulus left with a few of his attendants. His hair was neatly arranged, and he was not as unkempt as his brother.

"I want to get Regulus back, can you help me, Severus?"

The woman who used to make him cookies was now cooking for him, but the conversation at the dinner table turned him off.

"Why do you want him back?"

"He is the last blood of the Black family, Sirius..."

"Don't mention that name!"

He slammed the table as hard as Tobias Snape did, and the bang that filled the house made him go stiff.

The woman sitting across from him was looking at him in disbelief, and it upset him, but he didn't know what to do with it.

"I'll go for a walk." He stood up, and left the house just like Tobias, but Tobias rode a motorcycle, and Severus Snape directly Apparated away. The Gryffindor drunk had a fight, his home was destroyed, and he's been living in a burning hell ever since, just like Lucius Malfoy said.

Some friends will part ways halfway, and finally go their separate ways, or reunite for various reasons.

Lily made her choice. Although James Potter was disgusting, he was rich and didn't spend his life like other men from aristocratic families. This might be the only good thing about him.

He thought James Potter was disgusting, but Snape didn't think he wanted to kill him, but he wanted to kill Sirius Black, just like Sirius wanted to kill him. It's just that when he was a child, he borrowed Remus Lupin's hand. Even if he was really torn apart by Lupin, Sirius still had a way to make up stories to blame himself. When they grew up, they went their separate ways, and later reunited. Everyone was in the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore, who understood their grievances, turned on the defensive magic of the Black family every time they had to sit at the same table, otherwise the old house of the Black family would have died. It was demolished by them.

"Draco! Turn on the defensive magic!"

Snape's roar stunned Draco, who was trembling while hugging his mother, and his panicked expression made Snape's face full of anger.

"This is your home, you should protect your family, not let your mother protect you!"

Snape's black robe in motion was like a burning black flame, and he looked like a demon king, walking in the courtyard with ease, while Lucius Malfoy was so red-eyed that he completely lost his mind.

If Draco had other brothers...

Snape snorted, why did she like this spoiled Malfoy so much.

There are many people in this world who want his loyalty, Dumbledore, Voldemort, the Minister of Magic, pure-blood nobles, they gave him many favorable conditions to recruit him, but one person believed that his loyalty was given to Lily, so he gave that The play went on.

The more he wanted to get it, but he couldn't get it, he would try his best to find her. He led her into the trap, and then stole Dumbledore's treasure.

He wanted to be alone, but he gradually realized that things were not going as smoothly as he thought. Without contact with outsiders, she relied more and more on him, just like Irene relied on Tobia.

She was his mentor before, but now their strength has changed, he is much stronger than her, it is Snape's turn to protect her. And he just ran out to fight when she needed it most, just like James Potter.

Some people say that people will gradually live the life they hate the most. He turned out to be a mixture of Tobias and James Potter, and he was so sick that he almost vomited.

"Draco, I don't need to kill your father. As long as I kill your mother, the unbreakable curse will be broken. The oath I made with her is to take care of you. I didn't say that I can't kill her. I can kill you when she dies. Are you still going to stand around and do nothing?"

The footsteps of fencing are straight lines, Snape calculated the distance in advance, cast a silent spell on Lucius's way forward, and cast a heavy obstacle. The moment Lucius fell, he apparated to Draco's side, grabbed caught his collar.

"Answer my question, would you like to be the head of the Malfoy family?"

Draco's eyes were teary like a girl's, and Snape almost thought he'd wet his pants.

"Do you know these two spells, Snotluck?" Sirius Black started writing directly in his potions book, without his consent at all.

James Potter followed him like a shadow as always, making people wonder what kind of relationship they have and how they are as close as lovers. However, when Sirius wrote the two spells and showed him, another kind of anger made him want to write The two people in front of them exploded.

"How do you know her?"

Sirius Black smirked and said "I'm dating her."

"And don't look at who you are." James Potter sneered at him. "You look like a witch in a fairy tale."

In anger, Snape pushed Draco to the ground, and turned to look at Narcissa. As long as she died, the Unbreakable Curse would be gone, and Bella would have no reason to keep pestering her.

"Stay away from her!" Seeing the unarmed Narcissa being threatened by the "Devil King", Lucius actually summoned a dozen thorns. Snape immediately Apparated, and those thorns did not explode after being inserted into the wall.

The peacock's feathers are usually put away, and unfolded when the tail is about to be opened. This is a secret technique handed down by the Malfoy family.

After performing this move, Lucius turned around and continued to fight with Snape, completely oblivious to the sudden change in Narcissa's eyes.

Draco lay down for two seconds after being pushed down, and then got up with a murderous look on his face. Just as he pulled out his wand to join the battle with his father, he suddenly heard the smell of food coming from behind him, and he turned his head for a moment. Look, it's two house-elves who prepared a sumptuous meal but couldn't put it on the table due to the mess in the dining room, and now it's in the hallway.

"Master Malfoy, honey is at your service." The elf was obviously very scared, but still said cautiously, and the fierce expression on Draco's face gradually disappeared.

Of course the Malfoys weren't just Dobby a house-elf, but other house-elves were eaten by werewolves because they only ate raw meat, a bunch of mindless, human-shaped beasts.

"No, Draco." Narcissa took this opportunity to hug him tightly.

"Let go of me, Mom." Draco said calmly, "I'm going to cast defensive magic."

Narcissa still refused to let go.

"I'm not your lover, sooner or later I'll marry someone else." Draco said coldly, "You forgot, Greenglass and I are already engaged."

Narcissa froze, and slowly let go of her hand.

"Come with me, you two," Draco said to the two house-elves, and then rushed upstairs, where the two men were still fighting in the dining room, and she was the only one standing around at a loss.

"Come here, Narcissa."

The aisle full of food was dark at the end, and the hoarse voice whispered.

"You heard him say, she's going to kill you so he can kill Draco, and he has no intention of fulfilling the oath."

"What should I do?" Narcissa asked in a panic, clutching her chest.

"Help me kill her." Bella's voice sounded like it came from hell, "Take off the bracelet, and I'll do the next thing."

Narcissa looked back at her husband and Snape, and even she could see that Lucius had no chance.

"He will kill us." Narcissa said nervously, but Bella laughed wildly.

"No, he will die." After laughing, Bella said again, "He will lose the will to live, all light will disappear, and he will fall into darkness forever."

"How can you be sure? A man won't love a woman forever." Narcissa asked.

"He shared his life with her. This contract is stronger than an unbreakable curse."


"He swore to keep her alive, no matter what the cost, he sacrificed himself, the contract has come into effect, if she dies he will die too, he is too strong, I can't curse him, but she can, because she is weak. "

"Because she's pregnant?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes, she's pregnant!" Bella said anxiously. "Quick, Narcissa! Quick!"

Narcissa was in a dilemma for a while, and finally walked to the previous room.

The crisp sound of high heels stepping on the ground echoed in the dark corridor, which sounded creepy.

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