Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 629 Adam's Curse

Hermione always likes to go to the library. Although she left, she left a book borrowed from the Chinatown library. When other people were "meeting" in the conference room, she found a book to read, but accidentally But I found an unexpected book.

It was "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" written by Rita Kiester. Although there were a lot of things she made up in it, there were some things she didn't make up. A letter from Dumbledore.

Albus's signature, like Grindelwald's, is the Peverell coat of arms, which looks like an eye.

Pomona used to think that the reason they both had the same signature was because they had the same ambition—for the greater good, and now she knew how wrong she was.

Married partners use the same signature a, dot, both, no, odd, strange.

She doesn't discriminate against homosexuals, but she hopes they can be normal. If she can't have a child, she can adopt a child and pass on love and kindness. If Albus and Grindelwald adopt Tom Riddle, the story will be different up.

Now that Tom's orphanage had erected a towering government building, the city was still changing.

But some things are so deeply ingrained that it is difficult to change.

As "Mr.'s woman", those pure-blood nobles still maintain basic respect and politeness towards her, they don't wander around the hotel, and basically only spend time in the conference room and living room, Narcissa's situation is much worse than her up.

Her husband is a "loser", not to mention that he failed to complete the Dark Lord's mission to get back the prophecy ball, and asked the Dark Lord to send a dementor to rescue him from Azkaban.

Narcissa wants to keep things as usual externally, like not having so many "guests" in the house all at once, to avoid being discovered by the Ministry of Magic where their headquarters are, and internally she has to put up with those arrogant and disrespectful people walking around her house, and even To endure homeless werewolves living on her family's land.

She is not a hostess but a maid, and what's worse is that the arrest party keeps taking prisoners to her dungeon to torture, occasionally commit murder, and even witness a giant python swallow a person, even if Caredy was dead, and the scene was horrific enough.

From the ransacking of Malfoy's house to the end of the war, she lived with those people for nearly two years. Not only the buildings were destroyed by the war, but also people's hearts. Some people will change after going through some things, and Narcissa is no longer an ordinary Slytherin woman.

She had the guts to lie to the Dark Lord for Draco's sake, which was already stronger than many men.

Everyone has things to fear, and Fawn has his fears too, but Pomona isn't sure if his boggart is a werewolf or a Dark Lord, or the scene where Caredy died.

Thinking about these things every day, no wonder he needs sleep water to help him sleep.

The war movies made by the Americans make the scene so bloody and bloody not for excitement, but to remind the world that war is not a joke.

But this seems to have the opposite effect, just like public executions by hanging and burning, not only did not serve as a warning, but also played an entertainment effect, God knows what humans think.

Emotion is a gift from our animal ancestors, while cruelty is a gift from ourselves.

Men have the "hunting" gene in their bodies, the "Y" chromosome, which represents power and violence, as well as all social inequality and power concentration.

Only rich and powerful men are eligible to give birth to sons to inherit their inheritance. Men without money and power have either become cannon fodder in the war, or cannot marry women at all, and cannot inherit their blood. Hemophilia is caused by Females pass it on, males get sick, females have two "X" chromosomes, males have one "X" and "Y", and the destruction of the Tsar is on this chromosome.

The Y chromosome will be passed on to the son through the father unchanged. In the animal kingdom, males will fight each other in order to compete for mates. This is why the poison horned beast is almost extinct.

If a man has two Y chromosomes, he is more impulsive and violent than ordinary people. This kind of person is taller and has a middle-to-low intelligence. Some people may show mild mental retardation. Their crime probability is higher than Ordinary people are at least 10 times higher.

XXY males are particularly feminized, most of them are obese, have no obvious masculine characteristics such as beards, have a gloomy and soft personality, delicate skin, withdrawn personality and weak will, most of them have low intelligence, and are often bullied in school.

Neville made Pomona worry about him being an XXY type boy when he was a child, but thankfully he has since behaved normally, his parents are both in the hospital, only a strong grandma Augusta, and there is no good male role model for him at all refer to.

His Boggart was actually Severus, and Pomona had given up on it since Lupine had taught him to make that Boggart look... like.

Neville didn't have to come to this Chinatown conflict, but Severus forced him to go, in case the only son of the Longbottom family was bitten by a werewolf, she would feel a lot of pressure.

Albus let her keep an eye on Neville, and now she sent him to such a dangerous place, and Justin, he was also an only child, and it must be so painful for a family who lost his only child.

"Uh, ma'am." A boy suddenly appeared beside Pomona. "We're out of tea."

"Do I look like a maid?" Pomona said blankly, and the pure-blooded noble boy who was rude in front of ordinary people turned around and ran away like a ghost.

Justin's grandfather once said that he had seen many mutilated corpses of young people on the battlefield, but in comparison, twisted souls were even uglier.

Tom looks handsome on the outside, but his soul is distorted. In order to protect his horcrux, he actually created a pool of infernal corpses.

This attitude of not taking human life seriously is wrong, but Pomona can't help it. There are many people in this world who don't take other people's warnings seriously.

Many Muggle scholars have reminded the world that the Yellowstone volcano may explode at any time, it may be tomorrow, or it may be 100,000 years later. Everyone would rather bet on the eruption of the volcano in 100,000 years.

Disaster movies also talk about the consequences of global warming the day after tomorrow. What everyone cares about is special effects, which have no warning effect.

While condemning social Darwinism as too cruel, people can't help but live according to social Darwin's ideas; while longing for sincere feelings, they laugh at those who are emotional.

What exactly do humans want?

Pomona sighed and concentrated on calling Kerry.

They also want to use this method to cooperate to rescue Regulus. The Black family, which used to be so prosperous, has actually cut off the direct line. Bella destroyed her family for her master.

Both love and war will make people irrational, and love and war are both unscrupulous.

She just had a hunch that Luna's father kidnapped Dorje in order to find clues about the resurrection stone.

Not everyone knows the secrets of the Deathly Hallows. Harry already knows how to keep the secrets. Moreover, there are still a few people in this world who believe that they can become the master of Death by collecting all three Hallows. They themselves are three outstanding alchemists. The magic items produced are not really made by Death.

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