Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 628 Behind the scenes politician

From the grassroots, especially in the army, men who climb up step by step by their own efforts especially hate the kind of officers who "airborne" through family relationships.

If you don't have the strength to point fingers, the officers and soldiers at the bottom will not listen to the power of the airborne officer at all, and will eventually cooperate to lift him up.

Veterans have rich practical experience, which is not comparable to graduates from prestigious schools who have just graduated from school. In history, Zhao Kuo in the Battle of Changping was a typical "talking on paper", while Lian Po was a real fighter. He used the method of fortifying the wall and clearing the field to fight the war of attrition against Qin. In theory, he was correct.

But Zhao Guo failed to ask Qi State to borrow food, and the country could not afford to consume it. The nobles of Zhao State were eager to end this war of attrition, and finally activated Zhao Kuo, who was said to be very powerful.

The state of Qin also changed generals halfway. Bai Qi killed many people, his hands were covered with blood, and he was called the four famous generals of the Warring States period together with Lian Po, Li Mu, and Wang Jian, and ranked first among the four famous generals of the Warring States period. After that, he was executed by King Qin Zhuangxiang.

Bai Qi also came in through a woman, and the person who introduced him was Mi Bazi, who was also from Chu. During the Han Dynasty, famous officials such as Xiao He and Zhang Liang also followed Lu Zhi's father.

Foreign relatives have always been a powerful force in British history. The old feudal aristocrats were almost lost in the Red and White Rose War. These aristocrats were more or less related to the royal family.

Chinese aristocratic women have also introduced people to become officials in the court, but most of the people they introduced are not very good. Those officials who lied to the Empress Dowager Cixi are examples. It is wrong to embezzle military funds to build the Summer Palace. Why is there no one? People stand up and advise that it is wrong to do so?

For the sake of personal political future, he ignored the overall situation, kept silent when he should speak out, and finally blamed all the faults on Cixi alone. How could such an irresponsible official do something responsible?

There are many rebates for the purchase of warships. This is an international practice and it is an open secret. For the rebates, everyone wants to buy the position. Li Hongzhang is still very political. The treasury was empty at the end of the Qing Dynasty. He planned to buy a warship with a loan. He didn't choose the one with the lowest interest rate, nor did he choose the one with the biggest discount. Instead, he chose the German with a higher interest rate and a longer term. Germany bought warships at discounted prices.

If the Manchu Qing collapsed, then the German loans and warships would not come back, so that the Manchu Qing would have more allies.

Germany is landlocked, unlike Britain and France, which rely on the sea. Compared with sea transportation, land transportation suffers a lot. The Holy Roman Empire was broken up by Napoleon into a bunch of scattered small principalities. This kind of broken Germany will not have much in Europe. status, but Germany’s military and technology are still relatively good, and the Chinese army has a very Prussian style. By the end of the 19th century, German weapons had almost monopolized in China, whether it was guns or ships. Hitler also maintained a conservative attitude towards China.

** Sweeping Chinatown in Germany, Hitler is not hostile to China is not because he really likes Chinese people, but because of interests.

"Money" is needed to start a war, and selling arms to the Chinese can make money and also attract an ally. What's more, the relationship between Germany and China has always been good. Although Germany also participated in the Eight-Power Allied Forces and looted the Old Summer Palace, it has nothing to do with the German Workers' Party. In the two Opium Wars, the enemy of the enemy was a friend, and they were also Axis powers. The Chinese hated Germany less than Japan. East Germany was even one of the first countries to establish diplomacy with New China.

Immediately after Nixon’s visit to China in 1972, the chairman of West Germany’s opposition party, the CDU, visited China. The media took this opportunity to violently attack the Brandt government for submitting to Soviet pressure and taking a cold attitude towards China.

There are infighting everywhere, the key is to see when. Mr. Wen is the kind of businessman who makes friends everywhere. He seems to be able to make friends with anyone. Pomona remembers that he was still teaching how to shoot at shops in Chinatown the day before yesterday. Hearing the news of his death felt unreal.

The men who are meeting in the conference room now don't know about this, after all, they mainly deal with Mr. Ma.

With the strict hierarchy, the vacant head seat, and the serious atmosphere, Pomona inexplicably had the illusion that she was listening to the Death Eaters meeting.

The meeting of the Order of the Phoenix revolves around a round table, which means that the participants have equal rights, while the long table is the complete opposite. The wolves are social animals with a strict hierarchy, and the subordinates absolutely obey the superiors, and each wolf has its own division of labor. , This is completely different from the Order of the Phoenix's style of work.

No one questioned the orders of Albus Dumbledore, and no one listened to the orders of others, such as Severus.

Alastor was kidnapped by Barty Crouch Jr. because he was alone. At that time, he said not to act alone unless there were special circumstances, but Moody didn't take it seriously.

Sirius is the same, let him stay at home, but he has to run out to send Harry to school. There is a clear difference in organizational rigor between militarized management and demilitarized management.

The general content of the meeting was to use "bait" to lure those werewolves into the trap. Those who acted as "bait" were Muggle tourists with a lot of cash on them. However, the Muggle police blocked the entrance of Chinatown, and tourists could not enter. This plan cannot be implemented.

If a tourist doesn't want to be bitten by a werewolf, the only way is to run, he doesn't need to run the fastest, he just needs to be faster than others, and not be caught by a werewolf. "look.

Can you stop how others use their money?

Because it can't, it can't be stopped. It's easy for wizards to deal with those Muggle policemen. An Imperius Curse can let them go. The troublesome "cleanup work" later.

Following the London Tower Bridge riot, if there is another riot in Chinatown, the Prime Minister who works at No. 10 Downing Street will be very angry. These pure-blood nobles are worried that he will send a yelling letter to the Minister of Magic who works in the basement of Whitehall.

Poor Kingsley.

Pomona believed that Kingsley would be very unhappy if he knew that he was sympathized by the pure-bloods, but he made good friends with the Muggles and hoped that the Muggle Parliament would pass the law, and the "dream" of recognizing that the rights of wizards were harmed and punished by the law might be Even more out of reach.

Unless, like Evangeline Orpington, he makes good friends with the Queen and then joins the Crimean War, then the royal family will accept the curse again, and it will also break the international law of secrecy and the unspoken rules of multinational wizards , he will start a world war like Gellert Grindelwald.

For these "big boys", hunting werewolves is more like a sport, and they are not worried at all, since werewolves shouldn't live in this world anyway.

They were better than before, at least they could tolerate half-giants, half-goblins as staff at Hogwarts, and half-veela as Triwizard Tournament players, and even Mrs.

It's just that werewolves are still not qualified to sit on the same table with them.

They don't even have the right to live, let alone power, even if these pure blood nobles are bitten, they will become "werewolves who are not worthy of being human" in the mouth of this group of pure blood.

Severus didn't forbid her to attend, nor forbade her to leave, but Pomona felt that the smartest thing to do at the moment was to treat herself as a "hostess" and entertain these guests with the food that a five-star hotel should have.

These nobles went to "hunt" rather than fight, just like the Muggle nobles hunted.

Narcissa did something similar in Malfoy Manor, being a woman in a Slytherin family is like that, unless she wants to stay unmarried like Umbridge, and live a life with a room full of cats and china plates full of cats .

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