Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 61 The next round

Henry said that it takes a very strong desire to activate the time-turner, and Hermione has a very strong thirst for knowledge, so Minerva gave the device to Hermione, and she was the key to that experiment.

Oh, all eyes are on Harry Potter, he summoned the Patronus with his wand and drove off the dementors, what a hero he is.

In fact, if Hermione hadn't successfully activated the time-turner and transported Sirius and Harry away, the last direct heir of Sirius would have been cut off at that moment, and another pure blood would perish.

"In your eyes, am I that bad?"

Dumbledore reappeared in his ridiculous star hair robe.

"You don't even know how hurtful what you said was."

"But I think I made it up at Christmas, do you remember what I gave you?"

"A big box of chocolates?"

Dumbledore shook his head funnyly, "Although it's my style, think again."

Pomona remembered that it was the headmaster's amnesty order that Hogwarts house-elves could serve in designated wizarding families.

There are more and more house elves in Hogwarts, but there are not many places where they can work. Dobby is an elf from the Malfoy family, and he has become so "free" after only one day at Hogwarts. Other house elves The pixie leaves the kitchen and lounge without knowing what transformation will take place.

While the old purebloods are disappearing, new nobles are constantly being created. These families need house-elves. Hermione Granger's idea of ​​giving those house-elf hats inspired her, and she also wanted to give them a little "freedom".

"Can you forgive me?" Dumbledore asked.

"Excuse me, Professor." She opened a gift, which contained toys from Weasley's trick shop.

"What I said in the office that day."

Dumbledore was right, she was pretty stupid.

"Principal, can you assign Neville to Hufflepuff." Lily said that she hoped that he would have the right to be transferred, and Pomona also wanted to ask, "You know he's safe with me."

"I'll try." He promised seriously, and it wasn't until then that she realized that Dumbledore was really old, his movements started to slow down, and he was not as energetic as before.

"Have you thought about retiring? Like Professor Slughorn?"

"I have a vow that must be fulfilled." Dumbledore said, holding the Weasley's trick shop item. "An old friend from long ago."

Pomona wanted to ask if he was Grindelwald, but shut up anyway, it wasn't a good question.

"How do you think Tom spent Christmas this year?" asked Pomona.

"You never called him You-Know-Who?" Dumbledore said with a mischievous smile.

"He has a name, why call him that." Pomona opened a small box, which contained an emerald bracelet, and the platinum was processed into the shape of ivy, which looked very Slytherin.

"Well~, it's very expensive." Dumbledore said, "Do you want to try it before paying it back?"

"Why should I pay it back?"

"Then you plan to accept it?"

She began to unwrap it to see who gave such an expensive gift.

If you don't intend to accept the other party, you can't ask for expensive things from others, which will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Did you expect it to be from Severus?" Dumbledore asked at this point.

"I think he might be at the Death Eaters' Christmas dinner, he's not the half-Slytherin you used to need your help with."

He doesn't look sad at all now, he has his own social status and achievements, and he really doesn't need her support anymore.

"He loves Lily, Pomona, don't be stupid, made the wrong choice, no matter how hard you try, you can't get it." Dumbledore reached out and stroked her hair "Like Tom, and Irene Prynne S."

"Give me some time." She looked at the emerald bracelet and shed tears. It is very difficult to forget someone, maybe she can forget everything for herself.


The girl's piercing scream brought her back to life.

"Kreacher! Look at what you've done!" Ron's roar echoed down the aisle.

"She really impresses me," said Dumbledore. "Hermione is the backbone of Harry and Ron."

And Ron is a burden to Harry and Hermione! But he is also a pure-blooded nobleman, and one of the twenty-eight holy families!

An aristocrat is so poor that he still doesn't want to make progress. Fortunately, the twins have entrepreneurial spirit and came out early to support their family.

"What talent do you see in Hermione Granger?"

Hermione worked very hard and was in the library almost every day, but Pomona really didn't see anything in terms of talent.

"She's very attractive," Pomona made up. "Maybe she'll be the Minister for Magic."

Dumbledore was taken aback, amused by his antics.

"Last Christmas, a student of Durmstrang asked her to be a dance partner. His name was Victor..."

"Victor Boukrom, Bulgarian Quidditch Seeker."

"If I say that you don't know the stars of my era, do you think he is serious about Hermione?"

"Dumbledore!" If the person in front of her hadn't grown a white beard, Pomona would have thought she was chatting with Hufflepuff's girl.

"Generations have changed. In my time, Muggles and wizards were not allowed to marry. Now that Beauxbaton's Veela hybrid in Fleur is being pursued by so many people. Who knows if Durmstrang's pure-blooded dark wizard will be with her?" Muggleborn marriage."

When he said this, Pomona realized that she didn't have to hide her Veela hybrid identity. No one would be prejudiced because she was "not human". Even Lupine the werewolf could be treated warmly here. Also made a new girlfriend Tonks.

"We live in a wonderful time, thank you, Dumbledore." Pomona reached out and hugged the old wizard, "Your efforts were not in vain."

"Thank you, Pomona, this is my best Christmas present." The old wizard hugged her back, and said after a while, "Maybe Hermione can really become the Minister of Magic. What about Ron?"

Ron Weasley?

"He can stay home with the kids."

Dumbledore laughed this time.

"Breakfast is ready, come down and eat!" Mrs. Weasley shouted angrily from the downstairs.

Pomona jumped up from the floor and turned to pull Dumbledore, but the old wizard disappeared, leaving only the emerald necklace there.

She hesitated for a while, but put it on anyway, the soft power came from the chain, and the dull and flustered feeling that had been permeating her heart disappeared, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"How do you feel?" She heard someone behind her asking herself again, but she still didn't see anyone when she turned around.

"It's much better." She said cautiously, hearing that the old house was often haunted, she ran out in a hurry after she finished speaking, as if she was only eleven years old.

"Oh my God, they let that plesiosaur come out again." As Pomona walked up the stairs from the second floor to the first floor, the daily Prophet was owled through the window, and St. Mrs. Prout was reading the news on the front page.

"What? Run away again?" her grandson Pete, who was eating oatmeal, couldn't help but hear the grandmother whispering, and the milk spurted out of his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth.

Pomona remembered the plesiosaur, but Muggles prefer to call it the Loch Ness Monster. Every year, many tourists from all over the world come here to visit that remote place with unremarkable scenery.

It likes to be noticed very much, and likes to see Muggles make a fuss when they see it, so it often goes to the Muggle world to hang out. The Ministry of Magic had to set traps around the lake, but they apparently had no effect, and the dragon reappeared.

"Don't they have anything else to report?" Pomona grumbled, walking past Sprout with her flowing platinum-blonde hair that looked like gold.

"Oh, miss!" screamed Mrs. Sprout at the sight of her attire. "Are you going out like this!"

"Is there a problem?" Pomona checked herself, because the blood of wizards is withered, and now many Muggle-born wizards have entered the wizarding world, so there are many people dressed in strange clothes.

She can be sure that she is definitely not wearing Muggle pajamas, but the style of this witch's robe reveals her calves, which is definitely not acceptable to an elderly witch like Mrs. Sprout.

"Your face, you forgot to cast a spell."

Pomona suddenly felt that her good mood in the morning was gone.

She was still in the dark age, but there was an extra emerald bracelet on her wrist, which seemed to represent something, but she couldn't remember.

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