Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 60 Predators

"You are the main person in charge of the labyrinth. You arranged all the earth and plant magics. Have you ever mentioned to Severus Snape the structure of the defensive array inside?" Dumbledore's eyes even had The occlusion of the half-moon glasses is still sharp.

He was swayed by someone, and he has been looking for the reason all this time, and he didn't know why he remembered to ask her this today.

"I don't!"

"While you're awake, yes, and when you're sleeping, you can't always use Occlumency while you're sleeping."

There was something in Dumbledore's words, and she felt like a bucket of water was pouring down her body.

"What are you thinking, Pomona?" Dumbledore walked up and down the principal's office excitedly, "I let you approach him for the information in his mind, why did you give him your own information instead, you It’s Hufflepuff’s dean, who was supposed to protect Cedric, but now he’s turned into a corpse, and his father asked me for an explanation in the entire wizarding world and the Daily Prophet, how do you want me to explain it to him?”

Her mind went blank.

"I'm very disappointed in you. You don't have to teach at Hogwarts this year. You will leave for the old house of the Black family tonight."

As long as there is compound soup, anyone can teach with that face. Anyway, the knowledge in school is just enlightenment. Seven years at Hogwarts is just a small part of life. If you want to continue to improve, you have to wait after graduation. Keep working hard, the snot-nosed who was once bullied is now a recognized master of potions in the magic world, and Pomona is still doing nothing.

"I don't want to go." Her voice became hoarse, and it sounded like someone else.

"What are you staying for? Continue to take him into your secret room?" Dumbledore thumped the table hard, and made a shocking voice, "Idiot!"

Then she heard Bella's crazy laughter, rolled her eyes, and fell directly on the grass.

The earth element represented by Hufflepuff and the wind represented by Ravenclaw are just like water and fire. The earth element can be understood as the human body, while the wind element is the human soul. The combination of the two is a human being.

The human body is not necessarily the container of the soul. The Ravencrow crown, the Hufflepuff gold cup, the Slytherin ring, and the locket of the Black family can all be used as the soul container-the Horcrux.

As long as it is material, a vase can also be a Horcrux, but Tom Riddle's taste will not accept such mediocre things. Murdering other people is a kind of sacrifice, just like the style Tom has always advocated. He is a sacrifice, not a horse. with a broom.

The process of a woman's pregnancy is also a human body refinement. Muggles have conducted research on this. Reproduction is a natural law, but it becomes immoral because it is contaminated with human desires.

Just like the song sang, this is a kind of "sin", which is a moral fault. If you live together without getting married, it is called live in sin. Marriage is a big event, and you can't do whatever you want like a child.

In Tarot divination, there is a card called Priestess, which represents Virgo, and the card Patricia gave her is the Queen representing Venus, which represents love and harvest, which means material abundance , is different from the priestess who is climbing towards knowledge, and will eventually return to the earth. The Cinderella avoids the materialized blood man Baro, and Baro becomes more and more crazy without her love.

The more repressed emotions are released, the more frightening they are. Children like to be mischievous, but school rules and teachers strictly control them. There are more and more repressed emotions and desires. So many people think together "wait a while How to play tricks on people", finally endowed this mischievous idea with a concrete image, and there was the annoying Peeves.

I want to go home, Pete, take me home.

She wanted to go back to that little cottage in the moor, to live in isolation with Mrs. Sprout, and never come out again.

The compliment women most want to hear is the coexistence of beauty and wisdom, and the last thing they want to hear is being ugly or vain. She didn't even think about it, she just acted according to her own heart, what's wrong?

She didn't just look at her appearance this time, she found someone who wasn't very good, why was she still cursed?

Bella, you really are a bitch.

You are a man with a husband, why are you obsessed with the mysterious man? You have disgraced the Black family.

"He wants the locket." Sirius stared at the empty display shelf. "He also wants the entire Black family. If I am dismissed, Regulus will inherit it. Bella has been provoking my relationship with my mother. I hope Can wipe me off the family tree."

Pomona looked at the tapestry next to the troll's leg. A hole had been burned where Sirius Black had been. It looked like Bella had gotten her wish.

"Don't worry, you will revitalize the family." She patted Sirius' arm, and after more than a year of recuperation, his arm has become much stronger, and it doesn't look as thin as before. "Also, you still want to Get Regulus back, and Dumbledore will clear your name after a while, and you can return to the public place again."

Sirius turned his head to look at her. He was indeed handsome. His long curly hair softened his thin facial features, and the years gave him a melancholy temperament. With his family background, he would definitely find an equally prominent woman to marry, but it's a pity that Malfoy only has one son, otherwise he could have married.

"You really think so?"


"Then after I return to the social world, will you be my dance partner at the first ball?" Sirius looked at her expectantly.

"You can ask other people." She withdrew her hand.

"I'm asking you now." Sirius continued, "Are you dating someone else?"

"Professor Snape!" Hermione Granger shouted in surprise, and the snow-covered Head Slytherin walked behind them as if nothing had happened.

Sirius had a warlike smile on his face, and a dazzling cold light erupted from his eyes.

"Professor, can I ask you a few questions?" Hermione asked behind Snape. She is a very studious girl, even more studious than Lily, but even she might not be able to be like Lily. Use that ancient magic.

That kind of magical activation requires absolutely pure motivation. It is a mother's instinct to sacrifice herself to protect her child. This has nothing to do with theory.

"I've been wondering why Lupine didn't kill him then." Sirius looked at Snape's back, and said softly, "The snot is really lucky."

"Don't call him that."

"Then what should I call him, dear?" Sirius joked with her with a playful face, but she didn't think the joke was funny, especially when he said that dear very loudly.

"You can call him Snape, or Professor Snape, he is the head of Slytherin and deserves your respect."

Sirius laughed, like she had told some terrible joke, and strode out of the room with the cupboards.

After he left, she was still staring at his back. He was as thin as a sprout when he was a freshman, maybe because Tobias couldn't afford the expenses of a family. In addition to exercising, he is tall and strong now, and he has been with the nobles of Slytherin for many years, his back is straight, and his back looks very gentlemanly.

Lockhart, that pompous fool who thought the head of Slytherin was a nuisance and would be popular by defeating him, challenged an ex-Death Eater in the duel room and was lucky to survive.

It's a pity that Draco did badly when he dueled with Harry, that brat had completely embarrassed Slytherin.

"Pomona, come here," someone called from the kitchen.

"Okay, I'll come right away." She agreed, and took one last look at the dark figure before leaving. She had an intuition that it would be a long time before they would see each other again.

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