Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 608 Little Enemy

The biggest difference between London Chinatown and other communities is the "firework".

The most popular god in China is the God of Wealth, who is at the forefront of the Chinatown Spring Festival parade every year.

He held a stack of red envelopes in his hand, and distributed them to the children in the crowd of onlookers, while stocks lasted, first come, first served.

People's lives are much better now than before, and they don't have to risk being hanged to make a living by pickpocketing like in "Orphan Twist".

In the Middle Ages, the plague was not always widespread and wars were frequent. Most of the time it was safe and sound, and caravans would bring food and wealth.

When all is well, people will choose civilization and reason, but when life-threatening tests come, most people will make compromises with known moral theories.

There are still a few sages like Yamu village, and I have no symptoms, so I have hope to live after leaving London.

The ancient Roman philosopher Apuleius once said that as an individual, man is mortal, but as a whole, mankind will live forever.

The plague will spread with shipping. The Great Plague in London came from Amsterdam, and the trade did not stop after the outbreak of the plague. As a result, the Black Death broke out in France the next year.

However, if the route is cut off, there will not be enough income and food to treat and block the plague. Famine will make people who have nothing to lose take risks.

Whether it is a country or a race, it is a collective. In most cases, the power of the collective is much stronger than that of the individual. Tom Riddle is an exception.

So many people didn't destroy the Hogwarts defensive circle, but he destroyed it by himself.

When acting collectively, those individuals who do not obey orders will appear particularly obtrusive. This kind of person is not immoral, but lacks teamwork, believes in individualism, and emphasizes individual freedom and the importance of the individual. are different.

Egoism is based on extremely selfish personal goals, such as making money when there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, putting greed and making money as the first priority, and disregarding human life and conscience.

What the army hates most is individualism, freedom and disregard for discipline. The first thing a recruit has to learn is to obey orders. Running around on the battlefield will not only kill him but also affect the entire operation and expose the target. On the Korean battlefield The Chinese military and the American military represent two completely different styles.

The United States is an individualistic country, and there are many combat heroes in the Chinese army, who would rather sacrifice their lives for the collective benefit.

These people were promoted as heroes, while the United States believed that China's sending troops was an instruction from the Soviet Union, and China was only working for the Soviet Union in the front.

When the Stars and Stripes are burned, the freedom of speech of those who burn it must be protected, and patriotism can also be related to communism. Americans are like this, and they pay more attention to human rights. "There is nothing more patriotic than protesting." Not to mention the collective sense of honor. In order to win, MacArthur came up with the idea of ​​bombing the supply lines of the volunteers with atomic bombs, and even used bacterial chemical weapons. Whoever cares about the Geneva Conventions.

Hufflepuff is talking about teamwork, and also has a strong sense of collective honor. From the beginning to the end of the Triwizard Tournament, the only player representing Hogwarts, Hufflepuff, was born in Cedric. In the end, Harry became Even though Harry was number one on the date list, Hufflepuff's silly girls stopped chasing him. Anyone who dared to be regarded as a "traitor", Ravenclaw again In a "neutral" position, the "Raven's Claws" often sway by Harry's side.

Many wizards have the habit of inquiring, but not all wizards have it. Hermione Granger is one of them.

She's a Muggleborn and she's taking Muggle Studies, maybe she's analyzing how wizards know about Muggles.

Every time the little otter accidentally said a word, it would cause a "little dispute" between the two of them. What Albus left her was his personal letter. He was as private as Minerva. The executor Severus Snape had a habit of opening other people's letters privately.

He is the kind of person who has a strong desire to possess and control. "Equality" does not exist in his eyes. Harry is the kind of boy who has received education in equality and free thought in the Muggle world.

Talking about equal rights with Severus is provocative, and not everyone is as bold as Harry, who dares to anger the old Slytherin bat.

Suppressing and hiding one's emotions and desires is like a spring that is constantly compressed, and the greater the force exerted, the greater the force released.

Excessive patience will bring double pressure on the body and spirit, and if you don't know how to release your emotions, it may even lead to emotional collapse and out of control.

Hannah and her mother should have a good relationship. After her accident, Hannah could sense it. Like Neville, she could also feel that her mother was in danger. It’s just that Neville was still a baby when Alice had an accident. This kind of mother-child bond The feeling only the mother knows.

There is also some kind of subtle induction between the twins. Fred and George seem to always feel what the other is thinking. Often you say one sentence and the next sentence, the two seem to be one person, and even Molly can't achieve it. Their kind of tacit understanding.

After nightfall in Chinatown, all the red lanterns on the street are lit up, and everything is red as far as the eye can see, which is different from the golden red of Gryffindor, full of ominous omens.

He didn't do anything to her, and even put his clothes on, but she felt lost, as if something had been robbed by him.

She was sobbing and crying, but the bastard who caused everything was leaning against the wall and smoking comfortably, with a relaxed expression on his face, not the usual tense look.

Even now, she can still hear the pounding heartbeat and the fire-like body temperature in her ears. Lucius commented on him, saying that he is as fast as a fire dragon, and now she feels that the air she breathes is dry And the hot, cold mist rising did nothing to cool it down, and maybe she'd have to smear herself with some salve to heal the burnt soul.

"I hope I didn't see that," Severus said softly. "Do you want me to help you fade away?"

Pomona shook her head.

"The werewolf you caught, did he confess?"

"No." He said upset. "I always had the feeling that something was going to happen."

"Did you ever think that the werewolf would take advantage of this time to rob the prison?" She straightened her crumpled clothes and said sullenly.

We know from the experiment that what he needs more is emotional venting, so that she can recognize his identity—Mrs. Prince, so that he will be in a better mood.

She's no longer a free woman, she's in his hands, and that's what he wants.

"Not before, but now." He smiled and put his arms around her waist, and began to "explore" on her again. His appearance was similar to that of a gangster hippie. "Who else did you tell besides me?"

"People from the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione notified." She leaned on his shoulder, closed her eyes and said, "Do you think the spy who forged Lily's letter is still in the Order of the Phoenix?"

"Grindelwald's parchment in prison will be checked regularly, and what Albus wrote to him is not an ordinary invisibility potion." Severus said, "In 1980, the whole world had forgotten Grindelwald, How did Lily know about him?"

"And Bagshot." Pomona curled her lips. "She's everywhere."

"Also, there is that spell, who taught her?"

"Can't it be Grindelwald?"

"Albus began to study prehistoric spells in his later years, perhaps, a druid taught her." Severus said whimsically.

"Druids? I thought they would only engage in formalities now, and perform sacrifices like going through the motions."

"The protective spell on Harry Potter bounced the Killing Curse, but the defensive circle of Hogwarts did not. The Dark Lord is still the Dark Lord, and the magic power has not decayed at all. Have you ever asked him when the Horcrux was destroyed? Do you feel it?"

"What does it feel like?"

Severus sighed helplessly, "Why don't you take this opportunity to ask Miss Know-it-All?"

"Oh." She replied stupidly.

"What did you say to Narcissa yesterday?"

"I told her about the blood curse in Astoria."

The principal who was smoking was choked and coughed.

"What did you tell her?" he asked in a raised voice.

"Women like to gossip, Sissy heard about it." Pomona shrugged, "I told her not to tell Lucius for the time being, because his character might do something bad for Astonia."

"Why did you do this!" He endured for a long time, and finally asked her angrily, "Do you really think Narcissa will keep it a secret from Lucius?"

"Of course, it's not so easy for a woman to forgive a 'cheating' husband." Pomona looked at him decisively and said, "Besides, Astonia is willing to risk her life to give birth to Draco, how many women in this world Love Draco more than her!"

"So you reconciled? Great!" He sarcastically said, "Don't you suspect that little girl is lying to you?"

"She won't." Pomona looked at the ugly guy in front of her. "Both war and love can make people lose their minds. As fanatical as you are about war, we are as fanatical about love."

He looked even more confused.

"She'll take that risk," said Pomona emphatically, "even if it would kill Astonia to have a baby."

"Not everyone needs an heir." Severus stared at her and said, "Like me."

"I think you set a bad example for Draco, but Astonia not only married Draco, but also married the Malfoys." She lowered her head helplessly "I'm sorry, I couldn't Keep our Lily..."

"Enough," he cut her off. "We buried her. It's over."

The good atmosphere just now turned sour. Pomona felt as if she was still in that snowy January. It was hard to imagine that more than a year had passed.

"They're serious, Albus and Gellert, why can't they be buried together?" she said sadly.

"You said to let him be buried at Hogwarts." Severus replied coldly, "Sometimes you are really self-righteous."

Pomona fell silent. Tonks hadn't said that to her, but Tonks must have thought so.

Remus is really not a good marriage partner, poor and a werewolf, she is such a silly girl.

"Hermione must be regretting that she had blanked the memory of her parents. Do you think she should regret it?" he asked.


"She deserves it." He said more and more fiercely, "Don't give others what you think is good, it may not be what they really need. She made a mistake when she formed the House Elf Liberation Committee at the school." Wrong, do you know why I didn't remind her? She always thinks she is right, and she won't really change if she doesn't learn a lesson. "

"Why are you so fierce?" She glared at him.

"When you asked me to find other young women, I felt disgusted. What do you think I am? A horse waiting to be bred?"

She tried to break free from his hand, but he easily controlled her.

"You, and the white wizard, you don't know what love is at all." He stared at her with a threatening gaze, "even though you always say how great love is."

"You scratched me." She broke free from his grasp.

"Love makes people crazy and blind. Do you remember Cinderella and Baron the Bloody Man? An impulsive choice turned them into ghosts and haunted the castle for a thousand years. Do you want to join them?"


"I don't want to treat you like that, don't cross that bottom line, or we will go to hell early." He trapped her in the corner again, "Why don't you struggle?"

She was playing with the densely packed buttons on his clothes.

"I'm very conflicted. I want to unbutton you, but I really want you to unbutton it again."

"It sounds like someone has a special hobby." Someone said frivolously and presumptuously, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"I said not to be in the alley, why didn't you listen to me?"

"Why should I obey your order? Give me a reason?" He was obviously making things difficult for her on purpose.

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

"Weren't you afraid of being discovered before?" he said, taking things out of her flannel pockets, and finally he grabbed the invisibility cloak and the moonlight dress.

"What the hell are you playing again?"

"I said, I want to dance." She said coyly, oh, it's so disgusting to act like a baby to someone younger than herself, and she regretted it as soon as she said it.

Severus felt very happy.

"You want to dance in this dress?"

"Forget it today, we have other things to do." Like a female star in a Hollywood movie, she put her arms around his waist and raised her head, her neck looked like it was going to be broken. work."

"Don't you say stop doing this?" He said with a wry smile.

"I need strong strength, tomorrow will be very hard." She reached for his belt. "Let's relax first."

"You're such a bad girl." He smiled until his eyes narrowed. "Who taught you?"

"You can teach yourself without a teacher." She opened her water-blue eyes, looking up at him so purely that she deliberately said in French, "Do you like it, sir?"

"Who are you, ma'am?"

"Abigail, your maid." She looked at his Adam's Apple, feeling the monster in his body wake up a little bit, "I heard that Moody looked down on you, he said you are not the kind of duelist who can go to the battlefield .”

"The battlefield is too chaotic and accident-prone. I prefer one-on-one." His breathing gradually became cloudy with her movements.

"You didn't answer my question, do you like it?"

He closed his eyes, hugged her gently, and covered her with a large robe, and only the two of them knew the secrets in the robe.

Who told them that they were secret comrades-in-arms and lovers.

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