Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 607 Dance in the moonlight

In Roman legend, there was a door god named Janus, who was born with two faces, one looking back at the past and the other looking at the future. The cold of the previous year ended in January, and all the past came to an end. This month will end smoothly, just like the side outside the door, blocking a year of sorrow.

February is a festival to celebrate Februa. On this day, people often use a whip called Februa made of cow grass to beat barren women in order to conceive and give birth. People also have to repent their sins of the past year, cleanse their souls, seek forgiveness from the gods, and make themselves a chaste person.

In Lihen Bookstore, in addition to school textbooks, some books that have nothing to do with school courses are occasionally sold, such as the "book" written by Emeret Picardy about why werewolves are not worthy of survival, and Muggle studies "Mortal World" Secular Philosophy: Why Muggles Don't Like to Ask the Truth", the author of this book, Professor Modix Egg, visited Hogwarts in the winter of 1993. Before Carrie Tibbbaji, he was Hogwarts Gwartz's Muggle Studies teacher, he later resigned because he was afraid of being involved in the First Wizarding War. The Muggle Studies teacher was vacant for a long time until the end of the First Wizarding War. Ritty took over from him and continued teaching.

Regarding the attitude of Muggles, purebloods have always regarded them as ants. This class is also very suitable for brainwashing. Compared with Muggle women who are good at giving birth, it is very difficult for witches to have children. The total population of Muggles is smaller than that of Muggles.

When his book came out in 1963, it happened that the Minister of the Birthplace of the Muggles, Norby Ridge, was in power. He, like Kingsley, had a good impression of Muggles, which caused fear in the pure blood, and the pure blood was against the Muggle. The image is still stuck in the era when Muggles would still burn wizards.

In Professor Iger's book, there are also some performances about Muggle ignorance. For example, even if their excuses are untenable, they still ignore the existence of magic. This pleases the nobles, but it is not good for Deng. Bullido's appetite, when Iger chose to resign, Mr. Principal did not retain him at all.

Later, on the 30th anniversary of the completion of his book, he came to the school, tentatively republished it, and criticized Kerrity's teaching methods to see if he could redeem his chance to continue teaching at Hogwarts. However, his research on Muggles is indeed much more objective and fair than that of Kerrity. For example, Muggles who fall in love with wizards usually do not betray their husbands or wives. When the object of the breakup was a witch or wizard, they were also laughed at by other Muggles.

Another example is that sometimes Muggles will hear wizarding radio broadcasts outside, and they would rather believe that they heard it wrong, or have hallucinations. His research focuses on why Muggle-wizard marriages and wizarding radio have not exposed hidden magic on a large scale. For social reasons, this is much wiser and more rational than Caredy Bubbaji, who advocated and advocated the elimination of racial discrimination all his life, believed that there was no difference between Muggles and wizards, supported wizards and werewolves, and Muggle intermarriage.

Caredi died in the end, a blissful Kedavra, and it was over quickly, leaving the rest of the table in agony to watch a living being devoured by Nagini.

If the boa constrictor Nagini following Voldemort is really the blood orc Nagini, then what Severus saw was the scene of "man cannibalism". The forgiveness curse was taken seriously, but Severus "Little Deer" was terrified. He endured it until after the battle.

After Carrie Di's death, the Carlo brothers and sisters took over Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies for a period of time. After the Second Wizarding War, Professor Iger started teaching again.

He and Slughorn were in the same group. Caredy's death was so horrific that it intimidated many faculty members. If they dared to apply for a job at Hogwarts, there would be even fewer suitable people to take over Muggle Studies. .

Minerva is busy rebuilding the school and recruiting teachers again, Sinistar has resigned, the astronomy tower that was the scene of the murder of Albus has not been used for a long time, and the green lightning that pierced the darkness hurts a lot human heart.

That night, Harry chased after Severus, and many people in the castle heard his loud questioning, Harry roared so hoarsely.

"Snape! He trusts you!"

Harry's voice echoed in the valley, at least at that time Harry could think of pursuing revenge, but Pomona had no other thoughts.

"Fight back! Coward!"

Harry was still yelling, but her memory went back to the night of the full moon three years ago. In the few memories that Remus had left, she saw a brave man who blocked the three children. In front of her, that person is her hallucination, isn't it? Or, it was a dangerous act of acting to really gain Albus' trust and then kill him when the time was right.

People like to compare love to being shot in the heart by Cupid's arrow, but if an arrow really hits the heart, a person's heart will stop beating.

Just like chamaejasma aconitum, it will force the heart to stop beating little by little. If the dosage is not calculated properly, chamaejasma potion is a deadly poison. After drinking it, you will never wake up again. For women Said, what could make her more disheartened than seeing someone wrong.

It's strange, she didn't think of revenge on Snape at all, she just closed the door, and she also knew that he was often away from school at night, but she followed the news in Potter's Watch just like everyone else , bad news almost every day, but it's strange that she can still remain optimistic and kind, but she whispers more often.

Crazy people are like this, often talking to themselves, but at that time she didn't feel that she was crazy at all, she could still make a very rational judgment and confront him in a negative way.

Hufflepuff's male and female prefects and the Quidditch captain are all members of DA, which is enough to show her attitude. Hufflepuff's "neutrality" is different from Ravenclaw. Alecto regards her as a A real fool, but she grows vegetables, cooks the kitchen, and feeds thousands of people in Hogwarts like a real maid. She didn't put poison in the food and make the whole school skip class. Tang was seriously ill and couldn't go to school, even though at that time going to school had become a legal obligation and he had to report to school.

When the war was over, all the truth came out, and Harry had justified Snape, but the news came next that he was killed in action.

The misunderstanding was cleared up, but it was too late, he was already dead, and later, when she was walking aimlessly in the castle like a wandering spirit, the old bat who was said to be dead was still alive, and his robe was sucking blood Afterwards, there was a weird purple color reflected in the sun, and his face was paler than usual. When he told her to leave, she wrote a letter to Nanny with what little reason she had left. Wei, and then they started wandering around aimlessly, sometimes apparating, and sometimes he would use the flying spell to fly her for a while, and finally they found an abandoned house surrounded by an open wasteland, Someone should have planted land here before, but it was abandoned, and the yellow weeds were waist-deep. However, it was their new home, and everything had nothing to do with them.

She'd had a bad pregnancy, so she wasn't the sort of barren woman who was whipped at Febloom in February.

But she did deserve to be punished, for her carelessness and intemperate orgies.

Like Irene, she put all her energy on her lover and forgot about other things.

In Iger’s book, Muggles usually don’t betray their wizard spouses, but Tobias is not like that. At first he thought Irene’s magic was very fresh, but after a long time he felt all kinds of inconveniences, so Irene put down her wand, Doing housework like a normal Muggle woman.

Iger also wrote a book "Cooking the Muggle Way", which Irene also read, and the food she made that way was not to Tobias' liking, and Tobias often came to town I ate at a restaurant in my hometown, and over time, I got together with a waitress.

The father and son are like wild beasts in an iron cage, and the woman who lives with them should be like a beast tamer, using whips and "rewards" rationally to let them receive training. If the female tamer becomes weak and deceitful in front of them, they will eat her, and Irene is almost killed by Tobias.

Such untamable "animals" are dangerous and beautiful at the same time, and they sometimes have a wildness that is rare for men in the city.

They ran amok in the crowd, hitting others until their heads were bloody, and they themselves were covered in bruises. Severus was often bullied when he was a child. How could he look dangerous?

Patience is for revenge, he bears revenge and forbears, and can wait for the right time to get revenge.

Now that Pomona recalled the past, he was not always gentle, sometimes very rough, and he could often taste blood when kissing, as if he was really kissing a vampire.

Werewolves and vampires, as well as full moons and dark and deserted alleys, when did a timid Hufflepuff live such a gothic horror life?

In this dark and deserted alley, only the two of them gasped and sucked loudly. The moonlight was blocked by the shadow of the building and could not illuminate this corner.

The day before, it had rained in London, and the puddles here were not yet dry. It reflected everything on the ground like a mirror. It looked like a weird comic book, full of darkness and violence, and it didn't fit at all. Children read.

"Stop..." She tried her best to push away the black head buried in her neck, which seemed to bite open her carotid artery.

"You started it first." He said in a trembling voice. "Are you trying to play with me again?"

"Not today." She begged, "Can I wait a few more days?"

His overheated mind regained its composure, and his eyes glowing in the darkness gradually became as unfathomable as stagnant water.

"We can be like Christmas." He used his nasal voice, took her hand, and said to her coaxingly, "I promise you won't let you down."

"Let me take a breath first." She panted, as if she was in a fire, she had difficulty breathing due to lack of oxygen, and the flames sucked all the oxygen she needed.

He pinched her chin and kissed her lips very tenderly. After a while, he asked again when her breathing became normal.

"Do you know where we are?"


"No, it's the place where the Black Death ravaged and was set on fire and rebuilt." He moved his hand along the slit of her coat, moving through the clothes, "Maybe the building behind you was built in that era. Now, we have to face each other." For another infectious disease, those werewolves will bite people everywhere if they don't learn a lesson. It is said that Muggles and wizards smell different. Their dog noses can smell it. If there are too many wizards in the city, they will There will be precautions, so that the purpose of sneak attack will not be achieved."

"How do you know?" She said a little deliriously, and now she seemed to be soaked in hot water, soaked for too long, and her head was a little dizzy.

"I used to be a Death Eater, and I fought a lot with them." He put her hand on his body, and whispered in her ear, "You can touch me any way you like."

"I do not know what to do."

"I don't mind." He said with a smirk. "You don't want me to stay in shape just to admire, do you?"

She covered her face.

"I have a gift for you." He continued to whisper in her ear, "I didn't even give you a decent gift on Valentine's Day."

"What is it?"

"It's on me, you can look for it yourself."

"I don't have a hidden gift on me." She tried to move the hand that was touching her body away.

"I like adventure." He sniffed her with his hooked nose. "What did you eat?"

"Yuanxiao." She said tremblingly.


She nodded repeatedly.

She would never tell him that she just vomited just now, she will take this secret to her grave!

"Look around, aren't you very good at finding things?"

Although Mr. Lover is still flirting, Pomona is already awake. She has the courage to unbutton his densely packed buttons. Although his clothes have no pockets on the outside, there is one in the lining. She found a jade carving , there are three little monkeys on it, one covering her ears, one covering her eyes, and one covering her mouth, representing don't listen, don't see, and don't speak. When turned over, there is an engraving on the base, which is her personal signature.

"What's this?"

"Your private seal can also be called a monogram. Aren't you familiar with oriental culture?" He curled his mouth and smiled strangely.

"I'm not Miss Know-It-All." She played with the seal. "Where did you get it?"

"A Chinese friend, he found a craftsman to carve it on the street, who do you think he is?"

Pomona immediately thought of the horse you rein.

"You and the horse became friends so quickly?"

"I have many similarities with him, but I'm not as suspicious as he is." He tapped the tip of her nose, "Are you being naughty again?"

"I just followed those two aura masters." Pomona admitted frankly, "How do you know it's me?"

"Perfume, we all use the one you bought from the British Museum last time."

"One day lover." She added, she estimated that he would not remember the name of the cosmetics "That may be left by you."

"Men and women smell different. I can smell figs and flowers. What can you smell?"

She leaned over and sniffed "I still like the smell of sage on you."

"What did you smell?" He asked again, emphatically.

"The smell of Caesar," she said, looking him in the eyes. "But I am not Cleopatra, and I have no country to defend."

"then who are you?"

"Let me see, your Fairy, why should I be afraid of you when you see me fully transformed without being afraid?" She pressed her head against his chest "I'm a monster, you know. "

"Why are you so stupid?" he sighed.

"I don't think I'm stupid. Do you know Bridget Willock?"

"The crazy woman?" Severus said immediately.

"I may not be stupid, but I may be crazy. By the way, I want to ask you, didn't Albus leave me anything?"

He fell silent.

"Oh hell, what did he leave for me?" Pomona was furious and wanted to push him away, but Severus quickly got hold of her hands, so she opened her mouth and bit down hard. his hand.

"Damn it!" He withdrew his hand before being bitten. "Is biting a lady thing?"

"How can you embezzle my inheritance!" Pomona punched him like a boxer. "You took my coffers, and now you take what Albus gave me. Do you know what century it is? This is It's the 21st century!"

"Enough!" After being beaten dozens of times, and he didn't dare to fight back, Severus stopped her, "Didn't I show you?"

"What?" she asked sharply.

"Those letters, hell, how can he let a woman keep those nasty letters." Severus buttoned up his own button, and Pomona's hands were itchy, and she wanted to give him all the buttons. untied.

"How did you convince Stringer to give you those letters?"

"Oh, senior, who told you that there is only one executor of his will." He smiled slyly and shamelessly, "The white wizard trusts me, you forgot? And you don't wonder how I got into Restland Qi family's treasury?"


"He left money to Aberforth, and other relatives, but most people didn't want to see me. They would rather give up their property. I thought you knew, but you closed the door on me. The White Wizard put Do you know how miserable I was?"

"So you just..."

"I used his money to take in the families of the defeated Death Eaters. The Dark Lord didn't leave a silver heckle at all. I gave the money to Draco to take care of, and he did pretty well."

"Oh my God!" Pomona was shocked.

"The Dark Lord did leave a large amount of gold behind, but no one knows where it is. Lucius said it might have something to do with the divination bird." Severus said helplessly, "I heard that every time that bird calls It will rain."

"Today is the full moon, how about dancing with me, Prince." She hooked his neck and said, "I remember the theme of the dance held at Malfoy's house that day was 'Moonlight'."

"You really like dancing, aren't you afraid that the place where you dance will be haunted by bad luck?"

She hesitated for a moment, then quickly gave up the idea, took his hand, and planned to lead him out of this alley.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat Yuanxiao."

He was not moved at all, but instead pulled her back with a light tug.

"Let's finish what we just started." He crossed his hands and wrapped her in a black cloak. "It's bad enough not being able to sleep at night, don't make me feel worse."

"Don't be in the alley." She begged, "find a better place."

"Where do you want to go?" he asked patiently.

"How about a movie theater? There should be a midnight show."

"No." He refused with a smile.

"Where do you want to go then?" she gasped, and the feeling of lack of oxygen came back.

He didn't know what bad idea he was thinking, and kept silent.

So she didn't care about it so much, she directly hooked his neck and stood on her toes. The scene in the alley suddenly changed from a horror movie to a love movie, and finally it wasn't so scary.

Happy Valentine's Day, AWSL

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