Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 590 Chapter 4 and 1/2 The Love of Glass

Tina once said that Queenie and Jacob could sit face to face, say nothing, just look each other in the eye and giggle all day long.

Pomona, who was still a girl, thought that was really stupid, and she swore she would never become a stupid woman like Queenie.

In reality, however, she had broken her oath and become an idiot who could stare Severus in the eyes and giggle all day long. Queenie at least had the ability to read minds and "hear" what Jacob was thinking, but Pomona didn't, she had no idea what was going on in Severus' mind.

She is as stupid as a goose, and it so happens that her patron saint is a swan with only the temperament of a princess, who looks quite elegant in the water and in the sky, but the swan is no different from an ordinary poultry when it lands, walking waddled, It looks stupid.

The city is noisy, not just the car horns and people talking, but people's thoughts and thoughts, and Queenie can hear them even if she doesn't mean to.

She couldn't block those voices even if she covered her ears, so it made her happy to just listen to Jacob's heart.

Jacob likes to bake, and women like to bake too. As for why women like to bake... Jacob’s bakery sells bread and cakes in the shape of magical animals. For most ordinary people, they may not have the power to change the world and achieve Great dream, but at least you can use your spare time to make life more interesting and warm.

Food is not just to fill your stomach or satisfy your appetite, but to create a feeling of happiness. Pomona believes that food can bring happiness, which is different from Severus' belief that power can bring happiness.

She missed being in the wilderness, secluded, away from people instead of making them feel lonely, away from the noise, and they could do whatever they liked.

He reinforced the exterior walls and structure of the house to keep it from creaking like the Scream House, and she cleaned out the kitchen, where the first meal was cream of mushroom bisque, She always has food in her pocket, but the mushrooms are picked from the forest. The two of them have read the book of thousands of magical herbs and mushrooms for twenty or thirty years. They can tell which mushrooms are poisonous and which are not poisonous. Clearly, served with buttered diced toast, their "cohabitation" opening is a bit greasy, but it's still satisfying nonetheless.

Grindelwald described the "golden years" with Albus as sweet taffy, but for the two of them it was a bit cloying.

During those six years, they did not do any great research that could promote human progress. They were just busy doing things that made themselves happy, but were meaningless to others.

When they want to bask in the sun but don’t want the cold wind blowing outside, they will move the sofa to the sunny window. Sometimes they read books, and sometimes they kiss intimately. Fleurs will come back from the dead.

In Albus Dumbledore's Anthology of Beedle the Bard, Babbitty the Rabbit and her Quacking Stump, the witch-hunting dog, Shab, dies, and the others hope that the King will bring him back to life with his wand.

As kids, we've always believed that with the wave of a magic wand, our parents would bring dead cats and mice back to life.

It is through this story that many people first discovered that magic cannot bring the dead back to life. The genius Voldemort may not have time to read this kind of children's literature. Mom can't die if she's a witch.

"What did you drink just now?" After a sweet and boozy kiss, Pomona came to her senses. She was still in London, in the luxury apartment that Lucius Malfoy gave them to live in.

She licked her lips subconsciously, her fingers touched his chest subconsciously, the beating heart in his chest proved that he was still alive, she didn't seem to be dreaming.

"Vortega and elderberry syrup, for colds." He panted, her lipstick sticking to his thin, mean lips, looking like he'd sucked blood.

"Elderberry syrup?" she said in surprise. "How did you even think of adding that?"

"Inspiration." His hand moved behind her like a snake. "Guess what I drew on your back?"

"Volga River." She closed her eyes, imagining the scene of a person using a magic wand to create ice crystals on the skin of a young man's back. They spread like feathers, almost like angel wings.

The Elder Wand is made of elderberry and the tail feathers of thestrals, which means that the core of the Elder Wand should not be visible to those who have not seen death.

That magic wand, and that same-sex couple, why can't they just mind their own business and find a place to hide away like them, and be a happy and shameless Gay wife?

"No, I'm drawing a snake." He drank in her ear and said in a low voice, "In the Garden of Eden, the snake that tempted Eve climbed up the fruit tree before Eve could notice it." , I think, it needs to keep climbing up to get Eve to notice it, otherwise she wouldn't look down at the animal lying on the ground at all, if I was as short as Felius, would you pay attention to me ?”

"No." She answered him honestly.

Most women can tolerate a man who is not very handsome, but cannot accept his height. It is a pity that Fei Liwei is a half-breed half-elf, and his height will always be like that. Fairy women rarely see him, and human women cannot accept his height. , so poor Head Ravenclaw, even though he is personable, learned, and dueling champion, is still single.

"Doris is also coming for this operation, and she may be one of the few women Felius hates." Severus said with a smile, "She actually used a tape measure to measure his height."

"Is Felius coming too?"

"I don't know, I'm just expressing my feelings." He sighed, "I'm so lucky. Although I'm not as tall as that stupid dog, I'm still in your mate selection criteria, right?"

"Don't say that..." He sealed her lips with his index finger, and he could still smell a bitter smell from those hands that had just handled the potion.

"I'll tell you a secret, don't tell anyone else." He said in a voice that only two people could hear. "My wand, the birch one, with a snake's nerve core, do you know who I am now?"

"Yes." She said tremblingly.

"Very good." He praised her, but put the finger that was on her lips into her mouth. "Now start practicing, and don't forget to use the one you learned from the White Wizard to be good at." A glib tongue."

She could feel his anger, because at Albus's begging, he agreed to kill the great White Wizard and relieve the old fool's pain, but it didn't occur to him that the old fool hadn't told anyone about their plan, and that he couldn't do anything but die. Can't prove my innocence.

The cold wind of the Scottish Highlands blowing on the observatory chilled his heart. He temporarily softened his heart and agreed to the request of a dying old man, but he was bitten back. No matter how good a person is, his heart will become as hard as iron. of.

The trust between people is as fragile as glass, why should it be broken?

She opened her mouth tremblingly, and the finger immediately went in nimbly. At that moment, he let out a long sigh in her ear.

Behind them, the cauldron was still on fire. What was the potion inside?

She wanted to remind him to take a look, but her fingers made her unable to pronounce clear words, which made him even more excited.

His fingers imitated glass rods, stirring clockwise in her mouth, and then counterclockwise after a while.

She felt extremely uncomfortable. The white dahlia in her hair fell to the ground and broke a lot of petals. The sound it made was very soft, but it was like a flare gun, as if heralding the start of the game.

In fact, February 24th was not so cold anymore. That day happened to be the Black Lake competition. Harry got the moss grass at the last moment and went to explore the bottom of the lake.

He lied to her, told her that the game was under water and she couldn't see anything above the water, and led her out of the stands.

Slytherin has always been very cunning. In the third grade, Slytherin used Master Malfoy's arm injury as an excuse not to participate in the Quidditch match on a heavy rainy day. What kind of dean teaches what kind of students , that ugly guy is really bad, but he is cunning and shrewd at the same time making a joke, taking her moon cycle blood as a sign of losing her innocence...


Hannah Albert's roar was like a thunderbolt that woke Pomona awake.

At the moment she is in the Leaky Cauldron, it is not the gray and gloomy place it used to be, it has become colorful and brisk music is playing, there are no smoking old witches and no suspicious people, suitable for children to haunt .

She is the good, pure Hufflepuff, who was taught badly by the old basilisk in Slytherin.

Pomona lowered her head and took a sip of the flame whiskey, letting it stay in her mouth like gargling, as if to wash away the disgusting smell of potion in her mouth.

Hannah watched her strange behavior without making a sound, and asked after she had spit out the glass of whiskey.

"What are you doing at the bar today?"

"Teach Neville this." She took out a gilt glass bottle with a lion's head as the cap from her pocket. The liquid inside was like nail polish with sequins, flowing thick and slowly.

"What's this?"

"Strong sobriety, drinking it can theoretically keep you awake for seven days and seven nights."

"Why would he drink this, no, why should I hand it to him?"

"Did you hear the news? Werewolves will attack Chinatown on the night of the full moon this month."

"What does that have to do with us?" Hannah asked puzzled.

"You're dating Neville, aren't you, Hannah?" said Pomona, looking her in the eyes. "You think Neville's going to be nothing for the rest of his life?"

Hannah looked disgusted as if she had eaten a slug.

"what are you saying?"

"I know what you silly girls are thinking, Harry is famous because he is the 'chosen one', do you think Neville is not as famous as him?"

"I never thought of that!"

"Neville was also born at the end of July. A person cannot die twice. Harry almost died once. Now it's Neville's turn."

"What are you talking about? You want Neville to fight a werewolf?" Hannah's eyes widened. "You know how bad he is at fighting. Putting him on a werewolf is like sending him to his death."

"It was the same with Harry in the Triwizard Tournament, Minerva said he was like juicy meat," Pomona deadpanned, "but he survived and Cedric died, I believe Voldemort used the chance he killed Cedric to create a Horcrux, and we're going to track down Wormtail, and his fake hand is the last Horcrux."

Hannah was stunned.

"You...you mean, Neville is going to be the savior?"

"That's right, he almost got into Hufflepuff. The Sorting Hat insisted on sorting him into Gryffindor. He's one of us, and we can't leave our companions behind." Pomona picked up her glass and swallowed It drank it up, and put it on the table with a bang. "He's taking the same risk as Harry, but he won't be as famous, what are you doing?"

Hannah looks flustered, she's clearly lost.

"Do you still remember Luna? At that time Neville was very scared. He didn't know if he would die, so he confessed to her impulsively. Sometimes, a man needs a woman's support and encouragement, and he couldn't do it alone. , how is Tom's situation now?"

"He...he's still training." Hannah said in a daze, "I'm not ready."

"Honey, the enemy won't give you time to adapt and prepare." Pomona smiled and shook her head. "Love is as sudden as war. Do you like Neville? I heard that he once came to help."

"You can't interfere in my life." Hannah's eyes were red, and tears rolled in her eyes. "You are not my mother."

"Well, even if you don't marry Neville." Pomona said impatiently, "Give him this thing, and remember to tell him to pretend that everything is as usual, so that no one finds anything unusual. Their plan is to pretend Cheng is unprepared and sneaks up on the werewolves who want to sneak up on Chinatown, don't mess it up."

"I don't want to do it!"

"I thought you were a member of Dumbledore's Army, Hannah, you are different from ordinary Hufflepuff girls, since you joined that organization, you have no right to tell me that you don't want to do it!" Pommer Na pointed to Hannah's face and said, "Pretending to be a couple with him is the best cover."

"You don't care about his life at all?"

"Hell, of course I care, but this has to be done! Running away won't solve the problem!" Pomona wanted to yell, but she held back as the bar was busy.

"Do you know? I asked Professor Graplan, and she said that she has never supported you to study and teach in school. It was Principal Dumbledore who insisted on letting you stay, just like he insisted on letting Professor Lupine. It’s harmful to the children, even though you and Fleur look beautiful.” Hannah said with a face of resistance, “You are such a hard-hearted woman, you pretended to be optimistic and compassionate, right?”

"Get out!" Pomona pointed to the door and said coldly to Hannah.

Hannah stood up and left, just like she did in school, but she sat back quickly.

"This is my bar, if you want to go, you have to go!"

Pomona glared at Hannah Albert, and Hannah looked at her fearlessly, with a look of resistance to the end.

"If you really don't like her, you can list her as an unwelcome guest." Aberforth said suddenly behind the bar at this time, "In this way, she will not be able to appear in this bar again in the future."

"Shut up." Pomona and Hannah screamed at him together, and then started staring at each other again.

Pomona didn't have time to spend with the little girl. After a stalemate for a while, she picked up her things and stood up.

"Remember what I just said..."

"Is this an order?" Hannah said coldly.

"That's right, this is an order." Pomona also said indifferently, she glanced back at the chocolate frog pictures covering the entire wall, turned and left No. 1 Diagon Alley.

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