Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 589 Longing

If it is difficult for women to choose, then for men, sometimes they have to be forced by various external forces to face some problems.

These issues have a collective name, called "responsibility."

Happy to hang out with a girl, he is responsible if she gets pregnant; happy to enjoy a peaceful life in a land, and he is responsible for guarding the territory when the land is threatened.

As men grow older, they tend to become more and more silent, silent when they need to recuperate, silent when they need healing, silent when they need to concentrate on thinking, and women like to fall in love with hearing, so it is very easy for women to misunderstand men's silence.

Language is not only used to talk about love, it may also be a lie covered up with sweet words. Ravenclaw's ghost, Helena, was also deceived by Voldemort. Her mother's diadem had been stained with black magic, as if wisdom itself had been insulted.

So Pomona wasn't interested in a good-looking, bombastic man like Lockhart.

She was older than Severus, so it was especially difficult to accept the fact that someone younger than her was more mature than her.

As far as ordinary people are concerned, the older they are, the more mature they become, but there are some people, even if they are young, as long as they have enough experience, they will be less mature than older people.

The way a woman teaches a boy to be a man is very different from the way a man teaches a boy to be a man. The terrible teacher will not be as "teachable" as Albus. Poor Neville, he has messed with the old bat again.

Magic is power, this is the style of the new headmaster, he will not engage in democracy and equality, Harry can call Sirius by the name, Draco dares to call his godfather like that.

Domineering people usually give people the impression that they are not easy to mess with. Every time Severus haunts the school, the students see him from a distance, and they will automatically get out of the way like Moses divided the Red Sea. Dare to confront him.

Confucius' teaching method is to teach by precept and deed. His disciples recorded his words and deeds and other students' words and deeds to form the Analects.

Socrates used questions to teach. He did not teach the conclusion directly to others, but pointed out the problem, and guided people step by step to finally come to the "correct" conclusion.

He believes that the "right" answers already exist in the students' minds, and they just need to be asked the right questions to bring them out.

For example, a young man wants to be a politician. In order to help the young man recognize the issues of justice and injustice, Socrates used the heuristic method to have the following dialogue with the young man:

Su asked: In what category should hypocrisy be classified?

Youth Answer: It should be classified as injustice.

Sue asked: To what category should theft, deceit, slavery, etc. be classified?

Youth Answer: Injustice.

Su asked: If a general punishes enemies who have greatly harmed the interests of his country, and enslaves them, can this be called injustice?

The young man answered: No.

Su asked: What if he stole the enemy's property or deceived the enemy in battle?

YOUNG ANSWER: Of course that is true, but I mean defrauding a friend.

Su asked: Well, let's discuss the problems among friends. How is it to be understood that a general, whose army is demoralized and on the verge of collapse, deceives his soldiers that reinforcements are on the way, thereby inspiring them to fight for victory?

The young man replied: It should be regarded as justice

Su asked: If a child is sick and refuses to take medicine, and his father tricks him into saying that the medicine is not bitter and tastes good, he coaxes him to take it, and the disease is cured, what kind of behavior does this kind of behavior belong to?

The young man replied: It should belong to the category of justice.

Sue asked: If a man goes mad and his friends steal his knives and sharp weapons for fear that he will commit suicide, is this kind of theft just?

Youth: Yes, they should also belong to this category.

Su asked: Don't you think friends can't cheat?

YOUNG ANSWER: Allow me to take back what I just said.

It can be seen from this dialogue that the characteristics of Socrates' heuristic teaching are: grasping the contradictions in the students' thinking process, inspiring and inducing, analyzing layer by layer, and deepening step by step.

In Infernal Affairs, Han Chen used money from murder and arson to build bridges and pave roads. Is this just or unjust? If it is unjust, then not giving money to help those in need, let that person die of poverty like Merope, let a child grow up in an environment without love, and become a person like Voldemort, which is again An act of justice?

Another example: Socrates asked a soldier when discussing "what is bravery":

Su: What is bravery?

Bing: Courage is standing your ground when the going gets tough.

SOCRATES: But what if the strategy calls for a retreat?

Bing: If so, don't make things stupid.

SOCRATES: Then you agree that bravery is neither standing nor retreating

Bing: I guess so, but, I don't know.

Su: I don't know either. Maybe it's just the right thing to get your brain rolling. What else do you have to say about this?

Bing: Yes, you can use my brain, that's what I want to say.

SOCRATES: We might try, then, to say that courage is composure and sound judgment in times of difficulty.

There are as many people who confuse recklessness with bravery as there are people who confuse the frenzy of consumerism with genuine virtue.

Everyone pursues happiness, and the ultimate goal of life is happiness. On the other hand, people also like to be a person with good moral character, and few people would like others to say that they are a person with bad morals.

Oh dear, you have everything in your house, gorgeous furniture, luxurious lighting, and beautiful curtains, but your family is wicked, and no one likes to hear that.

But like the Weasley family, the furniture is simple, the family is good, and the family is happy. Ron got into trouble with that Anglia car, and his father couldn't even get 50 Galleons. . Arthur was attacked by Nagini, and if it weren't for Draco's dad donating a large sum of money to St. Mungo's, Arthur would have died for lack of medical treatment as well.

Buy one thing, you can get happiness. When Harry lived in the Leaky Cauldron, he wanted the Firebolt very much, but he restrained his desire until Sirius gave it to his godson as a gift.

In the process of giving this gift, Sirius gained a sense of happiness. As a meeting gift for a reunion after a long absence, there is no problem with being expensive.

Those successful people, those who live a good life, often still have many excellent qualities in them. And those who are lazy, those who let themselves go, and those who do not follow the rules often do not live a good life.

Those Muggles who have been deceived by the "American Dream" indulge their desire to live in a good house and live a comfortable life, without a precise financial plan, buy what they want, and pay in installments if they can't afford it. This is an American habits, they are used to waste.

On average, Americans waste a quarter of the food on the table every day, and food waste has caused environmental problems, which is completely different from thrift in Chinese culture.

Similarly, the Chinese can love their country so much that they don’t care about life and death, and they can even abandon their love and family, while the United States protects those who "burn the Stars and Stripes". Individual freedom of speech is higher than national honor. These are two completely different Countries with different values, even wizards are different.

Chinese wizards integrate into ordinary people to help, while Western wizards live separately from Muggles. Forcibly reversing the values ​​and living habits that have been integrated into their bones and blood for thousands of years will definitely feel very painful.

No matter how delicious the steak is, you still have to eat stir-fried vegetables after eating for a while. People's taste has been trained since birth, and it has long been integrated into the unconscious memory. It is usually not felt, and it needs to be "retrieved" by the correct question. will appear.

Sometimes people are easily dazzled by the halo caused by the sun god, but Tom has his outstanding side, he is definitely a genius.

He is also cruel, but his handsome face makes many people lose their minds.

The halo effect is not only often manifested in judging people by their appearance, but also often manifested in clothing taste, personality, talents and morals judged by the speech of the first meeting, etc. It is especially easy to appear when facing unfamiliar people, such as interviews On this occasion, the handsome face of a man is not effective for heterosexual men. Tom Riddle failed when he interviewed the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Nice" teachers and students think he is more attractive, his language habits are more likable, and even his accent is more charming, such as Remus Lupine, he is the most popular black wizard in Hogwarts Defense teacher.

In contrast, they hated Snape, who was used to teaching in a cold and distant tone, and students often disliked authoritative teachers. It's just that in the end, most people didn't recognize Remus's identity as a werewolf, because except for Hermione, no one else handed in the two rolls of parchment.

Do the right thing because it's right.

Although people cannot always make correct judgments, if they switch to doing things that are beneficial to themselves, even if it is wrong, this kind of thinking is leading people to do evil.

The dark wizard likes to give people freedom. Look at Bella, she takes the Unforgivable Curse as an interesting thing. She not only killed Sirius, but also tortured Neville's parents, making Neville grow up under the care of a powerful grandma. grow up.

In the sixth grade, Augusta forced him to take Transfiguration because Neville's father, Frank, was very good at it, but what Neville was really good at was Charms, and Minerva refused him without hesitation. Conflict with Augusta.

Severus wanted Harry and Neville to drop out of school a long time ago, one of them was disobedient and the other was mediocre, but they were both predicted to be born at the end of July.

Harry became "Savior" because he was "the chosen one" by Albus, and he almost died.

The old fool firmly believed that Harry was also a Horcrux accidentally created by Voldemort, so he pushed him to death.

Voldemort wants to create "7" Horcruxes, and Harry is "7". If Harry is the Horcrux that Voldemort accidentally created, then in Voldemort's cognition, he only created "6" Horcruxes, he would have to make one more to make up the "7", at least one Horcrux has yet to be destroyed, the most likely of which is the death of Cedric Diggory, who made a prosthetic hand out of silver to Wormtail.

There is a glorious hand in Bork Bokin, which was bought by Draco, and Tom Riddle worked in Boko Bojin for a while, and he used his diary to make a Horcrux when he was in school, and each of his Horcruxes have extraordinary meanings, maybe he made that silver hand to commemorate his time as an apprentice.

It was also because of that experience that he won Hufflepuff's Gold Cup. Cedric happened to be Hufflepuff, the perfect "victim".

Lily's protection spell is to treat herself as a victim. A life cannot be sacrificed twice to complete two different types of magic. Pomona does not believe that Harry is a Horcrux.

Sybil's prophecy, the old fool's focus is on a few people in the screaming room: Harry, Remus, Pete Pedylou, Sirius and Severus.

If the place where the prophecy happened was really the Shrieking Shack, then there were two servants with the Dark Mark in their hands, and Sybil's prophecy would not be described as a singular servant.

The "servant" refers to Pete. After he left the school, he met his "master" - Voldemort, who temporarily lived in a weak body made of the original body potion, and the location predicted by Sybill should be there.

Holmes said, remove all the impossible factors. What's left, no matter how much you don't want to believe it, is the truth.

There is a "contradictory point" in the scream house - Severus Snape, who later lived with Wormtail in the house in Spinner's End, if he really loves Lily so much, why didn't he kill the betrayer Peter Pettigrew, the "secret keeper" of their husband and wife.

In that house, he commands Wormtail like a master, so is he the master or the servant?

That man can make a woman fall in love like crazy, not because of his looks, but because of his unique charm.

Darkness, gloom, persistence, indifference, velvety deep voice, and the most critical passion.

A persistent person can often go to the road of a lonely strong man, but he chooses to wander between good and evil, love and hate.

But he is very ambitious and will not give up this for love. Slytherin can help him reach the peak. Maybe he will regret joining the Death Eaters in retrospect, but he will not "succumb" to Ravenclaw.

He even wanted Lily to learn the Dark Arts, but Lily flatly refused, but Pomona chose to accept him, and was even curious about the Dark Arts, just like Albus Dumbledore and Grindelwald were together.

He was wearing a white robe but was tempted by the darkness. Which woman doesn't like beautiful clothes and dress herself up beautifully? But she forced herself to wear those dirty clothes and "resist" the temptation of material things.

She almost did it, but there is a saying in Chinese that "a woman is the one who pleases herself", and she will dress herself up to make him pleasing to the eye, becoming... like a woman.

The earth system college is good at fortifications, and they can easily solve the traps such as trenches and quicksand that need to be dug in positional warfare. Women are not suitable for war, but Albus hopes that she can become a warrior. It will be difficult at Hogwarts Time to stand up instead of hiding and waiting for the war to end.

Severus used her heart as a battlefield, and Hufflepuff was loyal, not the same as Slytherin's, even if it seemed childish to him.

After putting on her make-up, Pomona used her wand to bang open the door to his laboratory, which was converted from one of the three bedrooms they didn't need that many anyway.

The old bat didn't care about her as an intruder at all, he didn't even bother to lift his eyes. He focused on the potion in the cauldron, took a glass stirring rod, stirred it clockwise three times, then raised his wand and waved it After a while, he had to wait patiently for the sober potion to reach this step, so he turned his attention to her.

"We're going to talk."

"What do you want to say?" He seemed to have no interest in the glamorous mixed-race Veela in front of him, his dark eyes were flat, obviously his attention was not on her.

"We're going to find Pete Pediru," she said. "I have a hunch that he's related to the last Horcrux."

"Have you not given up yet?" He frowned and said impatiently.

"Think about it, Severus, he's going to make seven horcruxes, if it was an accident that Harry became a horcrux, he himself doesn't know that Harry is a horcrux, in his memory, there are only six horcruxes , the diary, Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's cup, the Gaunt rings, Slytherin's locket and..."

"In order to make up seven, he made another one." He interrupted her, as if he really listened this time.

"I believe that Horcrux is Wormtail's silver hand, to commemorate his experience in Bok Bojin." Pomona sighed helplessly, "Cedric is the best sacrifice."

"Why do you think so?"

"Women's intuition, don't forget that Harry said that when they dueled, Cedric's spirit flashed back from the yew wand, and although it was Wormtail who said the death curse, Death still took this account Voldemort's body."

"You don't call him the Dark Lord anymore?" He looked her up and down with a smile. "You look very well dressed like that."

She suddenly twitched.

"How do you like it?"

"I want you to put a flower in your hair."

The straight man's vulgar aesthetic made her speechless, but she still picked a white dahlia from the vase next to it.

"How?" She adjusted the flower and tried to fix it, but the flower was so heavy that she could only hold it with her hands.

He didn't speak, just looked at her and smiled.

At this moment, the sound of the piano came from downstairs, not Bach, but the most common Canon in the Baroque period.

The melody of one part chased the other part from beginning to end, repeating constantly, she seemed to be addicted to this melody and could never come out again.

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