"Do you dare to come with us to the screaming house, snot, as long as you dare to come with me, I will tell you where she lives."

The boy in the period of changing his voice said that his tone was a little arrogant, and his whole body was full of a sense of superiority from a wealthy family.

"You lied to me." Snape wasn't fooled at all.

"Are you frightened, coward?"

"Take your words back!" He said every word.

"What do you want to use on me? The invisible kamikaze or the fuchsia?"

Snape didn't answer.

"Have you considered it?"


Snape agreed, what a fool, it was a trap!

"Young and beautiful are not for all men, Pomona. Some people pursue different things."

Dumbledore is wearing a ridiculous purple star wizard robe, the scary thing about him is this, you don't know if he is really guiding you, or making some kind of pit, like he said when he was walking by the black lake Sentence to abandon the "saint" argument of revenge.

"You are all the same." She took out a mirror, but the reflection in it was not her own face.

"Men are not as superficial as you think, especially after seeing real beauty." He raised his dark right hand, "Why don't you help me?"

"I want to leave Hogwarts, and I can only leave when you die."

Dumbledore pouted and nodded, "Then you don't want to know a secret."

"What secret?"

"There are so many ancient runes, why is Pianpian a rune?" Dumbledore sighed, and put his hand down again, "Witch."

"No..." She woke up at the last second and pushed away the kiss that made her dizzy.

The morning sun shines in through the windows, this is not a cellar and a cave, there can be no light in these two places.

"Anyway, no one else came, so what are you afraid of?" The old bat sniffed around his neck with his big nose, like a dog who recognized his master. "You smell really good, just like cookies."

You smell like potion, you got the hell out of it again last night.

"I'm hungry." The potions master whispered, biting her earlobe. "How about we go somewhere where no one will be disturbed?"

Isn't six years alone enough?

"Not enough, I want forever."

She was taken aback.

"I've been waiting for you all night, Pomona," he said exhaustedly.

That means he was using Legilimency all night?

"Did you return the curse that Lily protected Harry? Everyone thought the savior was Harry Potter, but if Lily hadn't protected him, he would have died long ago. It was Lily who rebounded the Killing Curse. Dumbledore said it was An ancient sacrifice magic, did you teach her?"

not me!

She grabbed his hand.

"I know it's not you." He buried his head against her neck. "Why aren't you jealous of Lily?"

Just for you to tell your best friend about the guardian formation at the cost of your own life?

"I saw a lot of women fighting for Lucius. At that time, I thought they were ridiculous. Later, I thought about it all night. Lily's talent was discovered by Slughorn, and she became a regular at the Slug Club. I It never occurred to me that she was Dumbledore's secret agent, who was inserted in to monitor our activities."

Pomona felt that he was worrying too much. If Dumbledore wanted to install eyeliner, he would also look for Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Gryffindor girls are too conspicuous.

"Hermione Granger, the only girl in the Saviors trio, she's always raising her hand in class, trying to get my attention, just like Lily did in front of Slughorn, and she's pretending to be Other classes also raised their hands to cover up their intentions. Later, Slughorn told Harry Potter the secret of the Horcrux because he had a pair of Lily's eyes. Are his eyes the eyes of a basilisk? See him Eyes, everyone's brains are petrified and they have lost the ability to think."

Pomona wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

"Lily won't encourage me to take revenge. Her character is like this. She is too kind, so she is easy to be used. Remus Lupine is the same, and you are too. Dumbledore always uses innocent and kind people to work for him, yes In my words, I would never let Draco do such a dangerous thing. I thought that the things in school would be over when it was over. Now it seems that the unbreakable spell I established with Narcissa will cost the kid the rest of his life. Included, otherwise I will be cursed by that bitch Bella, and I will not know what happened until I die, how did you think of it?"

You're not an old whore, although Bella is really a bitch when I think about it now.

"I can't let you stay in Spider's End all the time, even if you use the Muggle Repelling Curse, it's too risky. How about I send you to live with Lucius?"

It seems that she has no way to refuse, because she is really a useless person now.

"After Dobby left, Malfoy Manor also lacked house elves. Take Robbie and Honey, and you go together."

Are you going to fight with Professor McGonagall?

"Yes dear, how about wishing me luck?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly sat up straight, opened the test tube with a "boo", and took a big gulp of the potion. When he came over, she smelled peppermint.

It's the euphoria potion, the Half-Blood Prince made himself, a potion he says is useless for nothing but happiness.

She remembered that the potion was golden yellow, and she kept singing after he tricked her into drinking it, and then he twisted her nose to help her stop the side effects of the potion.

"You are so beautiful, you should belong to heaven." The prince whispered after the good-day kiss mixed with euphoria, but unfortunately his kiss did not wake up the princess.

"I'm not going after Pete, it's not worth wasting time for him, but I think you know, if I ever met him, I'd put the Unforgivable Curse on him, just think of him rolling on the ground in pain, begging to kill me You will be very happy, Bella probably felt like this when she tortured Frank, this is me, I will never become the kind of phoenix who sacrifices himself for the greater good in my life, I will always be a Death Eater, a disciple of Voldemort, If he wasn't crazy back then, I think I would still follow him, but after he split his soul, he went crazy. Following this kind of lunatic will not end well, so I went to Dumbledore and told him to hide Lily , Actually, I wanted him to accept me. I could tell any lie in order to survive, so Dumbledore always thought I was disgusting." He pressed his forehead on her head, "But you are different, if you don't have forever , we are just here now, each day as if it were the last, until death do us part."

Is this a marriage proposal?

"Yes, I am proposing."

"Okay." Although the pronunciation was not very accurate, she still tried her best to say it, and now he didn't need any magic medicine to help him, and he jumped up as if the side effect had occurred, and cheered loudly.

"See, Tobias Snape, you're the loser!"

At this time, he still doesn't forget to be competitive and show off to his father.

"Robbie, Honey, you take Mrs. Prince to Malfoy Manor."

"Yes, master," said the two house-elves together.

"I'm leaving, honey." Kissing her forehead again, Severus, who successfully proposed, pulled the black cloak, strode forward, and slammed the door hard like a burning black cloak. Leaving the room of his childhood like a flame.

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