Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 56 Fire and Water

A truly evil person cannot be seen through at a glance. When it reveals its true colors, either it has gone crazy, or you have nowhere to escape.

Before Dumbledore changed the Art of the Dark Arts class to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Evoking Guardians belonged to the category of Dark Arts. Happy memories can be birthday parties with friends, travel with family, or robbing Gringotts , Blowing up the Ministry of Magic, etc., what Patronus to summon is directly related to the wizard who summoned it.

Throwing a rabbit into the snake's nest is called feeding. The members of the "Dumbledore's Army" organized by Harry basically summoned mammals or birds. If Slytherin had to choose, of course it would be best to summon dragons It's majestic, and the inferior three-headed dog, venomous leopard, or snake can also be used. When someone summons a dragon and you summon a rabbit...

Slytherin's Dark Arts class is different from other schools. Darkness is power. It is a shame to call them white wizards. Dumbledore is good at fire magic. His pet is a phoenix, which can bathe in fire Reborn, he doesn't have to worry about burning it to death when casting fire magic on it. He understands that the guardian of water magic is not necessarily sophisticated, at least not as good as Slytherin's old bat.

The place where Harry Potter rescued Sirius Black was by a pond in the Forbidden Forest. After returning to the past through the time converter, the second summoning of the Patronus was stronger than the first one he issued. At that time, his physical strength and The energy is not as good as the first time casting a spell, but the potential of a person is infinite, and there will be more after being squeezed out. After being squeezed out, he passed out, and waited for Hermione to drag him and Sirius onto Buckbeak's back After leaving, the other members of the Order of the Phoenix acted from the shadows, driving away the dementors still wandering in the forest.

Hermione Granger, a weak fourteen-year-old girl, wants to move a boy of the same age and a grown man. Although Sirius Black is thin and out of shape in Azkaban, he is also a grown man. Gryffindor girls are really hard. Not only must they study well, have a good mind, but also have the strength to clean up the mess. It makes people not only doubt that Gryffindor men can be relied on for anything other than getting into trouble.

When most people are young, they can be happy for a lollipop or a toy for a long time. When they grow up, their desires gradually increase, and what they want is not as simple as a doll. It is best to keep a hand with Dumbledore. If he is allowed to master all his secrets and weaknesses, he will use the "exchange" method to seek benefits for himself. Although the young Snape loves Lily Evans, But he didn't lose his mind because of her. Slytherin's bloody Barlow loved Ravenclaude Gray Lady so much that he killed her because he couldn't get her, so even in the state of his soul, he was always in handcuffs.

Of course, this was not added to him by "God", but by Lowena Ravenclaw who lost her beloved daughter, but every year when midsummer comes, his handcuffs will be unlocked once, and that day will be very lively.

To draw a circle, there must be a starting point and an ending point. In the process of drawing a circle, the rest of the points are continuous and uninterrupted. Only when the starting point and the ending point meet, there will be a flaw. Maybe it is too much overlap, maybe it is almost connected In fact, during the summer vacation at Hogwarts, all students are not allowed to stay in school, and all of them will go back wherever they can, but Draco, that little bastard, relies on his godfather to support him and runs to the unmanned school during the summer, wanting to experience " The sense of accomplishment of "Master of the Castle", and it happened that that day was the liberation day of the Bloody Barrow, so he was chased and killed by the ghost everywhere in the school, and since then he has fallen into the same fear of the Bloody Barrow as Peeves.

"I almost killed you before."

After the carnival was over, Snape still didn't take the needle away, a steady stream of life force poured into her body, and Pomona felt that he was about to be sucked dry by herself.

"Don't think about the Sorcerer's Stone." She touched his skin that was beginning to lose its luster rapidly, "I can't touch that forbidden technique, I'd rather die than that."

"Do you know how many Muggles give up everything for immortality?" Snape smiled contemptuously. It's nothing new for Death Eaters to play with Muggles. Torment doesn't have to be tortured with the Unforgivable Curse.

"They are them, I am me, I don't want you to enter Azkaban, the cemetery of the living."

"I'm going to hell, Pomona, but I thought it was after death." He took her hand. "When you fall asleep, I'm going to live in hell again."

"I hope you can stay sane and not be as crazy as Tom." She pressed her face against his chest, listening to the beating heart inside. "That weak man who loses his mind and only knows how to cry is not my lover."

She also hated Irene's feeling of being restrained by the rules, and finally being bullied by the weak despite her strength, but the current situation does not allow Slytherin to continue to act arbitrarily as before.

"Severus, you promised Narcissa to take good care of Draco. You were cursed by Bella because you failed to fulfill your duties as a godfather and violated the Unbreakable Curse."

"Oh, it's that bitch again!" He was full of annoyance, as if he had just figured it out now.

"You are so stupid, how did you choose her as a witness?"

"At that time, there were only three of us. Narcissa and I swear, if she is not a witness, who will?"

"Did Tom experiment on her? Like Dumbledore?"

He recalled carefully "I remember Regulus seemed to take his house-elf to meet the Dark Lord."

"Is it Kreacher?" That foul-mouthed old elf who gave Hermione a bucket of maggots for Christmas.

"It looks very old, it has white hair growing in its ears, maybe it is it."

"You've been to Black House so many times and never met Kreacher?"

"A good elf is an invisible elf, who is like that Dobby."

Pomona sighed, Hermione Granger was kind, she felt that giving clothes would give these house-elves freedom, so she knit sweaters for the elves in the Hogwarts kitchen, but she didn't know that they would be accepted at Hogwarts The sheltered elf's departure from the castle is actually a kind of exile.

They were bewildered, not knowing what to do, like those housewives whose husbands suddenly throw them out of their homes, and who have no means of earning a living but housework, and it would be worse if they were pregnant like Tom's mother.

"Maybe after this time, I won't be able to conceive, Severus, I'm not young anymore." She rubbed her belly. "I'm several years older than you."

"What are you thinking about so much? Even if I don't have children, I have godchildren. I don't care whether I keep my blood." He huddled up on the small bed where he slept when he was young, curled up in a ball, looking very cramped, "It was after you made me fall Get up and take heart, after James Potter humiliated me in the restaurant, all the other half-bloods in Slytherin came to humiliate me, do you remember what you told me?"

"Patience is for revenge."

He smiled very satisfied, his eyes were narrowed, and he looked very satisfied. "Except for you and black magic, there is nothing sweeter than the taste of revenge."

Pomona felt like shooting herself in the foot with a stone. It turned out that his vindictive personality was cultivated by her.

"I'm glad Sirius is dead, not because of the little grievances in the past, but because he wanted to seduce you." His empty eyes flashed with a terrible cold light "and Albus Dumbledore's plan, a grid Black of Ryffindor? The Sorting Hat has definitely been tampered with by him!"

She recalled the big dog that loyally protected her. He was doing well in school, but after wandering around outside, he became a mess. Fortunately, Hufflepuff's lounge is a tropical rainforest, and there is enough space for him. hide.

"Don't think about Sirius! Don't think about him!" He pulled out the needle in a hurry, then grabbed her shoulder with both hands and shook it vigorously, "You can only look at me, you can only look at me!"

"He's like a swallowtail dog." The fat monk pointed to Snape who was practicing boxing in the secret tunnel. "Only loyal to wizards."

Snape didn't show the extreme hatred of Muggles like other Death Eaters, so that Dumbledore thought he was a good person. In fact, he just disdain the kind of "biting everyone like Remus Lupin" It's just a mad dog act, he also killed Muggles, and this person is his father Tobias, because he wants to kick Irene out of 23 Spider's End, which has never returned since he entered Hogwarts home, and his summer vacation was spent in high-intensity training instead of playing like everyone else.

Choice is more important than hard work, but choice alone, without hard work, will accomplish nothing. There is no success that comes without hard work.

He remembered not using a wand when he killed Tobias, because he remembered the law that once a little wizard used magic outside of school, he would be discovered immediately, and he stabbed Tobias to death with his hand and dagger.

Was the Mudblood he said to Lily sincere or unintentional?

If even Lily can't control this beast, who else can control him?

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