A UK general election must be held before each parliamentary term begins. The longest term of Congress is five years, and the interval between two general elections should exceed the combined time of election campaigns and the formation of a new Congress. The next general election will be held on May 5, 2005.

Every time there is a British general election, the price of the real estate market will fluctuate. First of all, we must understand the composition of the "voters" in the British general election.

First of all, voter registration is required. All citizens of England and Ireland who have reached the age of 18 or will be 18 within 12 months from the date of election registration announcement, without legal loss of voting rights, can register. Can vote in elections to the House of Commons.

The focus is on "living in constituencies where electoral registration is required." Military voters are restricted to reside in constituencies for at least one month, while other ordinary voters are restricted to reside in constituencies for at least three months. A large number of seasonal workers without fixed jobs and residences have thus lost their voter qualifications.

That is to say, as long as a large number of seasonal workers without fixed jobs and residences live in a house in a constituency for three months before the election, they can vote and vote for a designated person

It is of course illegal to do so, and people will be reported as "election fraud", but the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States can provide housing loans to people who cannot repay, why can't the UK give a large number of vacant houses to people without regular jobs?

After several generations of immigrants, many ethnic Chinese have already had the right to be elected. What they need is votes. As long as those floating people are fixed, then everyone will win. Why not?

The key is to provide them with job opportunities. This is also the reason for the reform of the parliament in the 19th century. Traditional agriculture does not provide as many job opportunities as industry. The capitalists have money and people. Why should the nobles control the parliament, so the seats began to be redistributed. Due to population outflow, some electoral districts lost their population advantages and began to decline. As a result, they lost seats, lowered the property and status requirements of voters, and expanded the scope of voters, greatly increasing the number of voters. The industrial bourgeoisie and rich peasants got the right to vote.

With the continuous relaxation of voting rights, women and homosexuals have also become the targets of competition. Anyway, they are all British citizens, but they don’t have regular jobs. Why should they be deprived of the right to vote?

A considerable number of people without fixed jobs have served in the military overseas. These people have left after-effects of the battlefield and can no longer live like normal people. Their way out after leaving the army is very problematic. The Royal British Legion is a longstanding British charity, a fund created by families and veterans of the First World War. This organization was set up to help veterans and their families who have returned from the war, but also to remember and remember the British soldiers who died heroically in the field. Guess how many of those gray-haired old guys are still in the army. Serving, "buddy" camaraderie doesn't always work, but if helping a comrade gets votes, that's a different story.

Where are the politicians when the veterans are fighting to the death in trenches full of blood and limbs?

The game is generally played in this way, but the specific operation still needs to be discussed. For example, the time to catch up with the election on May 5 is too tight. The best way is to create a "suspended parliament" mode.

"Hung Parliament" is not a system, but a state, and this state is not unique to the United Kingdom. Theoretically, in any country or region that implements a parliamentary democracy, it means that under a parliamentary democracy, no political party or party group has an absolute majority of seats.

The country is divided into about 650 constituencies, and each constituency elects a member of parliament, who can come from any party or even no party.

There were 659 constituencies in the 2001 general election, or 659 seats in the House of Commons, that is, 659 members. In the general election on May 5, 2005, there were fewer 646 seats in the UK for candidates to compete. The majority party must occupy 326 seats, so it can be called a win. If there are only 318 seats, even if members of other parties take part of the seats, the minority party only has 290 seats. The majority party still has not won a big victory, just like Like Xuan in mid-air, he is in a state of uncertainty, which is very unfavorable for the prime minister who is going to implement major reforms.

If Kingsley had an ambitious Auror Chief of Staff, the Muggle Prime Minister had an ambitious Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Iraqi issue has become the biggest reason why the current British government is unpopular, but he has expressed support in many public occasions. Many men are militant, just like the young people in the south in "Gone with the Wind", they have always regarded themselves as gentlemen and looked down on them. The "Yankees" believed that they could win, not to mention that they had the support of the United Kingdom and the cotton that was constantly being transported from the plantations to the United Kingdom. Fighting the Northern Army should be as easy as hunting.

But the fact is that the Southerners lost, and Atlanta was in flames.

Britain's intervention in the Middle East has also been mired in the quagmire. The benefits gained from the war are limited, and the guidance of public opinion is of no practical use except to strengthen the confidence of some people to restore the empire on which the sun never sets. People who have lost their voting capacity and behavior qualifications due to mental problems and criminal problems are not eligible to vote. These two problems are often caused by battlefield sequelae. For a normal person, killing someone will cause psychological trauma, just like having a knife. own soul.

Everyone has different psychological conditions and different self-adjusting abilities. People in the upper class can't see those things, but people at the bottom often have contact with them. Anti-war sentiment among the people is very high. In February 2003, the largest anti-war demonstration in British history took place in Trafalgar Square, but no matter how the people marched, it happened. This move destroyed the confidence of the British people in democracy. If democracy really exists, why can the Prime Minister continue to send troops despite so many objections? Woolen cloth?

In the 2005 general election, people did not listen to the speeches and positions of those candidates. The consumer confidence index affects consumption, and buying a house is undoubtedly a big expense. The Labor Party mainly focuses on public housing, employee benefits, unemployment relief, vulnerable groups, Social security, civic education, etc. belong to the left of the center.

The Conservative Party was formerly known as the Tory Party.

In terms of economy, the Labor Party advocates neoliberalism, emphasizing a certain degree of state intervention; while the Conservative Party adheres to economic liberalism and opposes excessive government intervention in economic affairs. When the economy is good, it cannot be seen. When the economy is bad, many people will be unemployed. If there is no fixed residence, there will be no votes. The current Labor Party in power may not be able to continue to be re-elected.

For Severus, it was just a game, and he talked about his thoughts to the horse, and the horse listened attentively. Nothing good would come of two ambitious men getting together, and she wasn't worried that the two of them would end up in the same relationship as Albus and Grindelwald, they knew they were straight, she Just worried that Severus might get himself into unnecessary trouble.

She tried smoking, and it didn't feel good, but now she misses smoking.

Like soldiers on the battlefield who need to relax after a day of intense combat, cigarettes are often the best "companion".

The British American Tobacco Group was established before the First World War. In order to quell the fierce trade war, the British Imperial Tobacco Company and the American Tobacco Company jointly established a joint venture. After the beginning of the First World War, men went to the front line, and the work had to be done by women. Since then, the company's employee structure has been changed.

Yes, smoking is a bad habit, but if no one smokes, more than 90,000 people will lose their jobs, many of them women.

When the United States launched the prohibition of alcohol, no one mentioned the once-popular smoking ban. During the Great Depression, it was the only company that was still expanding.

555 is a flue-cured tobacco type, British flue-cured tobacco, the taste is a bit like domestic flue-cured tobacco. The taste is mellow and the aroma is thick.

Marlboro is a hybrid type, which is characterized by "big strength" and a relatively strong impact on the lungs and throat. The reason is the production process, which is not as complicated as flue-cured tobacco, and the processing technology is not so fine.

Marlboro was once positioned as a women's cigarette, because "men only remember love because of romance". Ladies complained that the white cigarette holder of the cigarette would stain their bright red lipstick, which was very unsightly, but in the eyes of men, women should not smoke at all. Regardless of whether there are lipstick marks on the cigarette holder.

As a women's cigarette, Marlboro's sales have been poor. Later, it "denatured" and became a men's cigarette, and its sales immediately increased.

Pomona picked up the pack of "555" brand cigarettes on the table, lit it under the surprised gazes of the two men on the opposite side, and started smoking.

She doesn't know how to smoke, but she just swirled the smoke around her mouth and didn't inhale it into her lungs, but this is no longer what a "good girl" should do.

"Go ahead." She said while smoking, but neither of them paid attention to her.

"What would you like to talk about?" Severus asked blankly.

"I don't know, just surprise me," she said with a smile.

"Don't give women too much power." Ma Youxuan said with a sneer, "Do you still remember Empress Dowager Cixi in our country?"

"Then do you know Queen Victoria?" Pomona said in Chinese, "Thank you for the silver coins you provided after the Opium War, Mr. Savior."

Just when Ma Youxuan stood up to teach her a lesson, the door of the private room opened again, and Mr. Wen walked in with a rich businessman with gray hair, followed by a young man.

The young man reminded Pomona of Staunton, and it was strange, why should she have such a thought?

"Welcome, come, let me introduce, this is the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Lin, this is his son..."

"Is Mr. Lin and Lin Zexu related?" Pomona suddenly interrupted Mr. Wen and asked.

"Haha, there is a saying in China that we belonged to the same family three hundred years ago." Chairman Lin said with a smile, "If we trace the origin, maybe he and I are really relatives."

"Are you smoking?" the young man asked.

"No, I didn't." Pomona gave Severus the unfinished cigarette. "I just lit it for him."

Severus smiled smugly and took the lipstick-marked cigarette.

People who smoke all the time have yellower teeth, and Pomona suddenly felt that Lockhart's shiny white teeth were not so obtrusive.

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