Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 392 The Running Girls

Lily's birthday is also in January, and January 30, 1971 happened to be a Saturday, and she wanted to spend her birthday in Hogsmeade like Severus.

"Surprise me, Gorgon, I know you can do it." Lily proudly announced to Pomona in the greenhouse the day before her birthday, as if it was Pomona's duty to enrich her life .

Lily must be the kind of popular girl in a Muggle school. She is beautiful, smart, helpful, and likes new things. There is always music in the conservatory when she is around, and it is very avant-garde "Rock".

Because of the war between Hufflepuff and the Slytherin girls, their antidote business was booming, and she was rich now.

Dealing with Lily is not like dealing with Severus. Ordinary cauldron cakes may no longer satisfy her curiosity. Fortunately, they didn't finish Hogsmeade at once last time. Never been to a magic equipment store.

Severus desperately needed a looking glass right now, something his mother certainly hadn't thought of when he was at school.

In the beginning, the snakes of Slytherin used poisonous curses and curses on him, such as "jokes" such as the sticky foot curse and the tickling curse, and now someone is quietly using spells such as the hair loss curse on him.

They didn't think he was a human being, and he had dignity. When he ran to the greenhouse and took off his wizard hat, Pomona was taken aback by the bald head, but what frightened her more was his eyes, Full of hatred, bloodshot around the black eyeballs.

She used a hair regrowth spell on his head, but it didn't work, and then she used a regrowth spell to make his hair grow back, but she pushed too hard, and the hair was too thick, so she again Cut off his excess hair with scissors.

The more curses he uses on himself, the more he knows. Some seventh graders may not know as many curses and curses as he does. Those people just want to force him to drop out of school. Armor protection cannot be used at any time. A looking glass will act as a reminder.

The store is at the end of Hogsmeade High Street, because it was Lily's birthday, and Pomona bought her one too, and after buying the necessary things, they went to Zoko's joke shop, which is Hogwarts The second favorite place for students after Honeydukes, it sells a lot of prank and juggling materials to satisfy the most whimsical ideas.

"Oh, it's disgusting." Lily threw away the frog egg soap in her hand.

Pomona smiled maliciously. Frog eggs are also a kind of potion material. Even if the material is disgusting, you still have to drink it. Thinking about it makes people sick.

Severus was observing a teacup, which looked just like a normal teacup, and Pomona watched intently, anticipating the wonderful performance when the nose-biting teacup bit his nose.

At this moment, the door of Zuko's joke shop was pushed open again, and two freshmen walked in, Sirius Black and James Potter.

Seeing the "enemy" enter the door, Severus' eyes were shining, and Pomona immediately blocked his view.

"One, you don't have enough strength to deal with two people alone." Pomona said in a voice that could only be heard by two people. Powerful parents will clean up the mess for you."

"Then what should I do?" Severus asked, putting down his teacup.

"Patience, and you can tell the truth." Pomona twisted his nose, "You can only come to Hogsmeade in the third year, and the two of them must not have application forms, but you have to figure out how to make up a lie, don't lie I also let myself go in."

"What are you whispering behind my back?" Lily frowned unhappily.

"Secret," said Pomona and Severus together, making Lily even more unhappy.

In fact, rather than being a woman full of justice, gentleness, kindness, bravery, strength, intelligence, kindness, and perfection like a goddess, Lily hopes to have friends to accompany her.

Lily is an Aquarius, and Aquarians need the company of friends very much.

Money didn't matter to an Aquarius either, James Potter was rich, but Lily didn't see him until he matured as Head Boy in seventh grade.

James was not bought as the chairman of the Boys' Union, but was elected. His popularity has always been very good, but his popularity with women is far behind Sirius. For seven years, he only liked Lily, but she Simply ignore him, Sirius just needs to be nice to a girl and she will feel extremely honored.

James, like Rose's fiancé Carl, always courts girls the wrong way, and bullying Severus doesn't make him look great, it makes Lily feel disgusted.

She likes to protect the weak, and the Gryffindor lioness with a sense of justice is as protective as Severus is Slytherin.

Also after Remus Lupin's identity as a werewolf was exposed, when others were indifferent to Gryffindor prefects, she was still very friendly to Remus, and it was because of the help of the male and female student council presidents that Remus survived with difficulty. to graduation.

Many people are not in school in the seventh year, and rich people don't need high-paying jobs at all. The only ones who worked hard to prepare for the exam were ordinary civilians who had no background and had to rely on their strengths to get into St. Mungo's and the Ministry of Magic.

While Lily and James were busy dating, Severus skipped school that year. Pomona originally thought it was because he avoided Lily and James becoming a couple, but now that she thinks about it, she knows that he is very jealous of "James Potter's gold coin", and said several times that he lost money to James. Perhaps like Percy Weasley, he became extreme because of being abandoned by girls.

A man's career and ambition are often stimulated by a woman. The taste of revenge is so good. In the past, she looked down on him and thought that he could achieve nothing. Later, he became a master through hard work. When she came back to find him, the poor boy would be like I can "teach" the woman who hates the poor and loves the rich.

In 1978, the universe broom company went bankrupt. It used to be a well-known broom company, but as time went by, no new ideas emerged, and the broom company gradually lost popularity. Later, it suffered huge losses because of its involvement in the wizarding war. loss, and eventually had to declare bankruptcy.

War makes some people rich and some people bankrupt. Gold is always a store of value. James' father sold the hair smoother company and stored Galleon in Gringotts to avoid losses caused by power struggles.

After the Cosmic Broomstick Company went bankrupt, assets under its name were subscribed, and Severus bought some on the Malfoys' boat, which later merged with the Sweeping Broomstick Company.

Comet Trading Company also subscribed to part of the assets of the Cosmic Broom Company. There was fierce competition between Sweep and Comet. The possibility of becoming the broom of choice for many teams in the UK and Ireland. Sweep is for the purpose of "sports" rather than "professional competition". The star gave up the previous competitive method of price advantage, and used anti-spell varnish and built-in vibration control system to speed up the acceleration.

While Harry was fast asleep in the Gryffindor common room, that nasty Snape took his Firebolt out of Umbridge's office, and he put it back together after taking it apart and researching it enough , and coated the broom with jinx-resistant varnish, and placed it in the dungeon, guarded by troll guards.

The common point between Sweeping Eleven Stars and Firebolt is the use of metal parts. These metal components are made by goblins. Although they can improve the stability and power of the broom under harsh conditions and prevent the pedals from slipping, they are affected by goblin strikes. Influence, the previous sweeping series did not.

Severus had no shortage of money to spend, and the dividends alone were enough for him to live and eat. Only Sybil felt that he, like her, was haunting the Pig's Head Bar just to apply for a job.

After the death of "Saint" Snape, no one inherited his property and dividends, and no one knew who got it.

What a pity that such a person would risk his life for a foolish love.

But because of that, he's "Jack," not Carl.

George and Fred had always called Severus such a loser and a douchebag that it never occurred to Pomona that they had ever worked for Slytherin's vipers.

The same sex is always very sober when looking at the same sex. The perfect goddess Lily in the eyes of men is not as imperfect in the eyes of the same sex Hannah.

Every woman longs for the feeling of being unconditionally loved, cared for and pampered, but just like what Hermione Granger said, that kind of feeling is not her own. It sucks that a dead man gets married and becomes an eternal backup.

The god of love in the sky is very different from the god of love on the ground. If Severus continues to cling to Lily, Pomona is going to dump him. She wasted 34 years on him. Not that long yet.

But she was the one who was cursed by Severus' Unbreakable Vow, and Bella thought it would be more fun to torture her than to let him die.

"You are such a bitch, Bella." After riding the Thestral, Pomona cursed. On winter nights, fog floated in the Forbidden Forest, and sight was obstructed, which is not conducive to human beings. .

"Have you got a looking glass, Hannah?"

"Yes, Dean." Hannah took out a necklace from her collar, and the necklace was a looking glass.

"You are in front of me, if you find a guardian tree, remind me."


"That tree might kill me." She said coldly, "Besides, don't call me the dean in front of people."

"Then what should I call you?"

"Gorgon," she said to Hannah with a sneer, and then whispered in the Thestral's ear, "Go find Harry Potter."

The spiritual animal groaned, flapped its bat-like wings, took a run-up and then flew over the dark forest.

This is the life Petunia wants, a magical magical world, but unfortunately she is a Muggle and she cannot go to Hogwarts.

She is jealous of Lily, just like Pomona, but Lily is also Petunia's sister, and Lily always remembers to share with her sister when there are new and interesting things and things happen, but the more Petunia listens, the more jealous she gets, because she didn't participate in it. share.

It's hard to be friends with the goddess of perfection, and Pomona feels that she really tried her best.

She looked down at the dense forest by the moonlight. Her task was to look at Neville Longbottom. Anyway, Harry already had an angel of death as a guardian angel, and there was no need for two to guard him together.

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