Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 391 Lily u0026 Moon

"Justin's grandpa scolded Ron all day, and Ginny came to visit Harry, and she found out, you know, Gryffindor." On the way to the forest farm to find thestrals, what would Hannah do? The context of this reckless adventure told Pomona that "Harry took Justin's command away when he came, and almost abandoned the original plan. Justin's grandpa volunteered to help. , the atmosphere in the headquarters was already tense, but it got worse after Ginny came."

"Oh, my God," Pomona exclaimed.

Harry was as stubborn as Lily at times, and just as stubborn as Justin's grandpa, like an old lion meets a new lion.

Both Pomona and Severus are the kind of moon phase people who like to play tricks behind people's backs. The little lioness Lily dares to fight against all evil forces, even a child from a rich family like James Potter.

"And he called us Frenchies, do you know what that means, Dean."

"You don't want to know," said Pomona grimly. "Do you know why Ron is afraid of spiders?"

"Ronald, what's that name." Hannah said with a look of disgust, "I heard Hermione say it, it seems to be because of childhood shadows."

"Poor Ron," said Pomona sympathetically.

"Where's Professor Snape?" Hannah looked left and right, as if expecting the person mentioned to jump out of the grass.

"He's looking for Harry Potter," said Pomona sullenly.

"On January 9th, Professor Snape's birthday, I heard that there was a big riot in Muggle London. Do you know any news?" Hannah asked.

"Why do you keep talking about him?" Pomona said angrily. "Talk about other topics that require brain thinking, Hannah Albert."

Hannah looks at Pomona's school gown.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

"I didn't dress up like this." Pomona could feel the magical fluctuations on her clothes, probably Severus made her clothes like this, and she didn't know if it would be the same as Cinderella's clothes , It will return to its original state as soon as twelve o'clock arrives.

"When you dress like this and stand with Professor Snape, it's like a teacher-student relationship. I guess no Hufflepuff student would dare to attack the potion professor." Hannah said with a sinister smile, "especially us After fifth grade."

"Why?" Pomona said feebly.

"Professor Snape was going to give Harry extra potions lessons. Every time he finished the lessons, Harry looked like he was about to die. It was really scary." Hannah said with lingering fear, "I don't want to be just because of the lessons. and die."

Pomona thought of the rumors that Severus released during the Triwizard Tournament, maybe it wasn't a rumor, he would really poison the students' food to test whether their antidote really worked, and if the antidote The potion unfortunately doesn't work, so please die.

"He was a terrible teacher," said Pomona uneasily.

"And you're married to him." Hannah looked at Pomona strangely. "You really have guts, Dean."

Pomona woke up!

She used to take a detour when she met Bella, when would she have the guts to approach a Death Eater?

"Does kissing feel that good?" Hannah asked while Pomona was in a daze. ?”

Pomona was indescribably embarrassed, but the way she looked at Hannah, Hannah didn't make fun of it, as if she was really asking for advice.

"Yes, very good, every time." Pomona said helplessly.

"What's it like?" Hannah continued.

"Have you never kissed?" asked Pomona.

Hannah shook her head.

"Did you never fall in love at school?"

"You know, I'm always with Ernie, and people think we're a couple." Hannah shrugged. "I'm not interested in those boys anyway, so I just made a mistake."

"You and Ernie..."

"I don't feel that way." Hannah interrupted her as if predicting what Pomona was going to say, "I really can't see Professor Snape is that kind of person."

"Is it that hard to see?" Pomona asked inexplicably.

"He kidnapped you to marry him? Dean?" Hannah asked anxiously, "If so, don't worry, we will save you."

Sometimes Pomona feels like being entangled by a giant python.

"Love makes people blind, Hannah, and it makes me make unjust decisions. I make my own choices, and I bear the consequences. But how you choose to stand is up to you to judge." Pomona Said sadly.

"Why do you attach so much importance to Neville? Pass the throne to him." Hannah asked, "Herbology is inherited by Mrs. Hufflepuff. In the wizarding world, you didn't take care of him that much."

"He is number one in herbal medicine class..."

"There are many people who are better than him outside the school. To be honest with me, I think I have the right to know." Hannah said seriously, "You are matching me and Neville, aren't you?"

"You don't like it?"

"It's complicated." Hannah frowned. "Lavender was very unfriendly to me, and her face was ruined."

"Remember what I told you that day at Malfoy Manor? I found you a fiancé, a tiger. Although Neville looks like a cat most of the time, he can be fierce and reliable at times, and finally wields Gryffin The sword of many, he was the one who destroyed Nagini. There was a blood orc a long time ago, and her name was Nagini. She was originally a woman, but she turned into a snake completely. The boy is in love."

"She's Headmaster Dumbledore's lover?" Hannah exclaimed.

"No, it's Credence Barber, he is the only silent person in the world who has lived to adulthood." Pomona smiled and shook her head, "There is no pure friendship between a man and a woman, and they become friends." The premise is that they have a crush on each other. Ron and Hermione were not friends before, and he and Nagini were once friends, but the friendship will deteriorate without knowing it. He is very powerful, Credence, but he can't save Nagini Genie, just watch her turn into a snake."

"So... Neville killed someone," Hannah said palely.

"It's still not sure if that snake is the blood orc Nagini, but even if it is, Neville didn't kill a person, but broke a curse, and she was free." Pomona looked at the sky and said, "Nagini Wei is also Destiny's Child, Hannah, but Harry is the chosen one, so get him down before no one finds out, think about the scene where you fought for a date with Harry Potter before, Do you want to marry the man Harry Potter or his fame?"

"I didn't participate." Hannah said aggrievedly.

"I wish you were involved, so we wouldn't lose to Gryffindor!" Pomona growled ferociously, looking like an enraged goose.

"We won't fight Ravenclaw this time?" Hannah said with a smile.

"Neville's ex-girlfriend, Luna Lovegood, is Ravenclaw. Don't you understand that the ex-girlfriend is the current enemy forever?" Pomona gritted her teeth and said, "And they are still first love, what the hell!"

"That's why you don't want me to lose to Gryffindor? Because Lily Potter is Gryffindor!" Hannah's chest kept rising and falling, looking high-spirited.

"No, I didn't think so." Pomona denied with a smirk.

"You're telling the truth!" Hannah accused, "It's the same as if you stole the plants in the greenhouse and you still don't admit it!"

"I planted that myself!" said Pomona sullenly.

"You ordered us, but never paid us. I was really blind before, how could I think you are a kind and just person." Hannah looked at Pomona strangely, "You are really an evil witch."

"How much does it cost you to shut up?" Pomona looked at the little extortionist coldly.

"I knew you saved a lot of money." Hannah said with a proud smile, "Don't worry, I won't ask you for nothing, and I will return it to you when the bar starts to make money. Some men are always in the present Hesitating between his girlfriend and ex-girlfriend, what they are nostalgic for is the non-existent love, Lily Potter did not give back to Professor Snape, but entrusted him to take care of the child she had with others, if she is still alive In fact, she was playing with Professor Snape's feelings, but fortunately she died."

"Merlin's beard, Lily is not that kind of person!" Pomona exclaimed.

"She has taken advantage of everything. She is the mother of the savior. She has gained both fame and fortune. While enjoying the superior life provided by her husband, she also enjoys the unconditional love from her first love. Others say how perfect and great Lily is, but I don't like her at all. She Very cunning, much smarter than you Dean."

"No, she's not what you said." Pomona trembled. "Lily can't accept the Dark Arts. Severus is addicted to it. They separated because of this disagreement."

"Then why is Professor Snape obsessed with the Dark Arts?" Hannah asked.

"He needs strength to protect himself." Pomona said wearily. The Slytherins in the 70s were not like Draco Malfoy, who used the leg-locking curse on Neville and it was over.

"That's the problem, she only thinks about her own feelings, she doesn't put herself in Professor Snape's shoes, what a Gryffindor." Hannah pouted and said, "She didn't empathize at all, and she was tolerant." Xin, I don't know why you want to defend her, Dean, but you are from Hufflepuff College, so I will speak for you."

"Oh, Hannah," said Pomona sweetly, hugging her student.

Article 17 of the Hufflepuff College Handbook: There is nothing wrong with obeying the rules, but we have a ruler in our hearts.

Although the logo of the college is a lone badger, the people of the college like to act in groups. Being a badger is very happy, even though the badger college is called a useless trash college by some "geniuses".

Harry Potter didn't go in until graduation, and it's not clear whether he was too busy to have time, or no one wanted to show him into the lounge.

Harry became the fourth player in the Triwizard Tournament. You must know that Hufflepuff, who is not competitive, has to compete with the very competitive Slytherin and Gryffindor. Harry Potter snatched Hufflepuff's centuries-old honor.

Working hard but getting no rewards is not as good as cheating to get more results, and everyone will be angry.

Even if it was finally clarified that he became the fourth player because of fake Moody, it was still difficult for everyone to have a good impression of him, because Cedric died, and everyone didn't have the heart to play around.

He is a very good boy, there are many girls who have a crush on him, maybe Hannah is one of them, but unfortunately he feels that he shoulders the responsibility of revitalizing the honor of the college, and has not established a romantic relationship with anyone.

It's so sad that the male prefect who was full of love in the school died without tasting the taste of love.

Pomona wept bitterly, tears she owed Cedric Diggory, tears she should have shed long ago.

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