Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3494 The Terrifying Sound (Part 2)

Myrtle's crying echoed in the silent corridor.

Although the sound was quite creepy, you got used to it after hearing it for a long time. After all, Myrtle had no other way to do anything except crying and making the entire second-floor corridor wet.

On the contrary, Pomona felt goose bumps all over her body because of the patient in front of her.

"Drink this quickly." Madam Pomfrey said, pulling the curtain over to block the view outside.

Pomona felt relieved and turned to look at the deans of other colleges.

"Let's go." Dumbledore said, "Since it's not dragon pox or poisonous fungus, Madam Pomfrey is here."

Snape's expression was gloomy. He pulled his robe and strode to the front, even surpassing the headmaster to leave the hospital wing.

Considering that the victim lying on the bed at the moment was a Slytherin student, Minerva and Felive did not speak.

"I'll stay." Jig said on the side, "Mixed spells are more complicated, Poppy will need me."

In fact, Pomona also wanted to use this excuse to stay. The whole incident had nothing to do with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. It was still the same as before, a dispute between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"You are the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, we need your advice, Arsenius." Dumbledore replied.

"Can you do it alone? Poppy." Jig asked Madam Pomfrey.

"I think I can do it." Madam Pomfrey said, her voice sounded firm.

Pomona felt that she could not be the same as Madam Pomfrey, but since she said so, Jig could only leave the hospital wing with others.

The other participants were in a classroom. Snape arrived first, and his terrible magic pressure enveloped the three Gryffindors.

"Cursed a classmate." Snape said in a slick and soft voice, "And in the school corridor, how many school rules do you think you have violated? What kind of punishment should you receive."

"That was done by me alone." A red-haired boy said.

"The curse that Mr. Armando was hit by was not cast by one person, there is at least one more person." Snape looked at the remaining two people, "Who else?"

"Don't be so anxious, Severus." Dumbledore said tremblingly.

"Take out your wands, quickly." Snape ignored him and asked the other two to take out their wands for inspection.

Pomona glanced at Filiwi and found him standing outside the door, so she also stepped back.

"At least listen to the whole story, Severus." Minerva said on the side, "They are students, not "murderers."

"Isn't it obvious? They learned two tricks from the book, so they want to try them on a living person." Snape said sinisterly, looking fiercely at Gryffindor who admitted it at the beginning.

Generally speaking, if it is just an ordinary evil curse, it can be solved with "Spell Stop", but Armando was also hit by the limp leg curse...

Pomona found that she had goose bumps again, which looked like pimples. She rubbed it hard to make it go away.

"We encountered vixens." A Gryffindor boy said, "We tried to repel them, but there were too many of them."

Snape's eyes immediately turned to him.

"Did I remember it wrong?" Snape smiled evilly, "Or your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor taught it wrong. You should use a repelling spell to deal with vixens, not..."

"I suggest using vixens insecticide." Jig said coldly on the side, "This is the usual way to deal with vixens. Every wizard family will teach you not to use your wand first when you encounter something."

Snape looked like he wanted to pounce on Jig and bite him.

Abuse of dark magic is one of the accusations faced by Death Eaters...

"Vixens didn't just appear by chance, did they?" Minerva said, "Is it related to that rumor?"

Pomona felt her robe being pulled, so she lowered her head.

"What rumor?" Filiwi asked in a low voice.

"Didn't Minerva tell you?" Pomona also asked in a low voice.

The three boys were silent, but their expressions were no longer as firm as they were at the beginning.

"There are rumors that the Ministry of Magic is going to resume the Triwizard Tournament." Pomona lowered his voice and said to Filiwei, "If the competition is resumed, potential players will be selected to participate in the competition."

"What does that have to do with the vixen?" Filiwei continued to ask.

Pomona reminded Filiwei that Emily Taylor, who had graduated not long ago, was very good at dueling, and she often used this kind of elf to practice.

"Fools." Snape said sarcastically to the three Gryffindors, "When you were practicing evil spells in the stairwell, Mr. Armando stopped you, and you..."

"It was an accident." Dumbledore continued Snape's words and said, "The school does not prohibit the practice of spells. If Mr. Armando had not appeared there, King, Hayden and Mr. Cole just chose the wrong place to practice. They should have chosen an empty classroom, not a stairwell."

The three of them smiled with relief.

Pomona shook his head secretly.

"You don't think they will succeed." Filavi whispered, "The Triwizard Tournament has been banned for hundreds of years."

That was the least of her concerns. She had already felt that this year's vixens were not only more than in previous years, but also appeared too early. She should tell Filch that it was time to spray the school.


"Why didn't Astoria show any behavior at school?"

Severus asked her as he prepared the bed before going to bed.

"What behavior?" Pomona asked on the other side of the bed.

"Confession." He said "Or show love or something?"

Pomona laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked annoyed.

She really couldn't bear to tell him that his godson was only in the middle of the dating list, and that was because Draco was really good-looking and had many secret admirers.

First of all, Draco was already hated by all the girls with a sense of justice because he bullied the lower grades, and the girls still remembered what happened in his second grade, and no one wanted to be the next one.

"Don't forget Pansy, she guarded him like a golden egg." Pomona said.

Snape easily accepted this reason, and then he continued to make the bed.

The bedding in the Malfoy family was expensive and gorgeous, and the most important thing was that this room used to belong to Voldemort. Although he didn't need to sleep after his resurrection, there were still a lot of bedding on the bed.

Even if there were house elves to clean up every day, making the bed was still a physical job.

She was so tired that she was out of breath, so she threw off the quilt and lay down.

After a while, the bed sank because of the weight of another person, and she turned her head to look at the other person...

"I heard that your birthday is in May."

Georgina turned her head and saw Lorbonne's toad-like face.

"How do you want to celebrate?"

Normally, she could imagine what kind of grand party she would have. If she really couldn't think of it, she could ask someone who was good at organizing parties to host it, and they could continue to talk about this topic.

But she was shocked just now, so much so that she remembered the old wizard superstition: witches born in May marry Muggles.

"I haven't given Leon a gift yet." Georgiana looked at the observatory model. "He gave me such a great gift."

"Don't worry, we have prepared it." Bougainville said.

"But it's not from me." She said fragilely. "It can't represent my feelings."

"What do you want to give him?" Lorbonne asked.

In fact, it is not that there are no gifts that cannot be given, such as the secret of Persephone, but the gifts given to Bonaparte will definitely be checked, and then the secret will be leaked.

Or it doesn't matter if the news leaks out. This time, the Baltic Sea has reduced production, and England and the United States have sold barrels of flour to France, although they are not as sealed as iron.

When Carthage was destroyed by Rome, the Mediterranean trade was once very prosperous, which was known to all the participants in the secret ceremony engaged in grain trade. However, it reached its peak in the first century AD and suddenly fell off a cliff. At this time, Augustus died and his successors were busy fighting.

The founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty was Alexander's subordinate. There were many Greeks in the Egyptian province at that time. The Egyptians believed that death was the beginning of the afterlife. In order to live after death, they had to prepare many burial objects while they were alive. The Greeks believed that death was a liberation from the earth. If you want to enter the paradise of the underworld where Hades and Hades live, you must first accept the trial, otherwise you will be expelled from the paradise and wander in the vast and cold underworld, or even be imprisoned in the hell where the Titans are imprisoned.

The coordinates of this world are also unmeasurable, although it seems very close to the real world. You can get there by opening a door that once connected the Louvre and the Tuileries Palace.

However, the real Tuileries Palace has been burned down in a fire. She still remembers the piano music of moonlight echoing in the palace at that time.

Josephine can't play the piano, she can only play the harp, and the one who can play the piano is Marie Antoinette.

Madame du Barry was indeed the mistress of Versailles, but the mistresses in this palace often changed, and she preferred diamond necklaces to pearl necklaces.

Josephine got a pearl necklace from Queen Marie, and each pearl was full and round.

Irregular-shaped pearls are not valuable, but they are produced by most shells. Pomona received pearl hairpins from students, all made of pearls they cultivated themselves, although her gray hair was always covered by the witch hat.

The Easter egg containing the observatory model is oval, but the earth is not a regular oval. Due to various reasons, meteorite impacts and crustal activities, its surface is uneven.

When you get used to imperfection, you will find the beauty of this irregular pearl.

"Tell me about your travels." Georgiana looked at the two travel experts. "We are on the road anyway."

"Do you want to hear about Siberia first or about sailing around the world?" Bougainville asked.

"Do you have coins?" Georgiana asked.

"Don't you like to make decisions yourself?" Lorbon asked.

"No, I just think that everyone can accept it this way." She smiled at him and said, "It's like the equity of Roman law."

They laughed, and Bougainville took out a gold Louis and put it in Lorbon's hand.

"I want this side." Bougainville said.

Then Lorbon threw the gold coin, which kept spinning in the air, with the king's head and the shield-shaped emblem with a crown on the back constantly alternating, rising to the highest point and falling, and finally falling into the hands of the Marquis.

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