Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3493 The Horrifying Sound (I)

Pomona heard a cry, she walked over to the sound and found that it was a girl from the same house, she was crying alone in the corridor.

Just as she was about to go over, a Gryffindor girl came over and handed her a drink.

"Don't cry." The Gryffindor girl comforted her, "You know what kind of scumbag Malfoy is."

"But I didn't expect that he would tell everyone." The Hufflepuff girl wiped her tears sadly, "I became the laughing stock of everyone, it's so stupid."

"I really don't know what you like about him? Besides his good looks." The Gryffindor girl said, "Now you know that a person's inner qualities are equally important."

The Hufflepuff girl took the drink and drank it while sobbing, replenishing the water lost due to crying.

"What are you doing?"

Pomona turned around and found that it was the head of Slytherin, who was also the godfather of the "scumbag" in the girls' mouths.

"Is it because of her?" Snape glanced at the two people in the corridor.

"He shouldn't have told everyone about that!" Pomona said angrily, suppressing the urge to punch him.

Snape didn't say "Draco is still a child" as an excuse, but he couldn't find any other excuse to help his hateful godson.

"I'll teach him a lesson." Snape said.

Snape didn't understand, or he couldn't do it, to make that bad guy really change.

Draco Malfoy would only admit his mistakes in front of others, turn around and pretend nothing happened, and remain the same.

"That won't change anything." She said coldly, and then she turned and left this corner of the campus.


Almost everyone longs to be loved, whether children or adults.

As the loved party, it seems to have a privilege. Parents who love their children will meet their children's demands when they cry, and the lover will dress up carefully to please the loved one, or think of new ideas to arrange a romantic date.

Georgiana looked at the scenery outside the car door, it looked both real and unreal.

When Pomona stood at the door, looking at Lily, who was staring at the photo of her childhood with Snape instead of putting away the photos, she didn't know what Lily was really thinking.

She just judged others by herself and thought that James gave Lily a lot of happiness, just like an illusory dream, and she needed to pinch her thigh to confirm the authenticity.

In fact, the ship that Lockhart used to hold the new book launch and set sail from London only went to Belgium. If you just say "to Belgium", it will lack that feeling. If you change it to "along the trade route", it will be completely different. Which route will it follow? Spices, tea or silk?

As long as you leave London, you will see that the once prosperous industrial city has been depressed, not to mention the small town like Cokeworth, which prospers on the railway.

Although you can't cross the London Bridge and can only start the river tour from the Tower of London, the scenery on both sides is enough to make people feel happy.

Lockhart has always pursued "extraordinary wisdom" rather than "immeasurable" wisdom. "Immeasurable" things will exceed people's understanding and become very abstract.

For example, the Baroque style. Rembrandt's paintings also belong to the Baroque style. However, Rembrandt's later works used brown in large areas because he had no money to buy expensive pigments, while Versailles was full of gold and splendor.

Baroque wanted impact, just like a light suddenly appeared in the dark stage, illuminating the actors in the middle of the stage.

Luxury and exaggeration can also bring visual impact. The Sun King brought "all light" into Versailles. In the absence of darkness for contrast, high-saturation colors will bring visual impact, but gradually move towards hedonism and serve to satisfy the senses.

In contrast, the dark life of the lower class. Although Britain did not participate in the Vietnam War, the streets were full of homeless people in the 1970s due to the high national debt and weak economy.

These homeless people later became the "materials" needed by Voldemort to create the Inferi.

The Sorting Hat said that Lockhart was almost sorted into Slytherin, which does not mean that Lockhart is so evil. Normally, to become a best-selling author like him, he should stop at the right time and find a comfortable place to live a carefree life with royalties, but he accepted Dumbledore's invitation for greater fame.

Harry Potter is actually an ordinary boy, but he defeated Voldemort and became famous.

People will not always go uphill. Maybe you are now standing on the peak you can reach. If you go further, you will fall down. Lockhart became a resident patient of St. Mungo's Hospital.

Lockhart's flamboyant style was not a completely bad thing for the castle that was sluggish due to the attack at that time. Dumbledore said that a bad teacher also has a lot to learn - what not to do and how not to do it. The way to prosperity should not be to move with pleasure. Although Lockhart knew that the position of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was cursed, he still accepted the invitation.

The victory came too suddenly. Although the ban imposed by Voldemort was lifted, as if he was really dead, Lily was not a powerful wizard like Dumbledore. How could she do it?

Could this be a ploy by the Dark Lord, to temporarily lift the ban in order to test the loyalty of the others, and then he would return?

So even though Voldemort has not appeared, people still abide by the taboo of not mentioning his name, referring to him as "the mysterious man".

Deep in people's hearts, they actually know that he will come back. If the "white wizard" wins again, Lockhart, as the teacher of the "famous Harry Potter", will be famous in the stratosphere.

Pomona thinks Snape is worrying too much. They are talking about Gerald Lockhart, who has won the best smile award. He thinks more about the "present". It is not his style to be so far-sighted.

Under the contrast of light and darkness, all the pretentious patterns will fall into place. Louis XV built the Compiègne Palace in neoclassicism rather than Rococo style. Neoclassicism is a kind of conceptual beauty - throw away all the things I don't like and leave only the best things.

The Compiègne Palace is actually Louis XV's hunting palace. In addition to women, the "favorite" also likes hunting, but the goddess of hunting is not placed at the entrance of the palace, but the sun god Apollo.

Picky eaters only eat what they like and not what they don't like, which eventually leads to unbalanced nutrition.

Draco was so thin that his ribs could be seen, but Pomona never cared about it and persuaded him to eat everything.

He had no strength left, and it would not hurt so much if he hit someone when he was bullying the lower grades, not to mention that she was not his mother.

So, what was she crazy about, agreeing to be his godmother?

The door of the carriage opened, and Bougainville and Lorbon got on the carriage.

"Is this your luggage?" Lorbon looked at the observatory model that Georgiana held on her knees.

"Will Melzi treat me badly?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

"Of course not." Lorbon said with a smile.

"Then I have nothing to bring."

Bougainville knocked on the carriage, and the wheels began to turn slowly. Soon they left the Sforza Castle.

Assuming Milan is a heart shape, Sforza is the concave position in the middle. After leaving it, you will be outside Milan, although it is located in the center of the old city.

Since everyone was attending the Easter event, no one lined the streets to cheer, and no one threw stones and rotten eggs at the carriage.

Plants also have feelings. If they listen to music or curses, the fruits they grow will be different.

She hugged the model in her arms tightly, like a jewelry box.

She hoped that they were just going out to play, and not that her "magical intuition" was fulfilled again.

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