Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3482 Fear and Isolation (Part 2)

Walking up the steps, Pomona came to the room where the "Pen of Admission" and "Book of Acceptance" were stored, where Dumbledore was waiting for her.

"You come to me, principal." She said at the door.

Dumbledore seemed to realize it at this moment, and turned his gaze from the window.

"How have you been living in London recently? Are you getting used to it?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm just spending the summer vacation. I'll come back when the summer vacation is over," Pomona said. "I have no plans to stay here for a long time."

"At least it's close to Diagon Alley. Is the divination shop that predicts children's names still open?" Dumbledore said. "I remember that there were still many people in your generation who went to divination."

Pomona smiled and shook his head "I don't have that much time to go to Diagon Alley."

"Augusta will take the child there, and Frank's name was derived from divination. In medieval Latin, the name is Liberty." Dumbledore smiled melancholy, "Do you think this is a good name?"

"Where's Neville?" Pomona asked. "What does that name mean?"

Dumbledore didn't speak for a long time.

"His name hasn't appeared in the Book of Acceptance yet. Harry's name has been there for a long time."

"You want me to investigate?" Pomona asked.

"I want you to pay attention to that child... don't put all your eggs in one basket at the same time. I remember there was a saying that said so." Dumbledore said.


"I should have done that a long time ago." A woman complained in the corridor with hatred, "I should have left him a long time ago, but I have been reluctant to let go..."

The people next to her were comforting her.

The Longbottoms' ward seemed to have become the "resting area" of St. Mungo's Hospital, because they kept sleeping and would not tell anyone what they heard.

Pomona looked at the two people lying on the bed. They were well taken care of, but they were not as good as when they were awake.

Maintaining contact with students after graduation was something Dumbledore often did, but Alice and Frank did not join the Order of the Phoenix because of Dumbledore's request.

In the blink of an eye, Harry and Neville are almost 10 years old. In a year or two, they will report to Hogwarts, if everything goes well.

She didn't think Frank and Alice wanted to hear that their son was a Squib, and she didn't know what to tell them.

They didn't know whether they would eat the cake she made, and even if the doctors and nurses could feed it, whether they would be able to taste it.

"...I heard that there is a magic fountain in Beauxbatons that can spray beautiful potions..." The voice of the person who said comforting words floated over.

Pomona had also heard of the fountain, which was said to have been made by Nick Flamel and had healing and beautifying properties.

When Petunia got married, she would rather not have a bridesmaid than Lily as a bridesmaid. Lily felt very sad about this.

Lily just thought that she didn't consider herself a bridesmaid. If Lily didn't marry well, it would be Petunia's turn to be happy.

Queen Galadriel could get whatever she wanted just by virtue of her beauty, but she still wanted the Ring, as if her beauty had triumphed over the One when the Ring bearer presented it to Queen Galadriel Lord of the Rings.

Pomona doesn't think Lily understands that life is imperfect. But if Pomona told her, she would definitely find a way to correct Pomona's "wrong idea."

She looked down at Frank and Alice, said something more about school and left.

Even if they were friends in the past, things will change a little after so many years.

"Dean." A young man who passed by Pomona stopped her, "Why are you here?"

It took Pomona a long time to recognize who she was. Ivy Brinton had permed her hair and looked very feminine. She had short hair in school, like a tomboy.

"Coming to visit a friend, you work at St. Mungo's?" Pomona asked, are Ivy's grades so good?

"No, I am now their supplier, and our family is raising Motla rats." Ivy replied.

The sea anemone-like substance on the back of a Mortla rat is indeed protective against jinxes and bad luck.

Pomona's eyes turned to Ivy's purple hair, hoping it wasn't the result of overeating.

They chatted for a while and then separated. Pomona was a little curious, what would it be like to have long hair?

Passing by a mirror, she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Like a colorful ball fish."

said a little boy passing by behind her.

Pomona turned back and glared at him, then looked at her fat and round figure. It was indeed no different from a colorful ball fish.

"Don't let me touch you, I'll deduct twenty points from you when you get to school." She said to the little boy, who made a face at Pomona and left with his mother.

After preparing for the International Potions Championship for so many years, we still don’t know who the contestants from Hogwarts will be.

"Whatever." She whispered and left the mirror. The point was that Severus could take this opportunity to leave England. He was a Death Eater who was confessed by Karkaroff in court. Don't turn it into a game. The victim.

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When Georgiana returned to her residence, she was splashed with water.

Then her clothes were taken off and burned. The maids wore gloves during the whole process, and later the gloves were also burned.

"How could you go to that place?" said Margaret, her eyes red with anxiety.

She felt that she was indeed a bit abrupt. Even if she did not have to worry about being infected by leprosy, others around her would still suffer.

Later she jumped into the "manger" in the courtyard and swam along the pool. When she came out of the water again, she was immediately wrapped in a clean blanket and rested on a chair under the elephant loggia.

The reason why this place has this name is because there is an elephant on the mural. The rest of the mural has been mottled and it is impossible to see what the original painting was.

Georgiana guessed that it might have something to do with the gift that Leo elephant.

The King of Portugal wanted the Pope to support Portugal's sovereignty over Indonesia's Spice Islands, which at the time were the world's only sources of nutmeg and cinnamon.

The strategy worked, but the elephant died in 1516 because it had been attending various Roman festivals and celebrations.

Elephants can theoretically live a long life, but they only lived seven years. Leo X was very sad about this and commissioned Raphael to create a portrait in memory of the elephant. The rest of the elephants are either too old or irrelevant.

Mauritius is located in eastern Africa, on the Portuguese side of the Papal Meridian.

This knights order was established relatively late. It was not recognized by Gregory XIV until 1572. However, in 1598, the Dutch occupied Mauritius, the headquarters of the knights, and later it became the "French Island" , after the establishment of the Knights of Savoy in the 17th century, the Knights of Mauritius disappeared.

It is the dream of many civilians to become a knight, even if the knight is not a hereditary noble.

There is a monster called Behemoth, which is often depicted as a hippopotamus rather than an elephant.

In the Book of Job, Behemoth is the leader of God's creation. One day, it will fight Leviathan and eventually die together.

She looked at the elephant and slowly shed tears.

She hoped that the water in this pool would have the same healing properties as Beauxbatons' spring water, but unfortunately it was just ordinary water.

After a while, Paulina came over. She was wearing a silk dress as fashionable as Paris.

Polina looked like she wanted to curse, but she held back, and with such grace she ordered someone to prepare the bath water, as if Georgiana was not clean enough after one bath.

Only then did she realize that it was too early to tell others the difference between "Italian leprosy" and ordinary leprosy. Some things couldn't be rushed. She had to take her time, just like turning over Behemoth, which required more than just great strength. , and be careful not to provoke it into a fight, otherwise not only will you not be able to save anyone, but it will also cause a loss of life.

There was a rustling sound on the grass, like soft cloth rubbing against the grass.

Georgiana followed the sound and found Lady Galadriel. She smiled mysteriously and put her finger to her lips, as if asking her to keep a secret.

Georgiana was sure that it must be her imagination, because Mrs. Galadriel was wearing a white dress, and the one she was wearing now turned white and red. How could a normal dress look like this?

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