Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3481 Fear and Isolation (Part 1)

Since Snape will take his students to participate in the International Potions Competition in the second half of the school year, having a professor like Jig who is good at potions as a substitute teacher can save a lot of "trouble".

In the new issue of the Daily Prophet, there is another "news": "Magical creatures are out of control, and the Ministry of Magic intervenes to investigate."

Hagrid's name did not appear in this news, but it just talked about how the Forbidden Forest is a mess now, as if the school would not be able to run if the Ministry of Magic did not intervene.

Pomona passed by a patient reading a newspaper with a large bunch of fang geraniums. She came to the information desk and wanted to ask where Frank and Alice Longbottom lived.

"Oh, you're just in time!" The nurse said with shining eyes when she saw the fanged geranium in Pomona's arms, "We need this!"


"There is a group of Quidditch players who were injured in the game on the Piddle River. Now we need a lot of bone spirits." The nurse said enthusiastically, "Let's go, I'll take you to the potion making room."

"No, these flowers are not..."

But before Pomona finished speaking, the nurse had already dragged her there.

Pomona's fanged geraniums were brought from the school greenhouse. They are all descendants of a mother plant named Gerald.

It is very old. After Pomona failed to cultivate bubble pods for the first time, it was the second magical plant cultivated. When the fanged geraniums grow teeth, they must be fertilized, otherwise they will only have gums but no fangs. At this stage, they will bite people.

By counting the rings on the fangs, you can determine how long the geranium has lived, but it is different from the annual rings, because some teeth will grow newly. You have to find the oldest one among the countless fangs of the fang geranium to determine its true age.

It can be proudly said that the geraniums raised by Pomona are the best of all the geraniums submitted. St. Mungo's raw bone water has been used up. They have published an advertisement through the Daily Prophet, asking witches and wizards to sell their harvested fangs to them, so that they can save the trouble of petrifying the geraniums after arriving at the hospital. Of course, this is paid.

So Pomona held a bouquet of flowers and exchanged it for a bag of silver Sik, making a small fortune.

Just as she was hesitating whether to go to the street to buy another bouquet of flowers to give to the Longbottoms, a person attracted her attention.

It was Spring, a graduate of Slytherin College. He is now an intern at St. Mungo's and is helping a patient with a trunk like an elephant to move forward.

If we investigate whether the doctors in St. Mungo's Hospital have a "dark magic background", more than half of them will leave, as they all graduated from Slytherin.

So she changed her mind and stopped pursuing the details, carrying the cake to the Charmed Injury Department.

If she remembered correctly, Frank liked chocolate the most, while Alice liked raspberries.

I hope their tastes haven't changed.


Georgina walked to the location of the "big hospital", which was different from the hospital in the castle that was open to soldiers. It accommodated patients with "depression".

People in the Middle Ages believed that depression was related to excessive black bile, which came from Hippocrates' understanding. Before him, people attributed depression to supernatural forces. In the book "The Nature of Man", Hippocrates described the four body fluids of the human body, black bile, yellow bile, mucus and blood. When all fluids are in balance, people are healthy.

In the past, many people who came here were dressed in luxurious clothes. On the side near the University of Milan, there is also a "big hospital" built by Francesco Sforza. The style and style are similar to the one in front of you. When a large-scale epidemic occurs in Milan, many civilians will gather there. It is far away from the Sforza Castle, just like the distance of the "diagonal" in a rectangle.

The biggest difference between the long-handled sickle held by the god of death and the hand-held sickle is that you don't need to bend down, and it is usually not used to cut wheat. You just need to stand up straight and hold it, aim at the ground and sweep it, and a large piece of grass will "fall to the ground".

In the past, it was a monastery. After the French came, it became a mental hospital, and fewer people came.

Georgiana hesitated for a moment, then walked in. Normal people would not go far away to "rotten water" to get water. Usually, they would solve the problem of drinking water nearby.

Sure enough, she met several people in the hospital who wrapped themselves tightly in summer. When they saw Georgiana, they ran away in a panic as if they saw a ghost.

She laughed and followed two of them into a ward, where a group of people were surrounding a person lying on a bed.

In the late stages of schizophrenia, people will also lie motionless in bed. If he was sleeping on a pillow and the pillow was taken away, his head would still remain in the position of sleeping on the pillow and would not fall due to gravity. However, if it was just schizophrenia, there would be no symptoms of skin disease.

"You ask him to stick out his tongue," Georgiana said to them.

Those people looked at her in fear.

She then remembered that these people were all Italians and probably didn't speak French.

Just as she was thinking about how to communicate with them, two French soldiers rushed in and took Georgiana away by force.

"You are crazy!" A second lieutenant shouted, his hat tilted due to his excitement and running.

If it was just niacin deficiency, there was no need to be so nervous.

But there are probably real lepers in this place, and they must be isolated.

"Go tell them that clothes and sheets cannot be washed together." Georgiana said, "And..."

"You shouldn't come to this place." The lieutenant straightened his hat and kicked her out seriously.

At this time, the whole city was celebrating Easter, but this place was deserted. If she hadn't walked in, she would have thought that this place was abandoned.

These people are willing to be isolated here, and there is no need for guards. The two French soldiers are also mounted gendarmes patrolling here.

The old fir tree named Luna that Julia guarded is in the Stupinigi Forest. It is an annex of the Stupinigi Castle owned by the Savoy Royal Family.

In the southwest of the Stuppini Forest, there is a Pio Sasco Castle, which was built in the Middle Ages. The original owner was named William, a member of the Knights Templar. After the Knights Templar were destroyed, it became the property of the Knights of Malta. They obtained a large area of ​​fiefdom in addition to the castle and opened it as a farm in the 15th century. During the reign of Henry II of France, this place was divided to the Knights of Mauritius.

In the 17th century, the castle was owned by Count Pio Sasco, the founder of the Knights of Savoy. The land was also circulated among the members of the Knights until it was sold by the Marquis of Chigliano as a royal inheritance in 1760.

With a fiefdom, there is often a title. Some nobles use their fiefdom as their surname, symbolizing indivisibility.

There is no title if it is sold as a royal inheritance, but some people still bought it, not only as private property, but also as a medal of the Knight of Mauritius.

The northeast of the farm is the logging site. Luna's location was originally the center of the forest. It is indeed easy for big trees to grow in the deep mountains and old forests, but it is now at the border of the logging site. The original forest has disappeared, and the southwest of the forest has become farmland.

Julia can hold on until now, all thanks to the nuts she found in the tree hole, which is the reserve food of the local red squirrels. These little things who love to collect often forget that they hide their food there.

In fact, there is niacin in nuts, although it is not as good as in animal livers.

Even if it is love, too much will bring bad effects. When the Dudleys were young, they did not live a life of having everything they wanted, so they hoped that Dudley could live a life of having everything he wanted, and he would be satisfied with everything he wanted.

On the day Hagrid delivered the admission letter, he brought Harry's birthday cake with him, but it was stolen by Dudley.

Hagrid's craftsmanship... Besides, Petunia had never starved Dudley, but he still took away all that Harry had.

Then Hagrid turned Dudley into a pig's tail, causing the Dudleys to go to the hospital for removal.

From the perspective of the Dudleys, living with wizards does bring a lot of inconvenience, but...

Georgina shook her head and turned to walk towards the castle.

She was going to pack her luggage for Turin, and then she would go to the Ligurian Alps.

The capital of Gondor was built in the place closest to Mordor, not in a comfortable place like the Shire.

But after Sauron was defeated and the shadow of Mordor disappeared, the original capital was in the center of the continent.

Darkness is everywhere, even in the drawer of the house in Grimmauld Place, there is a Boggart, which will become the most feared appearance in the hearts of the people in front of him.

If it weren't for the scene of the unicorn being drunk in the Forbidden Forest, what would be so scary about the Forbidden Forest?

Harry's Boggart is not Voldemort, but another cloak monster.

She looked up at the sky and didn't see the Dementor, but the Patronus is not only used to deal with one kind of dark creature. Can she still use the Patronus now?

In any case, she wants to make a big fuss now. How will the twins and the robbers react if they see her like this?

They wouldn't say: That's so uncool, where is "Knox"?

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