Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3463 Follia (Part 2)

A coin was thrown high into the sky and landed on the back of the "referee's" hand.

In the end, Georgiana chose football. Although she didn't understand the "offside" rule, they quickly accepted it because the game was really simple. As long as you don't use your hands, it's fine. Besides, someone else has played it before.

Alessandro Torronia blew a piccolo, which made a whistle-like sound, and then the side that guessed the coin got the first serve.

Most people were playing for the first time, and dribbling seemed clumsy. She believed that it would get better after a while. Just like Quidditch, there are only a few simple moves at the beginning.

The French soldiers who stayed behind were also watching them play. Murat took away the elite this time because he needed to march by force. The ones who stayed behind were either injured or too old to bear such a march.

Alessandro had been to Britain and heard that the earliest modern football came from Eton College in Britain.

Georgiana sat in the pavilion and took a sip of black tea.

It was the church that supported the primogeniture system. Perhaps Torlonia could neither disobey Bonaparte nor the church, so she had a "second eldest son". Anyway, she did not see any outstanding qualities of Alessandro.

The Civil Code was not implemented well in France. The primogeniture system was still implemented in rural areas. The eldest son inherited the main land, so that the land would not be divided into several pieces, which would be inconvenient to cultivate and manage.

Jefferson thought so too. He did not intend to have "enclaves", but to connect the country.

If Italy wanted to connect, it would inevitably have to go around the Papal States, which almost divided Italy in half, turning "high boots" into "Martin boots".

The "patron saint system" has been developed for many years and is very different from the ancient Roman period.

In the early years, the "patron saint" and "guests" were in a superior-subordinate relationship. Every year during the festival, the guests had to give the patron saint many gifts to obtain the other party's protection.

In the Renaissance, the "patron saint" was more like a sponsor, providing financial assistance to artists in exchange for loyalty and service.

The "patron saint" in the 18th century was a village-level administrative unit. Villagers would pay secular and ecclesiastical feudal lords and the royal family, and the administrative management of land was an internal matter of the community.

In the past, Georgiana in Belgium lived in the castle of the Austrian Governor. They only cared about music and art. Law was so boring. Who would give the "Digest" as a Christmas gift?

99% of the nobles who were "sent" to local administration would not stay in the countryside. Like Milan, most nobles lived in the city, went to La Scala Opera House to watch operas and participate in social activities. The Austrians have never done a census. The last census in Tuscany was during the reign of Maria Theresa.

Montesquieu said that Attila's only goal was to "conquer" (soumettre) rather than "possess" (conquerir) various nations. He did not want to build a great empire like Rome.

If the population flows to the city, there will be problems with epidemic prevention and employment. A large number of unemployed people are also one of the reasons for the outbreak of the French Revolution.

Selling official positions can not only get money, but also get things done. In other words, Austria's strategy based on rural communities is useless.

The villagers bought the right to self-government. In this community, everyone has a say, and they can also elect managers themselves, such as the priest of Udine. He is not a clergyman living in a monastery. He is closer to community administration. He usually lives in the village church and organizes masses, festivals and celebrations.

He told the police that he was a random person, and the police would not believe him at all.

If it is just "you live your life, I live mine", it would be fine if we live in harmony.

Stealing farmers' farm tools is not a big deal for a nobleman. He can also "appreciate" the farmers crying and jumping after losing a hoe and have fun with it.

The joke is close to abuse, and the bitterness and sweetness of it cannot be told by those who do not know it deeply.

Georgiana put down the black tea in her hand, and the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup did not look like "grin".

Sirius and James hope that Severus will "let it go" with the past, but the victim is not so easy to let it go.

The coffin shop owner was not from Creon Village either. He helped the Mafia destroy evidence and became a member of organized crime.

He was different from the cake delivery man, although the godfather also helped him a "little favor".

Corneille wrote in Attila: When we were young, we thought love could bring happiness.

The coffin shop owner loved his daughter, just like the cake shop owner wanted his daughter to be happy, even if she fell in love with a guy he didn't like, and that guy couldn't even stay in the United States by his own ability and needed his father-in-law to find someone to "help" him.

The Muggle world was too complicated, and she still liked the children from the magic school more.

After staying in the Muggle world for a long time, she doubted whether she could still "Expect God's Patronus".

Isn't the "Patronus" a glowing animal?

She heard a rustling sound again, but it was not Parseltongue, but it sounded like someone was stepping on the soft grass and approaching behind her.

She was secretly on guard, ready to take out her wand at any time.

"Good morning." Zabini said behind her.

"Good morning." Georgiana smiled. "How was your fun last night?"

Zabini sat down in the chair opposite her.

"Where did you go yesterday?"

His tone and expression sounded like a suspicious husband.

"You don't need to tell me." Zabini said with a smile, as if he had untied the "knot" himself. "Someone asked me to tell you that he found the 'key'."

"Who?" Georgiana asked.

"Georgina!" Glando waved at her from a distance, holding a blueprint and a board in his hands.

Zabini shrugged, then picked up an apple on the table and ate it, then turned to watch the game.

She walked towards Glando and found that he had spread a large piece of paper on the ground, on which was the Da Vinci knot on the wall.

"I untied it, look." Glando pointed to the blueprint on the ground and said, "It is repeated by six identical shapes."

"So, you made the same board?" Georgiana said, looking at the board.

"I guess...it may have been a shield before." Glando lifted the belt handle on the board. "Look, like this."

He gathered the "shield" seriously.

"Then what?" she asked.

"We use this to push the pattern on the wall. Think about it, if the way to open the door is too difficult, what will happen if the barbarians can't open the granary?" Glando said.

"Be careful, Augereau will really chop off your resourceful head." Georgiana "kindly" reminded.

"Let's go and see if it works." Grendel invited.

Georgiana glanced at Zabini.

Bait will be placed in the trap, and the animals who see the temptation will be roasted and eaten. The skins of wolves and leopards will be peeled off and made into carpets.

Beautiful birds will be locked in golden cages.

And the animals that are not tempted will still live freely in the forest.

Even if the British Ministry of Magic uses the betting method, if the broom riding competition is won, the Italian wizard would rather destroy the Colosseum and interfere with the result of the competition than comply with the International Statute of Secrecy.

Obviously, if you want to win, flying day and night will definitely be faster than flying only at night. There are many Muggles during the day, and even at night, there are telescopes to watch the stars.

The party without scruples will have a better chance of winning than the party with scruples.

"Let's go." She said with little interest, and followed Gryffindor, even though she couldn't help her curiosity the night before and went on an adventure like Gryffindor.

There was a band rehearsing in the theater, and the actors were dancing. When they saw Georgiana coming, they all stopped practicing and saluted.

"I need this place in the morning, you can come back in the afternoon." Georgiana said.

Everyone left.

When they all disappeared at the door, Gryffindor came to the center of the stage and stomped hard a few times.

"Here we are." A dull voice said, and then the door under Gryffindor's feet opened, revealing Simon's face.

"We didn't find the mechanism to open the door from the theater." Simon said, "Let's go."

Gryffindor handed the shield to Simon, and then he went in.

Georgiana regretted not wearing men's clothes, but she also lifted her skirt and went into the secret passage.

It was still the entrance yesterday, and the sunlight shone in from the small window, and the light was much brighter.

Gryffindor held the shield, gestured at the pattern on the wall for a while, and then pressed it in.

The bricks on a flat surface sank, and then there was a "click" sound, as if a mechanism was triggered.

They waited for a while, and the surroundings were quiet, without even the sound of water.

"Is it a mistake?" said Grando.

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have stepped on air and fell down with a scream.

Fortunately, the hole was not deep, and then Georgiana saw the bricks retreat to both sides, revealing a downward staircase.

"It looks right." Simon said, and walked down the stairs.

Georgiana felt that she should walk in front, but...

"Gentlemen first." She smiled gracefully and followed with her skirt lifted.

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