Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3462 Follia (middle)

When Michael Cleon returned to his hometown in Sicily, he planned to go for a walk early one morning, and two shepherd bodyguards followed him. They did this not to prevent the Cleon family's enemies, because it was too dangerous for a "foreigner" to walk alone here. The area was full of "bandits", and different factions of the "Mafia" were always fighting each other, endangering everyone's life. He might also be mistaken for a thief in the farm tool house.

In Mike's time, farm tools were an important property of Sicilian farmers. The Mafia would put farmers under their wings and hunt down and kill all farm tool house thieves.

In the 19th century, it was also feasible to replace farm tools with livestock. The Cleon family worked hard in the United States and sold olive oil at the beginning. Olives are produced by the land. Victor Cleon's family originally had land, but his father was also a "Mafia" and was said to have died in a feud. After his death, there was an older son, but he died later, leaving an orphan and a widow, who was annexed by the landlord of the large estate.

The big estate owners have their own armed forces, and the small landowners are like the two shepherds who protect Mike. They may not be from Cleon Village, but they have joined the "Mafia". They protect people in the same gang, and people in the same gang will also help them to hunt down and kill all sheep thieves.

The armed forces of these big estate owners may have been bandits. Their functions are similar to mercenaries. They can protect the rights and property of their backers, deal with another umbrella, or betray their backers.

If the bandits do not have a strong shelter, it will be difficult for them to survive. Anyone can bring them to court. The main targets of the bandits are small landowners and those who have no support. Shepherds and self-employed farmers will also pay fees to supply bandits to fight another group of bandits.

The army of the Papal States collapsed when it encountered the French army, and these stragglers became bandits.

Bandits are closer to "free gangs". Their targets are travelers, transit goods, and sometimes smuggling.

Feudal monarchs usually do not use regular troops to deal with these bandits and robbers. The big landowners and estate owners can only "solve" it themselves.

Victor Cleon killed the old manor owner to avenge his father, and then when Michael Cleon came, the area was full of bandits.

The last time Georgiana went to Turin, although she didn't go into the city, she saw many vineyards on the hills near Villa Regina through the telescope.

Vineyards are another "complex" of Europeans. Of course, such dense vineyards will destroy the local scenery, but those vineyard owners who bought the land should be asked to return...

The Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts is open to the public. Children will only go there when they are punished for confinement. It is often related to terrifying and painful memories.

But there are dead branches, nuts and fruits in the forest. These are free, so why not pick them?

There are many hunting grounds in France, all of which are enclosed by the royal family, and there are special officials responsible for guarding, like Corneille's father.

There are a lot of public lands in Italy. This happened as early as the Roman Republic. The public lands were occupied. Caesar and Pompey joined forces to distribute a piece of fertile land to veterans. The Senate protested to no avail. The original landowners who lost their lands went to the temples and theaters in Rome to cry about their experiences.

Whoever has a bigger backer will own the public land.

This rule also applies to Veneto. They originally belonged to the Republic of Venice. Now the Republic of Venice has perished, and Venice has been assigned to the Holy Roman Empire.

When signing the peace treaty, the Directory wanted Venice, and Napoleon exchanged it for Lombardy.

Then the Austrians ruled here in the old way, first delegating land and administrative power to the land nobles. This method was used in Lombardy and had been extended to the vicinity of Venice by the end of the 18th century.

But in 1796, some villagers in Udine took advantage of the "chaos" to enclose the public land. This time, the whole village was mobilized. Even if the police arrested the village head and the parish priest, it was useless. The priest said that he was just there by chance and did not participate at all. The police did not believe him at all.

Johann Strauss Sr. wrote "Radetzky March", which is played at the end of the Vienna New Year's Concert every year. The audience in the audience also interacted and applauded along with the rhythm of the music.

This song was written for a Bohemian noble general named Johann Joseph von Radetzky. He was born in 1766, lived to be over 90 years old, and served in the army for 70 years.

The Venetian people would shout "Long live Radetzky", but this Radetzky was not him, although the robber named Radetzky was also a Bohemian.

The mountains such as those in northern Lombardy and Veneto are not suitable for agricultural development. During the reign of Sforza, mulberry trees were planted, laying the foundation for the silk manufacturing industry.

There was no public land in the plain area downstream of the Po River, but Venice...

In short, Murat went all the way without any obstruction. The French Republic was also a republic, and Murat still supported the distribution of public land to rural residents and feudal manor tenants. Although he originally wanted to support small self-cultivating farmers, these lands were bought by large landowners.

What crushed the tenants was the agricultural tax. They soon sold the land allocated to them and became tenants again.

You can’t make a fortune from crops like wheat. You still have to rely on cash crops. The Dutch can grow flowers and tulips, but it is difficult to promote them in Italy. Someone is willing to try Georgiana's idea of ​​growing beets for sugar production, but not on the land left by the Archbishop of Milan.

Bonaparte’s definition of “cash” was coins. How could the sharecroppers have coins? After reselling the land, I can still have some money to buy a house in the city. The city in the French-controlled area is more peaceful than the countryside.

Due to the insecurity of the land, the Po River has become a very important transportation artery. There are checkpoints everywhere on the river, and a toll must be paid at each section.

These blockers are not necessarily feudal monarchs. Each village will have its own "patronage systems". The patron saints will serve as symbols of collective identity. They are often smaller family groups than the village.

Mulla once opposed the divorce clause in the Civil Code, which involves Italy's complex marriage system. Divorce will inevitably make family strategies face new and unknown factors, in addition to the carefully planned exchange of dowry between in-laws and the family In addition to property, for example, Sforza married the princess of Naples, but Naples did not let Cesare Borgia get his wish, and Cesare later married a French princess.

Later Luterecia Borgia also divorced Giovanni Sforza because the Pope wanted to take real control of Romagna.

All nobles who refused to accept the outlawing of primogeniture were destroyed and everything they had was replaced by those who supported it and new ones.

Georgiana had questioned the legitimacy of the Duchy of Parma, and now the legality of illegitimate inheritance was once again confirmed.

"Go on." Georgiana asked Melzi, who was hesitant to speak, to continue.

"I heard that the French Senate has passed that the president can determine the successor of the first president in a will, including adopted children." Melzi said, "You..."

"What time did you leave last night?" asked Georgiana.

"I didn't leave. Mrs. Murzi prepared a guest room for me." Melzi said.

"Look, I can't even make the decision on such a small thing, so what can I do?" She smiled and said, "In that case, you can stay in that room forever."

Melzi smiled and said nothing.

"Someone asked me yesterday why I did this." Georgiana whispered, "I originally wanted to prove him wrong."

"You think he's wrong?" Melzi asked.

She smiled bitterly.

"I think I was wrong again, about the wheels..."

"We are discussing." Melzi interrupted her. "The road does need maintenance."

She didn't want to say more, she just hoped that she wouldn't make the same mistake as the Jacobins in the South before.

"It's time for me to go, thank you for the breakfast." Melzi said.

"Walk slowly," Georgiana said with a smile.

Melzi stood up, bowed politely, and left the table under the arbor of the mulberry tree.

She looked at the table full of food. How could she finish it all by herself?

So she asked Olesa to call all the young people who played with her yesterday, and continue playing some games after eating.

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