Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3446 Hell Cat (I)

There is also a meridian on the floor of Milan Cathedral. The twelve zodiac signs are distributed on the brass line. The "pole" of the meridian is Capricorn. It is written on the wall 5 meters away from the entrance. Every winter solstice, the sun shines into the church from the small hole in the south and falls on the marble brick with Capricorn.

In addition, there are Leo, Pisces, etc., all of which have their own marble bricks on the floor according to this rule. They look like patches on the exquisite marble floor, destroying the integrity and continuity of the pattern. When listening to the introduction, Georgiana noticed that the marble patterns looked particularly familiar.

God created the world in 6 days. 6 represented the perfection of the universe in the past.

The drawing method of hexagon can be understood as two triangles superimposed, and then the adjacent two corners are connected. Similarly, octagon can also be understood as two squares superimposed. Whether it is a triangle or a square, it can be superimposed infinitely, because what is related to them is material rather than life or spirit.

God rested on the seventh day, and the eighth day represents the first day of a new cycle managed by humans. Many baptisteries, including the baptistery of the Church of Our Lady of the Flowers, are octagonal. Adam's mission was not to play in the Garden of Eden like other creatures.

The angels were responsible for the guarding work, and Lucifer protested for this matter. The octagon also corresponds to the angels.

In ancient Rome, the Romans did not believe this, but according to Vitruvius's account, people at that time attached great importance to "the balance of the house", that is, lighting and ventilation. The octagon can be understood as the eight directions from which the wind blows. The wind blowing from the south and west will carry moisture, causing books to mold and discolor. The restaurant in summer should face north because it is opposite to the orbit of the sun, so you won't feel the summer heat.

Similarly, the painter's studio and embroidery room should be located in the north, so that the colors will not change color due to the sun.

Around the Middle Ages, the octagon represented justice and balance. As a "bookworm", it is enough to remember this.

Boys may have impulses, but without them, Hermione's knowledge is dead. Knowledge can help them solve problems in the process of application, and also make friends when Hermione helps them avoid taking risks that will not kill them.

Georgiana returned to her study and found Leonardo da Vinci's Atlantic Codex in the small lacquered box, which focused on water conservancy.

Leonardo da Vinci stayed in Milan for 18 years, from youth to middle age. If you compare his manuscripts with the Ten Books on Architecture, you will find that it may be a record of his research, especially the Archimedean spiral pump, which can transport water from low to high places. Its structure is completely different from that of a waterwheel.

Since the 14th century, Italian scholars have begun to rediscover and organize the documents of ancient Roman aqueducts and fountains, which also symbolizes the rise of the Renaissance in the fields of architecture and urban planning.

Early fountains only let water flow down, not spray into the sky, because that was for people to drink.

However, due to some problems, the ancient Roman aqueducts and bathhouses "died" together, including the ancient city of Pompeii, which was dug when people dug wells.

During this period, the dredging and revival of fountains was very important, especially in Rome, where fountains were also added with gorgeous sculptures, and later fountains could even spray water.

It was hard for tourists in the 20th century to believe that people in the past would get water from such fountains. Filivi had a Muggle scholar friend who went to Rome for a meeting. The faucet in his room was broken. The waiter who received a tip did not fix it, but asked him to use the faucet as a fountain.

According to this logic, the waiter's statement was correct. The fountain named "rotten water" flowed 24 hours a day, and no one turned off its faucet. This kind of fountain is very common on the streets of Italy.

Leonardo da Vinci believed that fountains were very important in urban planning, and every square should have a fountain.

At the same time, he also believed that sewage could not flow into the underground main canal, but should use the mill outside the town to divert sewage into other ditches.

In fact, the smell of the "rotten water" fountain is very similar to that of a sewer. Maybe a sewage pipe broke and sewage flowed into the canal. The smell of wine was her hallucination.

She continued to flip through the pages and found many mechanical designs, which were painted together with art.

She even found a diving device. She couldn't understand why Leonardo da Vinci, who lived in Milan, would design this thing. Was he going to go diving in Lake Como?

She searched for a long time but didn't find any clues in the manuscript until she found a sketch of a horse.

The Duke of Milan once asked Leonardo da Vinci to design a bronze horse sculpture, but the horse was too heavy. Not only was it difficult to stand it up, but it was also difficult to find the center of gravity, and it was difficult to ensure that it would not fall.

For a period of time, the monastery dining hall where "The Last Supper" was stored was converted into a stable by the French. Soldiers often hit the heads in the painting with stones and used it as a competition.

She couldn't understand... Even the young people who had just played with him learned Leonardo da Vinci's game, competing to see who could judge the length of a straight line more accurately and making fun of each other.

She felt that this skill was useful, not just for painting. When she turned another page, she saw that Leonardo da Vinci had actually drawn a big eel.

"The grass in the stream should be trimmed regularly so that the gravel riverbed can be seen through the clear stream. The water plants that fish rely on should be retained. The fish in the stream should not muddy the stream, that is, eels or tench should not be raised, nor should pike be raised, because they devour other fish."

The eel has a dorsal fin like horsehair, and it stands up like a snake.

There was a knock on the door, and she looked up and found that it was her guardian Bougainville who had not been seen for a long time. He was not wearing a naval uniform.

"Why are you here?" Georgiana asked.

"The First Consul thought I should come and tell you." Bougainville said, sitting opposite Georgiana "How much do you know about Nassau?"

"You mean the sea monster?" Georgiana asked casually.

"No... maybe it's possible." Bougainville breathed a sigh of relief "In 1715, there was a Spanish fleet transporting silver. They encountered a shipwreck on the coast of Florida, and no ship arrived in Europe."

Georgina restrained her smile.

"Sharks smelled blood and rushed over. The sharks I'm talking about are not only those with long tails, but also those with two legs," Bougainville said.

She thought for a long time and asked, "Pirates?"

"They call that scavenging. Do you think this reason is reasonable?" Bougainville asked.

"If the wolves take away the sheep and the shepherd can get them back, then the sheep belongs to the shepherd." Georgiana looked at Bougainville and said, "But in Roman law, there is the word possidere, which probably means sitting on something, that is, having physical control over something, so the width of the territorial waters is the range of the cannon."

"Physical control? What a novel term." Bougainville said with a smile, "You mean that if the Spaniards guarding the treasure can't beat the pirates, the gold and silver will not belong to the Spaniards?"

In fact, she felt that the silver belonged to someone else, but...

"Didn't the War for the Spanish Succession just end in 1715?" Georgiana said.

"That's right, but you forgot something," Bougainville said.

"What's the matter?"

"The South Sea Bubble of 1720, which is also related to this shipwreck." Bougainville said.

Georgiana looked at the sky and thought it might be a good pastime before dark.

"Would you like tea or coffee?" Georgiana asked.

"I want some rum." Bougainville said like a sailor.

Georgiana wanted some rum-flavored ice cream, and a good girl should not drink such strong pirate liquor.

So she rang the bell and summoned the maid to prepare it.

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