Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3445: Forest Feast (Part 2)

In 1492, Leonardo da Vinci drew the Vitruvian Man in his manuscript, which said that nature arranged the human body in this way: 4 fingers equal 1 palm width, 4 palms equal 1 foot length, 6 palms equal 1 arm length, and 4 arm lengths equal a person's height and the distance of one step.

In 1494, Leonardo da Vinci seemed to have applied this inspiration in the Last Supper. James the Lesser, the first person on the left hand side of Jesus, opened his arms, the same shape as Vitruvius.

Of course, it is a bit coincidental to say this, but Leonardo da Vinci should have mastered the human body and muscles very well at this time.

In fact, compared with the bread on the table, the folds of the napkin on the table are more useful for reference, but their length is less than an arm length, and the length of each grid needs to be converted.

It is said that Georgiana did the experiment, but the real operator was a group of young people. When they heard that this was Leonardo da Vinci's experiment, they volunteered to join.

In Leonardo da Vinci's time, glass mirrors were luxury goods. Even though glass mirrors are popular now, she still asked them to be careful not to get their hands cut by glass.

Then she sat in the shade of the tree while looking at the things on the table.

This was a small rectangular table, easy to move. Its width was only wide enough for one person to sit, and its length could accommodate two or three people.

She remembered the long table at Malfoy Manor, which was probably longer than the table in "The Last Supper" and twice as wide, so that so many people could sit at a comfortable distance.

Some painters also painted a long table in "The Last Supper", with people sitting opposite to represent Judas.

Leonardo da Vinci divided the 12 disciples into four groups, with about 4 squares on the tablecloth, each group of 3 people, and a pair of table legs under every 4 squares.

So the seemingly complete long table was only complete under the cover of the napkin. It might be made up of 4 small tables similar to those in front of Georgiana. After the disciples sat down, they would rather squeeze a little, and no one wanted to sit on the other side of the table. After dinner, these tables will be moved back to their original places.

Naples, Tuscany, Venice, Lombardy, the Papal States, France, Germany...

But that thought only flashed through Georgiana's mind, and the young man had already painted the picture she wanted and sent it to her, which was exactly like the one in Leonardo da Vinci's manuscript.

She asked them to drink the lemonade on the table, and she added some ice cubes with magic.

They drank happily, and after everyone drank a glass, they surrounded her and competed to chat with her, such as where she had been.

She had not actually been to so many places. Fortunately, Bonaparte had been to many places, and he was also a good storyteller, otherwise there would not be "Egypt fever" in France.

Mueller's suggestion to stay in Malta or seize Sicily might have seemed wise at the time, but Sicily was not just a supply station to provide food to Malta.

When the American fleet was fighting pirates, it asked the Kingdom of Sicily to provide supplies, but was rejected. They could only supply in Leghorn.

Corleone cannot represent all Sicilians, but he has many Sicilians in him. Even Mike, who was born and raised in the United States, has become different in Sicily than in the United States, although Sicily is also composed of multiple ethnic groups.

If Bonaparte had not gone to Egypt, there might not be the Suez Canal, and it would only exist in those old papers that no one has visited.

He wanted to go to Egypt to see those beautiful legends and historical relics. When drawing in the Paris Botanical Garden, the researchers who went to Egypt with him called it an "expedition" rather than an expedition.

Yogananda, the Indian yoga master, said: The desire for the outside world will drive you away from the inner Garden of Eden, and what they give you is nothing more than false joy that imitates the joy of the soul.

Georgiana did not believe that Bonaparte would really stay in the arms of the goddess...

The Gnostic Gospel says that thinking is your guide, reason is your teacher, follow your guide and teacher.

Some people feel the pain of being a prisoner, and this cage is your body itself, you are firmly tied in a thick rope cocoon.

Wizards can Apparate, and if Scamander does not take those magical animals, he does not have to take a ship to the United States like Muggles, and even the animals in the box are bored.

Cats can stay at home for a long time, and they do not have to be taken out to play regularly like dogs.

It is actually quite comfortable at home, and it does not feel painful because of losing freedom like trapped animals.

Scholars often stay at home all day, they focus on their own fields and neglect to communicate and socialize with the outside world.

An extrovert wants an introvert to be more "extroverted", just like Severus wants Harry to read more books instead of Quidditch.

It is Hermione, not Harry, who turns the time converter. Her curiosity is a stable "push", not a whim.

Harry is not a studious Gryffindor. He would rather face a basilisk at the age of 12 and take risks to save a girl.

The motivation that pushed him to come to school regardless of everything was happiness and friendship, while Snape wanted the power to change his destiny.

Bonaparte was not the kind of person who longed to return to the Garden of Eden. Even though he did not regard returning home as a journey of destiny like Odysseus, he still embarked on a journey to Egypt.

So she began to understand why Hathor wanted his soul.

Noetic also comes from "nous". Like love, it requires perception and induction, but it lacks a kind of madness - the madness represented by Eros.

No one mentioned whether the owner of the coffin shop was Sicilian. When he approached the Godfather for revenge, he didn't care about being related to the Mafia, or whether helping them destroy the corpses would ruin his American life.

That dream had been destroyed since his daughter was destroyed, and the court was only the second time it was destroyed.

When she was tired from sitting, she walked along the canal surrounded by young people.

The canal leading to Sforzesco Castle was also designed by Leonardo da Vinci. He was very interested in water, but it was a pity that she couldn't see where he hid his secret.

She just walked aimlessly, and soon came to a "fountain".

It is called a fountain because it is a very typical ancient Roman octagonal fountain. The face opens the mouth and water spurts out of the mouth.

But no one would drink the water because it smelled terrible.

"This is 'bad water'. Let's go." A young Italian man with curly hair covered his nose and said, "Only people with incurable diseases will come here to drink."

"Does anyone still drink this water?" another French young man said.

"Didn't you hear that only desperate people drink?" said the Italian young man.

Georgiana got closer and smelled it. The foul-smelling water smelled like over-fermented wine lees. The smell of decomposed organic matter completely covered up the smell of the wine.

She circled the fountain twice more.

The octagon is the change of the sun, in architecture the transition between the square and the circle, and in sacred geometry it represents justice and balance.

Most importantly, however, it is a lucky symbol.

Georgiana looked up and looked around. There was no reference other than trees. How could she remember this location?

"What a coincidence, this is right on the deuce line." Another young Italian said.

"What bisector?" someone asked.

"The Porta de la Paix and the Sforzesco Castle form an ellipse, and we are on the central axis of this ellipse." said the young Italian man.

"Door of Peace?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"This was built on the order of the president, right over there." The young man pointed to the north and said.

Georgiana didn't pay attention to the Gate of Peace, as long as she had a way to remember its location.

So she turned around and walked back. Even if she wanted to investigate, it would have to be after dark. She went to see if there were any clues in the notes left by Leonardo da Vinci.

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