Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3385 Baptism in the Mixing Tank

It is said that when Austria, Russia and Prussia divided Poland, Queen Maria Theresa cried.

There is a story that is not sure whether it is true or fabricated. She said that she did not know why, if two parties exercise hegemony and oppress the weak, the third party must follow suit and do the same unfair things, just for the sake of preparing for a rainy day and convenience at the moment.

If a woman's tears only work for those who care about her, then for Frederick the Great, no woman is what he cares about. So he said: "She cried, but she accepted it."

The enthusiasm of those philanthropists reminded Georgiana of agricultural loans, when bankers also flocked to them.

She felt that she might be wrong again this time, but now it seemed that she was not allowed to change it, and the "new problem" came again.

Before leaving, Georgiana said she wanted to decorate Vulcan with armor, and Bonaparte found some, including Savoy armor, which the nobles sneered at because it was weird and ugly compared to the exquisite Milanese armor, but the Knights of Malta in the 17th century had a large number of them.

Then he remembered that Piedmont not only had silk fabrics, but also paper mills and iron smelters, so he wrote to her to "restore" Turin's steel industry.

Iron does not dissolve in mercury, although mercury, the embodiment of Mercury, can form alloys with other metals.

In Plato's translation of the "Hermes Secrets", Hermes once said to Tate: Knowledge is not the beginning of good, but it provides us with the beginning of good that will be known.

It is impossible to invest in both the mortal and the divine at the same time.

Those who share in the gifts of God are immortal, not mortal.

Things on earth, things in heaven, and even things above the sky have been understood in their hearts.

They despised all things, both tangible and intangible, and rushed to the unity and uniqueness.

From the perspective of Eastern philosophy, the "unity and uniqueness" mentioned by Hermes should refer to the "one" in "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things".

In Plato's theory of heaven and man, the goodness of the city-state unites the city-state, and neither the family nor private property can survive. In the best community, everyone must be close to each other, and everything in it is both "me" and "not me".

When the whole of Europe was dying of the Black Death, Milan was spared.

If Georgiana had not been stupid enough to go dancing, she would have wanted to talk to Bonaparte about this in her reply.

She did not doubt whether he could understand it, she was only worried whether he wanted to listen.

If the unity of the city-state is based on the unity of everyone living in it, and every citizen of the city-state must complete his or her own mission, then the same is true for the army. Bonaparte even told her that death is equal in the army, even if the commander's tent is within the range of the cannon. A salamander can survive with a broken tail, and it will not die if it loses a leg or an arm.

Plato pursued "one" rather than "many", but the Greek gods coexisted. Titans such as Atlas and Calypso also existed in the world and were not imprisoned in hell with other Titans.

She sighed and looked at the letter in her hand.

There is a place called "Calypso's Cave" on the island of Malta. It was named after the place where Calypso lived in Homer's epic. She wove clothes for Odysseus in it. Outside the cave is Lanla Bay, with fruit trees and flowers on the hillside, and you can overlook the scenery of Hama Beach from there.

Bonaparte seemed to be obsessed with that place. He actually said that if he were Odysseus, he would stay there and not leave. He wanted to lie in the arms of the goddess and never return to his wife.

In fact, after so many years of the Trojan War and the days when Odysseus wandered on the sea, Penelope had long lost her youth and was indeed not as young as the goddess who was eternally young.

But she had been waiting for him, and even their son thought that Odysseus was dead. Isn't this kind of love immortal?

The pope who compiled the church law was Gregory VII. During the mass in Milan Cathedral, the choir sang Gregorian chant, which was founded by Gregory I. At that time, the Lombards often invaded Rome on a large scale. Gregory I organized the defense of the city as the Bishop of Rome.

This Gregorian chant has a gentle rhythm and tone, which has a soothing effect, especially the reverberation effect of Milan Cathedral is very good.

The Knights of Malta are also known as the Knights of the Hospital. They protect the "Hospice", a place for pilgrims to rest in the Middle Ages.

But in the hospice in Milan, those who have terminal diseases such as leprosy live far away from the crowd. They don't want to disturb other people's "life".

If you want to talk about pity, no one is more pitiful than them, but they still care about others.

Tom Riddle was originally handsome. He looked like Lucifer. Although Lucifer fell, he was still God's favorite.

However, Adam appeared. God asked Lucifer to pay tribute to Adam and guard the Garden of Eden, as if all the past favors were transferred to Adam.

When you are favored by yourself, you will not feel that kind of sadness. In the past, the king's mistresses wanted to get whatever they wanted when they were favored.

When Louis XIV still loved Fontanelle, his heart would melt when her blue eyes were filled with tears. When Louis XIV had other "toys", he completely ignored her.

The random cutting of souls at least damaged Tom Riddle's handsome face. He himself didn't care because he was pursuing eternal life.

But others wouldn't. His snake-like face after resurrection made most people who were intoxicated by his god-like charm "awake".

The biggest feature of the invisibility cloak in the Deathly Hallows is that it will not "fail" after a while like other invisibility cloaks.

It seems to be immortal, but it is still made by mortals after all, a group of mortals who call themselves alchemists but imitate gods.

Plato's "craftsmen" (demiurgos) build "order" based on existing materials, just like Gotham controlled by villains in the infinite universe crisis, there is also an order.

Knowledge is not the beginning of good, but it provides us with the beginning of good that will be known.

Of course, you can also choose evil, and the forbidden fruit only provides the possibility of people becoming bad.

Many teachers like students like Tom Riddle. He is too smart and talented, and he has achieved extraordinary success after graduation.

But later even Slughorn took him off the collection shelf, and other teachers even pretended not to have taught him.

If they had not handed the power to the wrong people, perhaps there would not be so many tragedies.

But the group of people who mastered ancient magic also handed the power to Isidora, and she did not disappoint the teachers' expectations - to a certain extent - she wanted to create a world without pain, rather than abuse power and create more pain.

It is not good to teach generously without considering the difference between people, and it is not good to teach carefully.

If there is no inheritor, knowledge will be cut off. Many alchemy and ancient magic have been lost.

It is not necessarily that ancient things are powerful. In the underground tomb full of devil's snares, the devil's snares are afraid of fire, but the fire lily likes fire. If someone subconsciously uses fire magic to burn the devil's snares, they will soon fall into the trap and be surrounded by flames.

However, a fluorescent flash invented in the 18th century solved the problem. This spell is known by first-grade children, so the elaborate trap was so easily cracked.

Rohat at least brought happiness to people. If there was no curse, Rohat would have continued to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Although he could not teach children knowledge as a professor, he knew how to survive in society.

Whether it is astronomical equipment, experimental equipment, or potion materials, money is needed. Slughorn did not have the resources to do expensive experiments after leaving school. For these, even though he taught Voldemort, he did not resign or hide his identity like other teachers. He had to leave until Snape challenged him and won.

Pomona was originally the same as Filiwi, or as Hermes said, knowledge is the beginning. If someone wants to master this beginning, even if the journey is very rough, tell him.

But she found that she was still very ignorant and made mistakes of one kind or another.

A person who wants to do good but does evil and a person who wants to do bad things but does good things, which one is more unforgivable?

Sand is originally loose, and it can be kneaded into a ball after being soaked in water. When the water is gone, the sand becomes sand again, and it will be scattered by the wind.

But Napoleon wanted to put a piece of granite in the loose sand.

"The price" is never enough, even though there seems to be the principle of "fair trade" and "equivalent exchange".

That is just one of the many illusions created by humans. She remembered the picture she saw in the chapel just now.

There are two corridors. As the light changes, there is a person holding a torch at the end of the dark corridor.

She once imagined that it would be great if she could see herself holding a torch in Snape's eyes.

The son of Kronos never gave mortals a day without pain,

but happiness and sadness, the wheel of time, rolled to everyone,

even the stars running along the track, the bright night,

fate, death,

they never wait for the world.

Wealth comes and goes,

so do sadness and happiness.

In the maze in the Alps, there is another sentence:

Although the road to becoming a god is rugged, it will appear inadvertently.

She originally thought it was nonsense, especially with Voldemort among her companions.

"One yuan" is the beginning and root of everything.

The Greeks liked to build sanctuaries far from human habitation, while the Romans thought it was better to build sanctuaries in places where people came and went.

Augustus' "Altar of Peace" is located on the way to the Tiber River from the Flaminia Way, one of the main roads to the north of Rome.

In the "Aeneid", Vulcan not only created Apollo's bow, but also created a monster chained by chains - his son.

Vulcan also created chains to lock Prometheus. Unless a god gives up eternal life, the chains will not break.

So can Prometheus give up eternal life by himself? Although he will die immediately, he will no longer have to suffer the pain of being pecked by an eagle every day?

Will the "machine" created by the Vulcan Palace be a monster?

At this time, she really hopes that she has the ability to predict, but unfortunately she is not a sharer of the gift of God.

She is just a "no one". She doesn't know how to reply to the letter now, let alone the "future".

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