Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3384 The Tide of the Earthly World (XIX)

Category 42 of Part 1 of "Grönig's Law" mentions: "We must not be biased in our hospitality."

The meaning here is that relief must be provided without distinction. However, some people must be given "alms" and some people must be "hospitable", which means that charity must be given differently depending on the person.

Some people need sympathy. The French army has been short of food and clothing for a long time. They have no shoes or clothing to keep out the cold. They burst into tears even if they ask for help.

Some people are proud. Because the Greeks have the custom of "hospitality", she accidentally checked a dictionary. It was an ancient book from the 12th century. The word "hospitality" at that time included receiving guests and distributing gifts. double meaning.

After leaving Calypso's island, Odysseus soon encountered Poseidon's revenge. Although he was lucky enough to swim to the coast in the end, he was naked because the clothes Calypso knitted for him were missing. The weight increased after absorbing water, so he found the right opportunity to climb up a tree and took off those clothes. With nothing, he arrived in the country where the Phaeacians lived.

The princess rescued him and put him in cashmere clothes made by humans, so that Odysseus could see the king in neat clothes and told him the story about the Cyclops.

In Machiavelli's History of Florence, he describes the carders' uprising. At that time, there was a carder named Michele de Lando. He carried the banner of the standard bearer of justice and walked naked through Florence that was in chaos. on the street.

Although Florence is located in Italy, it is inextricably linked to England because of its "wool". In 1349, England promulgated the "Labor Regulations", which prohibited charitable assistance to homeless people with able-bodied limbs and required the authorities to capture these people to force them to be self-reliant. .

The famine was not that severe as a large number of people died. But at the same time, due to labor shortages, labor prices have increased, and the price of fabrics has also risen.

Do dead people need clothes?

This thought was enough for the gravedigger to take off the clothes of the deceased, wash them briefly, and then sell them in the city.

While in Jaffa, some military officers stopped doctors from burning the sheets used by patients because shipping lines were cut off and the hospital's resources were stretched thin.

After Mass, Georgiana walked across the piazza of Milan Cathedral to Palazzo Marino.

Giuliano de' Medici was assassinated in the church and later buried in the chapel, next to his brother Lorenzo's grave instead of his wife's.

Not far behind Georgiana was Katharina. She did not see Polina and Caroline.

Caroline is pregnant and had a big scare last night, but what about Polina?

After returning to Marino Palace, she returned to her room on the pretext of changing clothes. She planned to take a short rest, but found Polina appearing in her bedroom.

"You've been gone for so long, the sun is almost setting." Polina complained.

"Where have you been?" asked Georgiana.

Polina threw a letter to her like a playing card.

"A letter from my brother. In addition, the British Ambassador to Italy wants to see you." Polina said.

Georgiana took the letter and was so shocked that she didn't know what to ask first?

"Don't be like a piece of wood. Do you know who the old man who was following you just now is?" Polina asked.

"He is the Italian Finance Councilor." Georgiana said weakly.

"Did you know that Josephine was involved in a corruption case?" Paulina asked. "And that handsome dragoon Charles."

Georgiana looked at Polina, whose eyes seemed to be lashing her.

"Leopold II said he was a 'bad man' and that the Governor of Lombardy was suspected of abusing his power and embezzling religious funds, and he was involved in this." Polina continued, "He was in charge of the reformatory after he was expelled, and then he The mercury mining rights were signed with the priest.”

"Where's the mercury mine?" asked Georgiana.

"Where else could it be? Of course it belongs to Idriya." Polina adjusted her hair in front of the mirror not far away. "Vilmach only received ten thousand francs."

"Who is Velmarch?" asked Georgiana.

"Quartermaster, didn't you have dinner with him once?" Polina asked in surprise.

Georgiana had no memory of such a prominent figure.

"Leclerc said the soldiers 'wanted to eat meat,' so Vermach changed the cured meat that was served every two days to fresh meat, and it was discovered that the supplier of the mercury mine provided meat products," Polina said.

Georgiana recalled that Moore said that when the mercury mine was discovered, the supplier gave a draft of ten thousand francs to each of the "divisional" officers.

"Where did all this meat come from?" asked Georgiana.

Polina looked at Georgiana and shook her head.

"Didn't I tell you just now? The old man signed a contract with the priest to mine mercury mines."

"But that mine is 'secret,'" Georgiana said.

"I really don't know what you think...why did you go to that rally?" Polina asked.

She almost said that Luo Erban took her there.

"Why don't you go?" Georgiana asked Polina.

"Just as you think attending the Visconti's party is a trouble." Polina said calmly. "If you are suspected of abusing your power and embezzling religious funds like the Governor of Lombardy, what will happen to my son?"

She looked at Polina inexplicably.

"Stop pretending to be confused." Polina stood up, "And that boy who danced polka with you..."

"I didn't dance the polka!" Georgiana interrupted Polina.

"Next time, please remember to draw the curtains." Polina said.

Her mind was confused for a moment, and then she smiled bitterly.

"If I draw the curtains, people will think I did something in there." She said helplessly, "Isn't it just a dance?"

"Isn't Charles also a dance teacher?" Polina smiled sarcastically, "Write it clearly when you reply, don't let him misunderstand."

After that, Polina left her bedroom.

Georgiana looked at the letter in her hand.

When he was young, Count Lambertengi used to punish prisoners, but when he was old, he stopped others from "disciplining" them.

Michele was once one of the workers in the uprising, but when he climbed the stairs step by step and looked back, he decided to end the riots and restore "peace" to the whole city.

Imagine that you could become a pet, pampered and cared for, so that you would not realize that you are an animal, and would be used for sacrifice like other animals, and feel sad and painful for being an animal.

You see the mirror, but you don't know who is in the mirror? You are obviously a person, why is the face in the mirror an animal?

Wormtail has been a pet in the form of an Animagus for more than ten years, and he actually still remembers how to turn back into a human...

"Think about where your power comes from?" Georgiana whispered, walked to the table by the window and sat down, then opened the envelope.

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