Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 331 Cold Hell

In the Battle of Hogwarts Viaduct Gardens, Neville had confronted the Death Eaters that he would only join them when hell froze.

Hell should be filled with fire, scorching those who fall into it, but Pomona now feels that she is in a hell of ice.

Just like what was sung in that song, that kind of love is a sin, but she still couldn't help but fall into it. The only good thing is that there is another person to accompany him in hell, his exuberant curiosity drives him forward, and sometimes even creates troubles, such as the prophecy about the savior born at the end of July, which indirectly killed his beloved the woman.

The word Mudblood is a taboo for Lily, but it gradually appeared in the mouths of the third-year Slytherins. Among them, Draco was the leader, and Theodore Nott followed Draco to insult him. Hermione Granger, the ugly potion-talented boy who reminded her of Severus, had always thought that Lupine's joke was over, and apparently she was mistaken again.

His name was Severus, and the homonym sounded serious, and it wasn't funny to joke around with a serious person.

Butch is not a person who loves to laugh. His great-grandmother who is "disturbingly giggling" once gave him an ancient recipe for "Laughter Potion". Laughed for five full days. One of Bucky's Muggle neighbors thought he was the funniest person in the world, and his series of jokes about Bucky angered Bucky, so one day Bucky gave him a glass of laughter potion, which made him whole Laughed for a week. The neighbor has since become a taciturn monk, begging no one to do anything funny in his presence.

It's hard to believe that there is still a village on such an isolated island, which is halfway up the cliff. In the 16th century, the person who was willing to be neighbors in such a place with Butch had nothing to do except to avoid the Black Death, but when he was about to invent the beauty potion, there was no one on the island. What happened?

"Where's everyone in the village?" Although Severus was terrible, he was the only one she could rely on now, and she hugged his arm tightly like a poor weakling.

"Moved away." He said blankly.

"Do you think they will be made into ghost corpses?" She looked at the dark village and said, "This place is far away from the mainland, where do so many dead corpses come from?"

The ferocious wind subsided gradually, and thick fog began to appear on the sea. This eerie atmosphere was very similar to the place where the Black Death had swept through. Except for the dead, only Doctor Bird's Beak would appear in the abandoned village.

They are doctors who risk their lives to help others, but Muggles regard them as "death messengers" because people will die wherever they go.

Fear makes people do weird and weird things. People believe everything like insanity. The brain stops thinking and obeys like tools.

"Do you know how Harry and Ron define the difference between an Inferi and a Wraith?" Bludgers and Quaffles, they're solid inside."

Sometimes you have to marvel at Snape's poisonous tongue. The red-haired Ron is like a Quaffle, which is thrown around for fun, and the black-haired Harry is an iron Bludger, which specializes in attacking the flying days. Players on broomsticks.

"Are you hungry?" she asked. "It's dinner time."

The death stare of the old bat looked over again.

"Death row prisoners also have their last meal. You can't deprive me of the right to enjoy delicious food."

"Do you remember that day? We were in the Room of Requirement, and Sybil was outside the door, waiting for the door to open to hide the sherry inside." He pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Harry Potter was also outside the door , he asked her, what sound did you hear?"

Pomona's memory returned quickly, and then she trembled all over.

"NO!" she screamed.

"Sybil said she heard a cry of pleasure, guess if it was you or me that she heard?"

He said it, he said it.


"You should be glad she met me. If she met other Death Eaters, she wouldn't have been cast with a confusion spell and thrown headfirst." He was in a much better mood, and his tone was almost like is singing.

"Where's that innocent potion nerd?" Pomona muttered as she wrapped her cloak tightly.

"Oh, I like that house, it really can read my heart." The old bat smiled happily "Do you like it?"

She recalled the room, in total darkness, save for a candle burning in a silver candlestick, invisible to anyone but the two of them, all their buried desires released because of the cover of night.

"I didn't notice Sybil came in." She leaned on his shoulder dejectedly.

"I'm glad you didn't notice." He said again in that obviously smug but deliberately unremarkable tone. "Not everyone has the same energy as I do."

Repent, sinner, you have seen the burning place, and if you don't repent, you will never go to heaven.

"She's really stubborn." Pomona complained with disgust on her face, "Shouldn't ordinary people run away when they encounter such a strange thing?"

"Ordinary people? Are you talking about Muggles?" Severus said comfortably. "Sybil is a witch. She won't leave until she understands what's going on."

Pomona thought of Sybill Trelawney's attire. She fit the Muggle definition of a witch very well, and looked utterly insane.

"I hate Ravenclaw," muttered the head of Hufflepuff.

"I thought you hated Gryffindor more, and Ginny snatched Harry Potter away." Severus said with a sneer, "They really don't give any benefits to outsiders, but give others benefits to them Solicit."

"how could be?"

"The old fool introduced you to the stupid dog, the savior Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood is crazy but she is beautiful, even I, Slater with the spirit of Gryffindor Lin, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, need another example?"

"Oh my Tenna!" exclaimed Pomona.

"Slytherin has become the big villain who upholds the justice and glory of Gryffindor, and the werewolf can also get the Medal of Merlin. In his eyes, Slytherin College should not exist. All he wants is the information in the secret room." Fleurs said displeasedly, "The flame can burn most of the dark creatures in the world, but not all of them. What kind of magical plants do you grow in the Room of Requirement?"

"How do you know?" Pomona said with a sweet smile.

"Lucius couldn't solve that thing, so he called Draco away." He said helplessly, "Isn't that the magical plant in the daily textbook?"

"That kind of plant has a corrosive effect, and the devil's net is already a dark creature, let alone it." Pomona said happily, "Don't worry, human magic is useless to it, it will watch the time switch well device."

"The liquid secreted by the vines will corrode, and at the same time have fire resistance?"

"That's right."

"Interesting, why didn't you take it out and plant it before?"

"Just in case." She said with a triumphant smile, "The less popular the plant, the harder it is to deal with. Remember the war between Hufflepuff and Slytherin?"

"I don't like flames, it's hard to control." Severus squinted his eyes and said viciously, "Sigmund Bucky also invented the Humeizi repellent. The plants were on fire, and Butch had to go into the sea to avoid the burning foxes, which is why nothing grows on this island."

"Then what do these villagers eat?"

"I don't know, Pomona, maybe it's a sheep. A crazy wizard lived here. Azkaban was also a place where madmen were experimented. He attracted Muggle sailors and cultivated a large number of dementors. Maybe it's here too. A place for madmen's experiments," Severus said listlessly.

"I don't think Bucky is that kind of person." She said with a guilty conscience.

"Old fools like to read fairy tales. The story of wizards and jumping pots is not so popular in the 16th century. The cauldron protected an innocent wizard from the villagers who held torches and rakes and planned to burn the wizard to death. They were all eaten, and the remaining villagers promised not to interfere with wizard experiments in the future, so the crucible spit out all the villagers who were eaten, and they were all ugly." He glanced at the village in the thick fog, and said The air that spewed out from the inside turned white, "Why are there so many lunatics in this world?"

"Shall we come back tomorrow during the day?" She trembled as she held his arm. "This place is terrible!"

"Old fools come here in the middle of the night. Don't forget that the sea has high and low tides. When the tide is high, we can't get into that hole." Severus pulled his wand out of his sleeve. It will freeze us to death."

How would a normal woman react at this time?

"I hate you, Severus!" Pomona waved her fists, intending to slap the dark wizard to death.

"Enough!" The old bat finally yelled after enduring her for a while. "Keep quiet, you need a lot of materials to do the experiment, and I don't know what's on this island? If you keep shouting, they will be attracted!"

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