Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 330 Lonely Journey

Tom Riddle likes to act alone. This is his style. The road to Xeon is often lonely. Only those who can endure this loneliness can have outstanding achievements.

On the island of Hemetra lived another lonely man, the greatest potions master in history, Siegmundbatch. Since the establishment of the school, Slytherin has always been the professor of potions, and it has never changed.

After Tom Riddle graduated, he wanted to stay in school to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. At that time, the class was called Art of Dark Arts. He was very young and very handsome. If he taught it, I don’t know how many people would be addicted to black arts. .

Mushroom-faced Chigmont Bach is not good-looking, but he is very talented. He discovered the characteristics of hundreds of mysterious animals and plants. At the age of 14, he was able to correct the potion professor when he used soft-clawed land shrimp to make potions. mistake.

Like Newt Scamander, he left Hogwarts early, but he was not expelled from the school, but to protest. He really wanted to represent the school in the Potions Championship, which was his lifelong dream, but The headmaster at the time, Edsa Sackertenburg, refused on the grounds that he was not yet seventeen. He left the school in a fit of anger and never returned.

Some thought he was out of his mind, after all who lives with rats and goats. But he felt that he was long and full, and he devoted himself to the experiment of potions, leaving his legacy - the book of potions, the seventh chapter of which was written in the book of Felicia.

Seven horcruxes meant cutting the soul into eight, which no wizard had ever done before Tom, who said he was closer to immortality than anyone in history, and in a sense, he was.

The genius who invented high-level potions such as Blessing Elixir and Potential Potion also wrote primary potions such as beauty potions and potions for treating scabies in the book of potions.

In addition to treating scabies, the potion for treating scabies can also treat other lymphatic tuberculosis. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Black Death still posed a great threat to the lives of Europeans, and it was very dangerous to live in densely populated areas.

The symptoms of the Black Death are often accompanied by high fever and swollen lymph nodes. This potion needs to be learned and made in the first potion class of the first grade. It is recorded in the book Magic Potion and Potion. Its production method has been compared with The recipes recorded in the Potion Book are quite different. One of the materials, the fin spines of Chirac fish, has become an endangered and rare species, and had to be replaced with porcupine spines.

Compared with the powerful Sirak fish, the magic power of the porcupine is of course greatly reduced. This kind of potion, which Zygmuntbach planned to use to treat the Black Death, turned out to be only used to treat scabies.

This is a powerful potion with a strong personality, and it needs to be brewed with care, as incorrect preparation will cause unimaginable disasters. Neville made a mistake in the first class, forgetting to remove the cauldron from the fire and put the porcupine quills in, causing the cauldron to explode, and many people in the class got scabies.

Always with a stiff face, the seemingly cold Potions Professor is actually a hot-tempered dragon. He has to endure his temper and clean up the chaos caused by the little monsters. What he suffered from Siegmund was different in form, but in essence The same suffering - not understood.

The way of thinking of a genius is different from that of ordinary people. He is often called a lunatic when he is alive, and his advanced ideas are accepted by the public after his death. Therefore, geniuses are often lonely, and the world often has prejudice against their research.

It takes a lot of courage, courage and concentration to continue researching. These are the excellent qualities that a person, especially a man, should possess. Butch also has a mushroom face. He helped the third child who was bullied by his elder brothers, let him live a stable life in the magic world, and taught those two bullying elder brothers a lesson. Also a very charming man.

In order to test whether the beauty potion invented works, the magic potion genius needs to test it on humans or fish-human-like creatures, but it has only mice and sheep around it, so it has to do the experiment by itself. A few weeks later, his beauty attracted many Muggle women, who rowed around the island and shouted "handsome man", and then he stopped the experiment and returned to his original appearance, wearing only a loincloth. On the beach, the young women were scared and fled.

He wasn't one to laugh, but Pomona thought he could still hear him on this beach. Scotland is much colder than England and Ireland in the south. She put on a cloak over her Muggle clothes and a witch hat, and Severus also put on his cloak. turned into a wizard.

The rough sea rolled up the foam and rushed to the beach, roaring like a giant. Those huge black rock blocks towering over the sea seem to have fallen off the cliff. Such an island with fast currents and possible hidden reefs cannot dock at all. Except for wizards, humans cannot live in such places.

"It's a good place." After circling the island, Pomona came to believe what Severus had speculated about. "If I have anything to hide, it's here."

"Like a pirate." Severus smiled sarcastically, "Find an uninhabited island, bury your treasure, and leave a treasure map for people to find."

"How did Dumbledore find it?"

"Did you forget? He often travels and rides a Thestral. That's what he's looking for." He looked at the reefs and said, "It's really a beautiful scenery."

"How did he know?" Pomona was very confused.

"Muggle memories." He is like a patient teacher, answering every question. "There are a few Muggle memories in his legacy. They were all friends of the Dark Lord when he was in the Muggle Orphanage." ’, he couldn’t stay in school every summer, and he had no place to go, so he took his ‘friends’ to travel here.”

"He's Apparating at 11?" Pomona said in amazement.

"He's a natural Parseltongue. Before Nagini he had another pet snake, a hundred-foot sea monster. Too bad it looked scary but never harmed humans. He didn't think it was useful. Then it was abandoned."

Pomona imagined Tom, as handsome as a god, standing on the head of a giant sea snake...

"No wonder he has so many followers." She murmured, those Muggle children who bullied him would surely be scared to death when they saw the sea serpent.

"They don't know where this is. After being brought to the island and serving the Dark Lord like servants for a while, they will be put back. He doesn't really like the Philosopher's Stone. The Elixir of Elixir does prolong life, but it must be taken regularly. Drink, drink forever to stay immortal, if the Philosopher's Stone is tainted or stolen, he will die like everyone else, he feels that dependence is intolerable, even for the elixir, and it is the same for the 'servant'. After a short period of 'weakness' he started working at Borginburg, and he was indeed very charming, no woman could refuse his smile." Severus sighed "Lockhart's famous and handsome Fools are obsessed with people, not to mention the descendants of Slytherin, when he asked the Death Eaters to kneel down and kiss his robes, no one refused, they even felt honored, I have never seen such a madman."

Pomona didn't know whether the man who asked people to kneel down and kiss the robe was crazy, or the man who was willing to kneel down was crazy, but Tom Riddle was definitely "master", just like Wormtail was definitely "servant". "A truth.

"When that old fool died, I became the headmaster, and sometimes I would go out 'for a walk' like him. I have been to this island once, and I never connected it with the Horcrux until the end Harry Potter told me that he was looking at me and thinking of the other Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, who forced the White Wizard to drink the potion from the basin." He stopped, shaking his head with a smile "He wants to save my life and thinks I deserve it, like a sentimental woman who doesn't know what to do, and if he can be less emotional, he should remember that Arthur was like me, and he's not as good as Longbottom at that. He stuck his father's wand in the Death Eater's eye in the War of Mysteries and the wand broke, and the fat guy was more of a man than Harry Potter. When I was training him anyway He can endure all the troubles, maybe he is not a good wizard, but his solution to the problem is very effective, simply and neatly without dragging water."

"You like Neville?" she said pleasantly.

"No." He sneered and shook his head.

"Don't you still remember that Boggart?" Pomona counted with her fingers, how many years has it been?

"I want to use the gutting spell on him, just like he did to those toads, and take out his intestines. Do you know why I didn't do that?" Slytherin said with a smile.

"Because I helped you isolate Harry Potter?"

"No." He shook his head, "You guys in the Order of the Phoenix have good tongues and can guide others to do what you want them to do. Neville Longbottom's Boggart was misled by Lupine. He thinks it makes me lose my dignity It's an interesting thing, especially in front of people from my academy, do you know how I made those pure-blooded nobles dare not talk about me behind my back?"

She was shaking with fear.

"They started it." He said with a cruel and evil smile. "We were all fine, Gryffindor asked for trouble, for their 'fun'."

"Please stop." She said tearfully, "Stop talking."

He tugged on his robe and took her by the hand to continue walking.

As the sun gradually sank to the horizon, the sky was stained with a layer of purple, which looked like dried blood, but mixed with a little bit of starlight, it seemed not so pure.

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