Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 326 The Lunch of the Villain

If the wand is broken, it can be sent to Ollivander for repair. If the weapon made by the goblin is broken, it is better to take Bojinbok to repair it.

There was a rusty sword in a glass display case at the Blacks', and she didn't think it could be cleaned with Mrs. Skoll's All-Purpose Miracle Stain Remover.

Since Neville chose to use the sword of Gryffindor, he had to learn how to use a sword. Severus' fighting style was more suitable for wizards, and she seemed to have to find him a teacher who could use a sword.

It's the 21st century, who would use such a cold weapon?

Grimmauld Place was in London, and after Severus changed into Muggle clothes, they found a restaurant for dinner.

When you don't know how to choose a restaurant, the restaurant with more people is always right. It was still working hours on Friday, and many well-dressed Muggles were eating, dazzled by women's jewelry and men's watches.

Draco called Astonia, who happened to be in Diagon Alley today, and the appearance of three couples, especially the beauties, attracted their attention. Draco's cold temperament also made the ladies look sideways. Relatively few people paid attention to Severus and Bill.

One is their looks, and the other is because of the "bite marks" on their bodies. Their eyes seem to be complaining silently. People with scars on their bodies are definitely not "serious people". These people remind Pomona of Fenon. A modestly accomplished drilling rig company executive.

He never planned to adopt Harry from the very beginning, and used him like a servant. During the Battle of the Seven Potters, he almost couldn't wait to leave the home where he had lived for twenty years. Petunia, that house housed the first half of her life, and it was not so easy to let go.

That night, not only did Harry lose his mother, Petunia lost his sister, Voldemort lost his prestige, and he was actually defeated by a baby.

To become a Snake King, prestige is essential, he stumbled in front of "love" again and again, why didn't he learn his lesson?

It was difficult to find a table for six during rush hour, and Severus cast a Confusion Charm on a table of Muggles and they all left, all ok, including Bill and Fleur.

"Don't abuse magic," Pomona reprimanded morally after she sat down.

Severus stared at her blankly for a moment, then turned his gaze to the menu, and Pomona rubbed her ankle under the table to get his attention.

"Professor, do you know which college Alex Anthony, the first student in Hogwarts history, is from?" Astonia smiled sweetly, with two cute dimples on her cheeks, Blue eyes kept staring at Pomona.

"I don't want to know." Pomona responded deadpan.

"It's Ravenclaw." Astonia replied selfishly.

"Hannah Albert, the first freshman in Harry Potter's class, was Hufflepuff."

"Draco, do you think it's important to be the first freshman in the history of Hogwarts or..."

"Of course it is more important to be the first in school history." Draco interrupted Astonia with a sneer.

"He saved you from jail!" Pomona stopped harassing the potions master, she wanted to teach her godson a lesson.

"So I will always be grateful to Dade, no matter what he says or does, I will support him?" Draco snorted coldly, "I can't change the Patronus, and he included the Guardian of the Gods in the owls exam, wouldn't that make him A Malfoy who can't even be an ordinary wizard?"

"Oh, I remember you, you were the Slytherin sitting next to Victor." Fleur said in French. "Are you still in touch with Victor?"

"No." Draco looked Fleur up and down, then at Pomona, and finally looked down at the menu.

"I haven't contacted him since the wedding. I don't know how he is now?"

"Oh, I heard that he made a big fuss at the wedding venue."

"He saw that sign." Fleur lowered her voice, "I didn't know his grandpa and Grindelwald still had a holiday."

"You invited Victor, how is Ron's performance?" Pomona smirked and changed the subject.

"Of course I am very happy. He used to be a fan of Victor." Bill replied with a smile.

"I heard that you are planning to eliminate the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest?" Astonia said with a sweet smile, "Can I express my opinion?"

Pomona's mood suddenly became extremely depressed, and everyone's attention was drawn to Astonia.

"Order the dishes first." Pomona summoned the waiter, this topic was not allowed to be discussed in front of Muggles, and everyone ordered what they wanted.

The waiter recorded what they wanted to eat, and just when Pomona was about to start another topic, Astonia said again, "The spell that Draco used is very strange, why not change it, the spider's pincer is it As long as it hits the vital point, no matter how powerful a spider is, it won't be scary if it cuts off its claws."

"Claws are its feeding tools, you want them to be starved to death?" Pomona looked at the sweetheart exuding sweet breath in front of her in disbelief.

"You can also use the simplest method, fire, it is winter now, and there is still such a thick snow, it will not be so easy to ignite. There are many kinds of spiders, and you can't see all the eight-legged ones. Is this kind of poison not only effective on eight-eyed spiders, but also on other spiders?"

"I didn't think of that," Severus said suddenly, as Pomona stomped him under the table, then looked at Astonia with a smirk.

"It doesn't matter, we will only put the poison on the eight-eyed spider, and it will not affect other spiders."

"Other animals will eat the corpse of the eight-eyed spider, even if it's not a spider." Astonia pursed her lips, "Especially in winter when food is scarce, my suggestion is to use fire instead of poisoning to solve the eight-eyed spider's corpse." eye spider problem."

"The centaur will be very upset." Pomona shook her head.

"The poisoning polluted the water source, and they are also unhappy." Astonia said without compromise.

At this time, the tender steak that Bill ordered was served, and it was still bloody after cutting it with a knife, and Pomona lost her appetite in an instant.

"You go shopping with Sissy in the afternoon, how about taking her?" Severus said with a malicious smile, as if he was planning some kind of conspiracy.

Pomona looked at this Ravenclaw coldly, she didn't want to play with her at all.

"You, Sissy, Hermione, Astonia, Fleur, are you going?"

Fleur looked at Bill and shook her head sweetly, "There are a lot of housework to do, I won't go."

"With so many beauties, I believe you need someone to be your bodyguard. As for Ron Weasley, we all have things to do, and he is the only one who is free." Severus pursed his lips and confided with a cheerful face. poison plan.

Ask any man on earth, how many like to go shopping with women? It was a nightmare for them!

"By the way, you can also tell him about exterminating spiders." Draco Malfoy looked at his godfather, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "He is a warrior of Gryffindor, so he won't be afraid of even a little spider, right? .”

Pomona recalled those eight-eyed spiders the size of small cars, and Draco's concept of "small" seemed to have been misinterpreted.

"Make sure Ron Weasley gets the news." Draco winked at Astonia. "Also, tell me his reaction in detail."

"Yes, sir." Astonia saluted Draco like a Muggle soldier.

"Don't torture him," Bill defended.

"We're helping him overcome his fears, aren't we, godmother?" Draco said, looking at Bill, as if for a split second he had turned into smooth-haired Master Malfoy again.

"I think he's right. Boggart is really far behind." Pomona chimed in. "Why is Ron afraid of spiders?"

Bill glanced at the expectant crowd, lowered his head, forked a piece of beef, and stuffed his mouth.

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