Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 325 Undying Love

It's useless to sprinkle the potion and cry.

Pomona was speechless looking at the broken cauldron on the table and the vixen repellant spilled from it. She had to find a way to clean them up. Muggle-born Lily couldn't help.

She raised her wand just as she was about to clean up, but she found herself in the Hogwarts greenhouse, and Lily was only eleven years old, so she didn't seem to be in this place.

What's wrong with her?

She tried hard to recall, and heard the sound of ding ding dong dong, which sounded like a music box, very pleasant to hear.

After opening her eyes, she was still in the old house of the Black family, and in front of her eyes was Fleur with an anxious face, and she was pointing at Pomona with her wand.

"Thank God, you finally woke up." Fu Rong said in hoarse French English, "Are you sick? Is there any medicine?"

"I'm old, but not that old." Pomona sat up slowly.

She looked at the music box, it was closed now, obviously it could use hypnotic magic, it could just be used to lull Lu Wei to sleep.

With the protection of the Fidelity Curse, she could at least sleep peacefully. Severus would be summoned by Voldemort at any time. Who told the resurrected Voldemort not to need to sleep.

The glass cabinet doors on either side of the fireplace, once very dirty, were now shiny as new, and the music box had once been in it, and beside it was a decorative crystal bottle with an opal on it, which is the same as the one used by Slytherins now. The crystal bottle used for contact is very similar.

Neither the music box nor the crystal bottle would have made any difference to Harry, but Pomona took them anyway, she could use them better than keep them here as decorations.

That Cerberus is very heavy, and it is not easy to move it into Gringotts. Pomona has a premonition that the fluffy Lu Wei will win Nobeta. Where should Nobeta be placed next?

She looked at the sofa, the scene that happened here yesterday afternoon was vivid in her memory, as long as she thought of Harry and Ginny sitting on that sofa in the future, Pomona would have a burning heart for it.

She hoped that Harry and Ginny would have two more children, and the passion of the young people should revitalize this depressing old house.

The atmosphere is contagious. When the whole school was crazy about the arrival of the mixed-race Veela, Pomona felt a sense of relief, like the iron chains around her body were untied, and she could do whatever she wanted.

Pomona didn't like Lockhart's flamboyance, and Severus fit her criteria for a mate, and she thought he looked stunningly handsome in a duel.

She likes Quidditch players more than Quidditch, Victor is famous, but she doesn't care about fame, oh, hell, she didn't realize, her little troubles are all caused by the reputation of Mr. Love Saint tired.

She likes men who are smart and powerful, and if they are serious, cautious, restrained, and loyal, they will be even more perfect. She thought that ugly monster with a hooked nose was very sexy. He was pale and thin when he was young, but now he is strong and strong, and he made her want to eat it. At that time, Dumbledore was busy meeting people outside, such as Fudge, she So he put on the invisibility cloak secretly and knocked on the door of the old Slytherin bat.

Who dares to mess with that terrible potions professor, of course it is her herbal medicine professor, even if he wants to make potions without herbs, he can't do anything. She is the best gardener in England to cultivate herbs. Top potions need top materials. Herbs are the basis of potions!

With Fu Rong's support, Pomona stood up, and then walked downstairs with big strides.

It's no use worrying about a misfortune that has already happened, it doesn't change it. People who can't get rid of yesterday will never know what they want now. She wants that man. As long as Lily can't regain her body, even if she is Venus, she will only exist in his fantasy.

No matter how vigorous the love is, it must return to the ordinary life. Although both mental cheating and physical cheating are betrayals, physical cheating is much more disgusting than mental cheating.

What did the Hufflepuff girls say? Toothbrushes and boyfriends can't be shared, it's disgusting to think he's ever touched a woman other than himself, Hermione saw Ron and Lavender kissing and accepted him, she can make sure Severus has no other women before her Well, the Earth Academy believes in "matter" the most, and if he continues to entangle his spiritual world, he will drive him crazy. His head is as complicated as a maze. With her simple head, she can't figure it out at all. If she can't figure it out, don't think about it.

When she came to the stairwell, the boys, coming out of the doorway behind Walburga, looked up at Pomona's footsteps.

Pomona rushed straight towards the Potions Master, with a playful smile on his lips, as if anticipating what she was going to do next. She stood still on two or three steps, grabbed the front of his robe, pulled him towards her, then closed her eyes and kissed the mouth that always liked to say harsh words.

There was no other food or wine as seasoning, what she tasted was another person's saliva, and she felt a little sick, thinking about the way Jack taught Rose to spit on the Titanic, even if he was as handsome as Leonardo, his phlegm No woman would want to taste it.

Just when she was about to end this disgusting kiss, the fire dragon pressed the back of her head and began to plunder her mouth. Between her lips and teeth, she tasted the sweetness of chocolate and sherry.

The Carlo brothers said she was a sweetheart, and it seemed that she was really sweet.

She slowly opened her eyes. From this position, she could see a broken full-length mirror. The scene of her kissing the black fire dragon was completely reflected in it. It looked like a painting with the theme of beauty and dragon.

If appearance is not used as a criterion for judging a person's good or evil, but as a weapon, then it doesn't matter to polish it occasionally.

Dorcus's stupidity is to hope to attract a Muggle man through the "little trick" displayed by her wand, forgetting her greatest advantage, her father is a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic, and she herself is rich and beautiful. A handsome Muggle who has seen the world has seen the life of high society, and he will not think that wizards are all evil.

It takes willpower to pick up an inferior cigarette after smoking the best cigars.

People who leave the slums will not want to go back. Only women are willing to endure hardships with men, and men will do everything possible to change their destiny.

She likes Jack Dawson, who initially planned to "sell" himself to Molly Brown, and he seized the opportunity to change his destiny, no matter what the cost. It was only when he met Rose on the deck, the red-haired woman made him see another level of beauty, Jack is a painter and has been to Paris, so he should have seen the world hanging on the corridor of the Louvre The famous painting, The Birth of Venus, what he saw was not a woman, but the god of love, and it happened that they were on the calm and rippling sea, which made it even more like being in the painting.

Jack is a smart boy who likes to paint very much and is talented. He thought he would become a painter, but the real life defeated him. At that time, Rose kindled hope for him. She understood him and appreciated his talent, not his appearance, which is what a person who has been underappreciated for a long time longs for most.

She made his heart feel warm, and even dared to challenge a rich man like Carl. It was easy for Carl to kill Jack when he came to the United States, but they were equal in front of Rose. What she weighed was something different from the Grim Reaper. .

Pomona doesn't mind Severus using black magic. As long as he uses it in the right place, being kind to the enemy is cruel to himself. She will remember the lesson of Wormtail for the rest of her life. Endless troubles, this is where Lily, who classifies people who use black magic as scum, can't compare to her.

Those jinxes and poisonous spells used by Gryffindor to play pranks are also in the category of black magic, but they are reversible. Irreversible black magic is actually similar to Muggle injuries. George lost an ear, and Muggles lost their ears. It's not like it can't grow out.

Think about the consequences before doing things. The Half-Blood Prince knew the consequences of killing Dumbledore and did it. He protected his godson and fulfilled his oath, and returned to the position of chief Death Eater. His soul is not as pure as Sirius, because he was stained for what he had to do. He is a more responsible person than Sirius. The portraits of the Black family trust him and ask him to help choose the next one with the blood of the Black family. Patriarch, what else does she have to hesitate?

If she was Hepziba Smith, instead of smirking or flustering when she saw the greedy red light in Tom's eyes, she would ask him "Do you like this thing?" Negotiate like a Slytherin, in exchange for something.

Handsome Tom certainly didn't like her chrysalis-like body wrapped in silk, but he could give her something else, which was better than dying for two things.

Fifty-three Hufflepuff rules, like it, accept it; don't like it, reject it, and don't delay others.

She likes the yellow-toothed salamander with the hooked nose.

"You're a fool!" She heard a low growl of frustration from behind her, but there was no one in the mirror, so she knew that she would not return to that dream immediately after hearing the hypnotic spell.

You've lost love again, wise Tom.

She saw the woman in the mirror smiling smugly, and then looking at Severus' thin lips, she liked seeing him wipe off his lipstick, it made her feel very fulfilled.

"What happened?" he smiled with interest.

"Tom just tried to control my body." She wiped the drool off her face, the smell was not good at all.

"You blocked it yourself?" He still said with a smile.

"With a little help from Fleur." She shrugged. "Fortunately, I'm a Veela, and I'm naturally resistant to spiritual magic."

"You were looking in the mirror just now, what did you see?"

"Beauty and the Beast." Pomona looked around. "Where are Draco and George?"

"You want to show them off?" he said triumphantly.

"It's almost lunch time. I have to go shopping at three o'clock in the afternoon. After packing up, we'll go eat."

"I don't have Muggle clothes."

"I brought it." She showed him her flannel bag. "Eat together or go shopping with us, choose one, professor."

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