Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3215 Wolf Valley (9)

There is a legendary family of professional executioners in Paris, the Charles Sanson family, which has a history of executions of more than 200 years for seven generations. The experience of the fifth generation of Charles-Henry during the Revolution is the most eye-catching. The famous "Mr. Paris" dreamed of becoming a doctor when he was a child. Unfortunately, he grew up in a family of executioners, which hung over him and his family like a curse.

He had to inherit his father's business and become a professional executioner. He became a prisoner of fate, killing people instead of saving lives. Louis XVI was executed, and it was Charles Henry who executed him; Danton was executed, and it was Charles Henry who executed him; Robespierre was executed, and it was Charles Henry who executed him.

The city of Paris was drowned in a sea of ​​blood. During the day, he was engaged in the killing business on the guillotine, and at night he played the piano, looking for a moment of reason and sobriety.

He desperately searched for humanity and the recognition of others. It was the love of a woman that gave him a solid support.

It was during this period that Bessières and Virginie met. At that time, he was still the captain of Louis XVI's constitutional guard. One day when he was on duty, he saw Virginie being harassed by two people, so out of duty, he , he sent her home.

Bessières began to follow Napoleon in 1796, serving as his guard captain, and then continued to fight. It was not until the Battle of Marengo in 1800 that he truly had free time and stability, and then he met Napoleon in the opera house. Arrived at Virginie.

He didn't recognize her at first. A young soldier who had just arrived in Huadu was new to everything. Once he accompanied a friend to the backstage and met Virginie there. It was she who recognized him first.

She invited him out to dinner, and the two later started dating. If things went well, they might start a family. He was already planning to go to the city hall to register for marriage with Virginie, but then Augustine, whom he had known since childhood, found him. .

He had come in obedience to his father's orders, and asked Bessières whether he still intended to fulfill his engagement to his sister.

Jean-Louis de Laperriere was a very influential figure in the Tarn of Garonne, but at least unlike Lavoisier, who was also a tax collector, he was not killed by the Revolution.

But Bessières did not abandon Virginie immediately, and instead reported the matter to Napoleon.

Napoleon did not "excessively" interfere with Bessière's marriage because he felt that Bessière was a cautious person. Of course, he did not know that Bessière was already dating other women in private.

In the end, Bessière chose to marry Jenny, and a religious wedding was held in LaCour's church. Jenny didn't know anything. She thought Bessière still loved her as much as before.

"So, I guess I can't ask a notary to declare my marriage to Virginie invalid." Bessière endured the pain and said, as if the wounds on his body had not completely healed.

Georgiana is indeed better at "cutting" than "restoring", but she has no intention of repenting after hearing Bessière's "story", and she has no sympathy at all.

Perhaps Napoleon only gave Bessières "advice" out of political considerations, and then Bessières implemented it without hesitation.

"Are you and Virginie registered or not?" Georgiana asked sternly.

"The formalities are completed," Bessière said breathlessly.

Georgiana was speechless.

The foundation of Rousseau's "Social Contract" is the family. His specific argument about the origin of the state starts from the "family". However, the order in the family cannot be made to obey by force. If force must be used to make people obey, people will There is no need to obey based on obligation.

The monogamy system in Justinian's code is also based on the combination of divine law and human law. Not every emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire before this was monogamous. However, hereditary blood relations aggravated the confusion of throne succession. It's like the Manchu Qing Dynasty's "Nine Dragons seizing the direct descendants".

Monogamy can ensure that the succession to the throne is well-founded to a certain extent. Even if the emperor has no children, he can still be succeeded by his brothers, adopted sons or even daughters. However, the Byzantine Empire's throne succession system was still unstable, mainly due to the interference of the army, especially the Guards, in the succession of the throne.

After the death of Tiberius Gracchus, the elder of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius Gracchus not only inherited his brother's estate, but also received the position of consul to ensure the continuation of reforms.

Some people are not willing to be hereditary executioners, but what about other good positions?

For the people of the ancient Roman Republic, the royal government represented corruption and decadence, and then Gaius Gracchus died.

Soldiers were unable to participate in trials related to themselves. Napoleon was recalled for participating in the Jacobins and was once imprisoned, but at least he was not tied up like Saint-Just and then sent to the guillotine with Robespierre. .

At that time, the lives of generals, let alone ordinary officers, were at risk. In the military courts of the ruling government, as long as they are military personnel, or matters related to the military, they will be adjudicated in military courts.

In other words, even if Virginie filed a lawsuit with a marriage certificate issued by the city hall, she would have to go to a military court, and the judges of the military court were all appointed by Napoleon.

If Justinian summoned Belisarius back and Belisarius did not lead his troops to the circus, but instead surrounded the palace and forced Justinian to abdicate and establish an emperor himself, then history would have gone in another direction. developed.

So Justinian said afterwards that he had found a good general, and Theodora introduced his "good sister" Antonia to Besariliu, who was also a "comedian".

An emperor and an imperial general actually found two actresses as wives. Many nobles of high birth were not convinced. Theodora encouraged Justinian to amend Roman law. In the ancient "Law of the Twelve Tables", marriage between nobles and commoners was illegal. After changing the law, there would be no marriage between nobles and commoners. The difference.

"Can I go? Madam." Bessière said through gritted teeth.

Was he in that much pain?

"You tell Bougainville later that the British Navy's combat power is not achieved by randomly grabbing people to serve as sailors." Georgiana said expressionlessly.

Bessière bowed and left her drawing room.

After he left, Georgiana asked the maids to prepare tea.

Although Augustine seems to be a little interested in Margaret, he is not a "proactive" person like Gordin. He has a reserved personality and will not be easily shaken in the face of temptation, so Bessières handed over the property to him. Management and safekeeping.

Georgiana breathed a sigh of relief.

She did almost kill Bessière, equating him with the Swiss judge. Fortunately, she still had some sense, and this was all because of the guidance of Gordan, who "loved to write scripts".

This may be a woman's intuition, or as Harry accused Draco of saying, "That's just what I think."

That wolf cub is still young now, what will he do when he grows up?

After a while there were sounds of footsteps again, and then Saint-Brochan came in.

"Madam, Mr. Martin, the president of the Lyon Chamber of Commerce, is here." Saint-Brochan said.

"Let him come," said Georgiana, and then to Margaret, who came in with tea, "go get a bottle of good wine."

"Yes, ma'am," Margaret said meekly, put down the tea tray and left.

At this moment Mr. Martin came in, and he actually put on his robe.

"Madam." Mr. Martin bowed to her.

"Please sit down." She said to the empty sofa beside her, feeling a bit toothache.

Why is she like the Empress Dowager Cixi? Fortunately, Western Europe does not need to "listen to politics behind the curtain." Why don't we sit down and talk about anything? Guess what a big "misunderstanding" I caused by hiding it.

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