Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3214 Wolf Valley (8)

Bonaparte's wedding ring said "fate", but some people, including Talleyrand, do not believe in fate, because if they believe in fate, the dream life can only be reserved for those lucky ones who are favored by fate. Have a happy childhood and a bright future.

While doing yoga, Georgiana thought that if the same thing happened to Talleyrand, she would probably not be so excited. The newspapers gave Talleyrand many nicknames, Mazarin's Monkey, Lame Devil's Envoy, and Order. Bishops who make people laugh and so on.

He would nonchalantly use "master" to describe the people he served, and then turn around and praise the ladies with his blue enamel tongue.

Lameness is a flaw. Even if Tallie read aloud in the seminary, the Bourbon royal family likes to "judge people by their faces" since Louis XIV. Prince Eugen was disliked by Louis XIV. If under the old order, Tallie would It is almost impossible for Lang to become France's foreign minister.

A person's fate has been decided since the bed he was born on. It is impossible to have a satisfactory job or an ideal partner. Life is full of frustration and depression, and one can only find a moment of comfort in books.

Not only do such people seem lifeless, but such a society lacks positivity.

The same is true for the cumbersome court etiquette in England. Once the husband's position or title changes, the ladies must go to see the queen. If they miss it once, they will permanently lose the qualification to meet the queen, just like there is an invisible thread being held by someone else. Same.

Georgiana changed into a "tree" pose.

It was as if a breeze blew open a closed door. Outside the door was a cave-like place. It was obviously an artificial gesture that simulated nature. There was a sculpture of a girl in the cave.

It was the dairy room in Rambouillet that she had visited. It was the place where cheese was kept in the time of Louis XVI. Marie Antoinette visited it once and called it a toad hole.

Then Louis XVI transformed it, and Marie Antoinette could hold parties with friends while drinking in the cave where the Artemis sculpture was placed.

The place had been occupied last time by the staff, and was used to draw maps, and even satisfactory work was work, and they were still making maps while everyone else was hunting game.

After Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter and was judged as blood revenge by the Furies, the "nightmare" enveloped Erestes.

When he killed his mother, although he avenged his father, he committed the crime of killing his mother. The goddess of revenge continued to haunt him, driving him almost crazy. Under the guidance of Hermes, he asked Apollo and Athena for help.

Although Athena held a trial on Mars Hill and invited the smartest and wisest people in Athens, the verdict was actually decided by dice. It depends on whether there are more white stones representing innocence or black stones representing guilt, but the final result is that both sides have the same number. , Athena, who was not born of her mother, cast a white stone herself, and then solemnly swore that Erestes was not guilty due to the majority vote.

She might as well declare her innocence directly, so as not to go through the formality of voting and waste everyone's time.

However, although the punishment from the outside was gone, the inner torture was not over yet. Later, under the guidance of the priestess, Erestes went to the Taoluo people and recovered the stolen statue of Artemis. His madness was cured by having his sister.

In this family's almost inhuman bloodshed, the driving force is conscience, even if the result is further disobedience to conscience.

In Eastern philosophy, conscience and good energy are two attributes. Sometimes conscience feels but has no ability to change anything.

Western conscience is closer to the "gift" of intuition. Greek mythology uses the goddess of revenge to show the power of conscience. This natural ability can distinguish between legitimate and improper actions. In the 1799 Constitution, the "Constitutional Committee" was required to use the principle of natural justice. , presiding over cases that the judge cannot in good conscience judge.

The principle of natural justice is a feature of English common law, while the French Constitution of 1787 was influenced by the American Declaration of Independence.

The difference between the two can be explained in a class. It roughly means that everyone has the right to defend and defend himself, and no person or group can be the judge of his own case.

In the "future" U.S. Constitutional Amendment case Gideon v. Wainwright, Gideon defended himself, but the question he asked the witness was "Do you have a criminal record?" This kind of defense technique is not used by those who graduated from prestigious schools. It seemed like child's play to the prosecutor.

Harry could theoretically defend himself, if Fudge didn't scold him like an elder and didn't even give him a chance to speak.

This is not without precedent. Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban by Buddy Crouch Sr. without saying anything.

Fortunately Dumbledore arrived in time.

Harry believed Dumbledore, what if it was Snape who defended him?

Next, no person or group can be the judge of his own case. 1% of the auction income tax is stored in the treasury as retirement funds. In natural law, soldiers cannot be judges in this matter, but Aristotle only proposed the natural law. The concept of justice had to wait until the Middle Ages to become functional and purposeful. Before that, it belonged to the "Dark Ages."

Even if the evidence collection and ethical issues of "The Last Witch Case" are put aside, the entire refereeing process is in accordance with legal procedures, so it is in line with procedural justice.

There will also be false accusations and frame-ups in witch trials. Godin's friend made a living by forging letters a long time ago. Thanks to people like him, every letter written by Georgiana has a serial number. The book list was kept by Fei Lier.

Don't find it troublesome. It's even harder to explain when someone is framed. What's more, compared to the church's directory, her few pages are just a drop in the ocean.

It has taken two or three years to sort it out, but the Paris library has not yet finished sorting it out. It is not known that all the records of the Udine Inquisition have been taken away.

At this time, the sheep that Artemis caught suddenly began to bleed.

Georgiana slowly opened her eyes, and a decent-looking young man stood in front of her.

She dropped her hand.

The young man subconsciously put his hand on the sword at his waist, and then slowly put it down.

"Are you Bessière?" asked Georgiana.

"Yes," Bessière said cautiously.

Although people who had never met before on the battlefield would fight to the death when they met, she felt...since she was going to deal with the "police" in the future, it would be better to follow the procedure and ask.

"Your lieutenant told me that you thought I was coming from afar," said Georgiana.

He didn't speak.

"Do you, like Chateaubriand, think that the Revolution was wrong?" Georgiana asked.

"For this question have you summoned me?" asked Bessières.

She curled her hair, which was the same silver-white as Bessière's.

"For the sake of caution, I have a question to ask you. Are you and Miss Virginie really together?" Georgiana asked.

He pursed his lips and said nothing.

"How long have you been together?" Georgiana continued to ask.

"Two years," Bessière said.

She stopped her fingers.

"She needed protection," Bessière said.

Georgiana doesn't find it strange that ballet dancers in opera houses are more likely to be harassed than female stars. For example, Christine in "The Phantom of the Opera" was harassed by investors.

Bessière is not ugly and a decent person...

After a night of calming down, she was no longer so excited, but she still felt sad.

She took out her wand, but in the end she decided not to let anyone else do it, but to do it herself.

"What are these on the wall?" Bessière looked around.

"Mother of worms," ​​Georgiana replied, not distracted by him.

"It's beautiful. Can I use this as a coffin?" he said, his eyes wide and he gasped.

She laughed.


Just when he was about to open his mouth to say something, Georgiana treated him with an invisible force.

He fell to the ground. There were no wounds on his clothes, but blood soaked out of them, quickly forming a pool of blood on the marble floor.

Georgiana walked up to Bersier and looked down at him, "You think I don't dare to take action, right?"

He looked at her with wide eyes and no fear.

"What you see now is not the goddess of justice, but the goddess of revenge." Georgiana circled around him, looking at him, feeling the feeling of life flowing away with blood, even though he was already dead.

"Why don't you just kill me." He endured the pain and said.

"Because I didn't intend for you to die." Georgiana pointed her wand at him, "Heal quickly."

The blood that just flowed from the wound flowed back into Bessière's body, as if nothing happened.

"It's really unfair. You even have a wife and children." She said disdainfully.

Bessière touched the wound just now with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Find a notary and tell the woman, or I can help you find it, and tell her that your marriage is invalid. If she wants, she can leave Paris, and I will find someone to arrange a place for her." Georgiana said.

"What about you? What about your marriage to the general?" Bessière argued.

She smiled and shook her head.

"what's so funny?"

"He used his status as First Consul to declare that my previous marriage was invalid, but does the First Consul have this authority?" Georgiana said with a smile, "If I were a little girl, I would really believe it. Don't tell him, okay?" ?”

Bessière looked at her puzzled.

She finally understood why Fleur chose an Englishman as her husband.

She snorted, no wonder Grindelwald said he hated this place.

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