Winter is actually not suitable for hunting, but the Mongols have the custom of winter hunting. Marco Polo recorded their hunting process. They would release falcons to assist in reconnaissance.

Legend has it that Genghis Khan fell from his horse while hunting in winter and died of illness soon after, and the Mongol Empire fell apart.

After getting the new good horses, the Guards were very excited and couldn't wait to try the hunting grounds in the Compiegne Forest.

Napoleon also agreed, but did not follow them into the forest, but stayed in the palace to handle government affairs.

He is indeed "old". Although he is only in his 30s, the life span of wild animals is much shorter than that of domestic animals. He also suffered from stomach problems during this cruise.

Louis XV was a frail and sickly child since he was a child. No one thought he would become a king, so both tutors and priests were very kind and doting on him. He hated court etiquette and preferred dogs, horses and hunting.

He may not have been able to provide France with a king who made a difference, but perhaps France would have had a period of relative peace during his reign had he not met Frederick II of Prussia. Louis XIV indeed established many great achievements, but he also left a lot of debts.

The Vatican has a motto: All friendship is desirable.

The words "friendship" and "hope" in this sentence are closer to Epicureanism than to Aristotle and Cicero.

For example, if you owe a lot of debt and need to find a friend to help you pay off the debt, as long as he helps you pay off the debt, you will be the greatest happiness.

Friendship is desirable as long as it always remains a beneficial relationship.

At the same time, the Vatican also has a motto: Those who always want benefits and those who only want benefits are not friends.

A simple and clear explanation is that Louis XV fell out with the Jesuits and not only expelled the priests, but also confiscated the church property. Among them, Mount Louis, where the Père Lachaise Cemetery is located, was auctioned after the church property was confiscated in 1762. It was later sold to Father Lachaise, who became Louis XIV's favorite.

Priests can also be less dogmatic and the role of friendship is to help each other.

One of the Netherese sisters came out of the convent, and a priest felt it necessary to warn her. Then she told the king that sinful people would die immediately if they ate the holy wafer, so Louis XV avoided the Communion ceremony. .

As long as the king can be prevented from doing business, the influence of the mistress is proved. After the death of Louis XV's first wife, Madame Du Barry hoped that Louis XV could marry the daughter of the abdicated King of Poland. At that time, there was already a Spanish princess who had been waiting to be married in Paris for many years and learned the court etiquette. Mrs. Barry got her wish, and the little Spanish princess was sent back to her country. This was an unforgivable shame for the entire Spanish royal family.

Even if they knew there would be such consequences, no one advised the king. Madame Du Barry was the only one in the entire kingdom who could make the old king feel "the vitality of life" again.

But he was still old after all. The royal doctors repeatedly advised the king to think about his health, but the king refused to listen at all. He still thought he was a strong young man and went hunting as soon as spring started. When he came back, he was diagnosed with smallpox.

In Koblenz, Napoleon also stood on the bank of the Rhine for a long time in the wind and snow, and no one could stop him.

Georgiana didn't write to him, but he wrote several letters. After writing them, he didn't send them out, but left them with his private secretary. In the morning, he ordered the secretary to burn them.

Farron "saved" one letter before all the letters were burned, and then placed it in front of Georgiana.

If Georgiana hadn't been in the library all day, he would have almost forgotten that there were Heidelberg's "art trophies" in the Vatican library.

If you want to evaluate the most beautiful libraries in the world, the library of Heidelberg University should be among them.

Although this place is located inland and not as close to the sea as the Netherlands and Flanders, it is still influenced by the Renaissance.

Bonaparte only announced that he would repay, but he had not actually repaid, but this move still stepped on the "sore spot" of many people. After the British navy bombarded Copenhagen in 1801, ships continued to move towards the Baltic Sea. In addition to threatening Prussia's withdrawal from Hanover, it also had the purpose of promoting "maritime order", that is, neutral countries were not allowed to transport enemy goods, and merchant ships could not refuse to board ships for inspection.

If the Scandinavian Armed Neutrality Alliance established by Prussia through the Basel Accords agreed to this condition, it would be a betrayal of the alliance. Even if Denmark was bombarded, it would not terminate its alliance with Norway.

At that time, the northern powers, apart from Prussia and Tsarist Russia, Sweden could no longer control the "overall situation" like in the Gustav era, but they still gathered in St. Petersburg for a meeting, and except for a few insignificant clauses, they almost agreed to the British condition.

Originally, the relationship between France and Russia was relatively friendly. Although there was competition for the successor in Baden, France recognized several republics established by Russia in Ionia.

But he did not say that he would "come forward" for the armed neutrality alliance. The French Navy has made no movement during this period.

Then Georgiana's "guardian", the Irish MP Edgeworth, appeared in everyone's sight, and then people thought of the Anglo-Irish Union Agreement that removed William Pitt Jr. from power.

George IV married a Catholic widow, although he held the wedding by blackmailing a priest who was in debt and would send him to debtor's prison if he did not perform the ceremony.

Then it was the Vatican's turn. The Pope suddenly became concerned about his physical problems. Except for a few close relatives, no one saw him. He was only seen at the Mass to be celebrated before Christmas.

In short, the problem is not big and it is within control, but not many people can survive this Christmas peacefully after receiving such a "gift".

"Take it apart and take a look." Farron urged Georgiana.

"So what if I read it, should I write him a reply?" she said resistingly.

"Look at those boys." Farron looked at the Guards in the yard. "They are different from the officers I saw in the palace before. If you are really a smart girl, you should know what to do?"

She didn't think she should be afraid of Farron's threat, even if it was the Guards, they were just Muggles.

But she still picked up the letter with a burnt corner on the table.

"Why don't you open it?" Farrong asked.

"There is a story." Georgiana said slowly, "There is a woman named Pandora. She opened a box that should not be opened because of curiosity. She was the first woman created by the gods. As Prometheus, she stole fire. punishment."

"Don't think like that." Farrong advised.

"Let's go to the kitchen." She stood up and said, "I probably won't be able to go back for Christmas."

"Okay." Farron stood up. "What are you going to do?"

"Cuckoo Hof," she said smoothly. It was a very common Christmas cake.

"The queen used to love this." Farron said.

"Just because she likes to eat, she can't ban everything." Georgiana said irritably, "Do you want anyone else to eat?"

Then she left the suite and went to the kitchen.

While making the cake, she thought about Epicurus, who had been widely criticized, even by the hedonistic Romans.

His hedonism is not about seeking pleasure, but about seeking peace of mind. If death brings fear to people, then from Epicurus' point of view, death can get rid of people's "persistence with eternal life."

Like Democritus, he believed that the soul was not immortal.

If the soul is immortal, how can a Horcrux be destroyed?

Epicurus felt that the purpose of all human actions is to be free from pain and fear. When all these troubles disappear, the troubles of the soul will also disappear.

The baked cake is fragrant because there is a lot of butter in it, which is great for replenishing energy after spending a day outdoors in the freezing cold.

The small cake she made was certainly not enough for so many people to share, but luckily there were other people in the kitchen to help.

But anyway, the first one was ready, and she went to find Bonaparte with it.

Hopefully he's still feeling hungry, after all, he's been in the office all day.

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