"What does this hole look like to you?"

asked Giovanni the Vampire during a visit to Linderhof Palace.

"Uh... the underground opera house." Pomona said according to what he saw and what was introduced in the guide book.

"What about you?" Giovanni asked Severus.

Severus smiled falsely, as if he cared about the topic.

"Don't you think it looks like Calypso's cave?" Giovanni said in accented English. "It's the daughter of Atlas who helped Odysseus on his way home."

"I really didn't expect that," Pomona said in surprise.

"The fallen Titans lived in eternal enjoyment and happiness, but they were isolated from the world and lived in caves, while the Olympus gods led by Zeus controlled the public space of mankind." Joe Vanny looked at Pomona and Severus, "Don't you think it's similar to our situation?"

"I don't feel like I'm in 'eternal pleasure and happiness'." Severus said sarcastically to Giovanni.

Pomona thought of Hogwarts and the Black Lake.

"What about you?" Giovanni asked Pomona.

"I don't live in a cave." Pomona also smiled and said, "Who else did you say lived in a cave?"

"There is also the Cyclops Polyphesus. The island he lives on is very rich." Giovanni said. "For humans, that is already very happy. It is something that only existed in the golden age."

"I don't think that's a 'happiness'." Severus said with a stiff face. "It can eat people."

"Anyway, let's go visit the next place." Giovanni said with a strong smile, leading them out of the Venus Cave in the Linderhof Palace.


Germany has obviously more fairy tales than other countries. This is not only because Germany was once divided and had many "princes", but also because there are writers like the Brothers Grimm who collected folk fairy tales.

In addition, there is the "Nibelungenlied", based on which Wagner once composed "The Ring of the Nibelungs".

The idea came to Georgiana's mind as she looked at the manuscript.

This time Napoleon also went to Koblenz, without crossing the Rhine, and that "future" German horn would have a sculpture of the German Emperor Wilhelm I, who was crowned in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.

At the same time, Koblenz was also the place where the Prussian and Austrian forces gathered when they entered the Moselle Valley. After a fierce battle, the fortresses were destroyed.

A picture seemed to appear in front of her eyes... In fact, she had seen photos of the coronation scene of the German Empire, but they were in black and white, and they were taken from the side.

Now she changed her perspective, as if looking out from the center of the Hall of Mirrors. Not only could she see the signing site, but she could also see the gardens of Versailles. The weather was good that day and the sky was blue.

There were many people at the scene, but the rustling sound of signings could be heard.

This document was obviously not a treaty to end the Franco-Prussian War. It was signed in Frankfurt, France ceded the regions of Malthus and Lorraine, and Bismarck's speech was published in the newspapers of the Paris Commune.

So what is this treaty?

Just when she was about to take a closer look, a Russian appeared, although his clothes were no different from those of a European.

He handed the document to another person, and the two of them leaned closer and said something... She couldn't understand Russian.

Soon these illusions disappeared, replaced by a dark sea, a blue sky blackened by smoke, and a fleet flying the flag of Tsarist Russia shrouded in fire, all in the harbor.

She realized now that the Treaty of Paris was signed after the Crimean War. In this treaty, Crimea still belonged to Russia, but Russia had to disband the Black Sea Fleet and dismantle all facilities. The Russians in 1871 On October 30, 2001, the Black Sea Fleet was rebuilt with the support of the new German Empire.

Although Alexander I burned the capital, he became the "gendarme of Europe" until the end of the Crimean War.

After the French withdrew, the Germans not only rebuilt some medieval cities along the Rhine, but also made sculptures from some mythological stories, which stood on the banks of the Rhine like the sculptures of William I.

The common purpose of these monuments and sculptures is to make Germans pay attention to this river and no longer tolerate foreign powers annexing it. Therefore, the Rhine River is associated with the dream of German national unification and the reconstruction of the German Empire.

In the Song of the Nibelungs, it is said that Worms on the lower Rhine contained treasures that Brünnhilde used after Siegfried's death to win over political friends and arm her followers. And in Wagner's "The Ring of the Nibelung," Brünnhilde promises the Daughters of the Rhine that she will return the gold, but she must die in the raging fire of Valhalla.

If the treasure remains at the bottom of the river and no one shows off and possesses it, then it is the safest.

But the story not only captured the imagination of artists and writers, it also captivated treasure hunters.

Colorful lights appeared in front of her eyes, as gorgeous as the cave of Venus. In the distance, there was a person standing on the bow of the ship, slowly sailing towards her.

She couldn't see clearly who he was, but she vaguely saw the exclamation on his face.

She felt light all over, and when she regained control of herself, she overlooked a severely damaged city, and occasionally the roar of cannons could be heard in the night sky.

When Napoleon III's army surrendered, the Parisians continued to resist. At the end of the clipping, members of the Paris Freemasons participated in the battle, and they even wore aprons representing the French Revolution.

"Why did you throw that necklace away?"

a voice asked her.

"I don't like its name," she said deadpan. "I am not the scourge of Troy."

“What I want the person giving the gift to say is that you are as beautiful as Helen.”

Something heavy fell into her hand.

"Take it."

Georgiana raised her head. She originally thought she would see Bonaparte, but it was Farron standing in front of her.

He seems much older.

"What's wrong with the First Consul asking me to come see you?" Farron said with a smile.

"Won't he come and see it himself?" Georgiana threw the necklace aside and asked Felicity to put the manuscript away.

"He is very busy, you are a sensible child." Farron said helplessly, "Don't be like those girls in the past who deliberately caused trouble to distract the king."

"I didn't mean to distract him." Georgiana said with a cold face, "I can feel the 'malice'."

"You mean a curse, I've had it checked..."

"It's not a curse, it's malice. How should I explain it to you?" she said upset.

This is what she learned when she wanted to sue Ritaquist for defamation. When a person "knows that it is untrue" or "doesn't care about the truth at all" but still makes remarks that infringe on the reputation of others, it can be "inappropriate" Motive" sued her, on the premise that such slander would limit "public figures" such as Ritaquist, who fabricated Scamander's brief romance with the Minister of MACUSA.

Scamander used his self-published book to defend his reputation, which was helpless because the Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic didn't care about such "trivial matters."

Muggle courts may accept the case, but only if they admit that wizards exist in this world and that there is a Ministry of Magic under Whitehall.

If this kind of complaint is handed over, the judge will just laugh it off and treat it as an April Fool's Day prank.

When Harry learned that Katie Bell was cursed, he accused Draco of doing it with "reasonable suspicion".

He had no evidence, he just thought so, and of course it was later proven that it was Draco who did it.

After the war, Harry resigned from the position of Minister of Magic, but had to accept the position of Director of the Executive Department of the Ministry of Magic.

Harry may be fair. When others forgot about Slytherin's contribution to the victory of the war and did not give them the "favor" they deserved, Harry remembered to get Snape a medal and hang his portrait. This "honor he deserves" in the principal's office.

However, he relied entirely on Aristotle's "natural sense of justice" to make judgments. Various rules created by humans may interfere with his "intuition". However, seeing is not necessarily believing. Everyone was convinced by Dumble. The play that Li Duo directed and acted was deceived.

A person who wants to die has a different thinking pattern than a person who wants to live. When Georgiana wanted to "liberate", Bonaparte's letter pointed her to another path. He has really been dead for 200 years. .

The "ghosts" in this world, let's call them that, are all alive.

But they are not real living people, but continue to act according to the established script...

"What is the First Consul busy with?" Georgiana asked, she just wanted to change the subject.

"We are returning some of the books from the Vatican library," Farjon said.

"Really?" said Georgiana happily.

"Of course." Farron said, but before she could be happy for too long, he added, "It was returned to the library in Heidelberg. During the Thirty Years' War, some books in their library were sent to Rome as 'art trophies' .”

"Heidelberg? Heidelberg in Baden?" asked Georgiana.

Farron nodded.

Georgiana stroked her head.

She thought that one year was over and a new beginning was about to begin.

She had forgotten about the big events that were going to happen in the New Year.

Duke Enghien and "Scipio"...seem to never stop.

No wonder Bonaparte said crazy things about not wanting to go back.

But she knew that no matter how comfortable Calypso's island was, "Odysseus" would go back.

Because the ring he gave to Josephine was engraved with "Destiny".

"Tell me, what else did he do?" said Georgiana, and asked Margaret to prepare a drink.

After Matilda left, there were fewer people here... It seemed like it was time to recruit people again.

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