Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3166 Sea of ​​Dreams (7)

The letter was written yesterday. The handwriting was a little heavy, as if suppressing a bad temper, but it was still neat and not sloppy. It was much better than the papers she had seen written by some students.

I am waiting for your letter with hope, but I doubt you will write to me unless I take the initiative to write.

Since Cato said, "Flattery friends are worse than sharp enemies, because the latter always tell the truth, and the former never tell the truth," then I should not hate you, compared with those who are frivolous, flattering, and untrustworthy. Friends, an upright enemy is more respectable.

The Latin word friendship is derived from love. Some people use friendship as a tool for profit out of impure motives. They care most about those who hope to bring them the greatest benefit.

I love you because you made me understand that not doing the bad things your friends tell you to do not only makes friendship a dishonorable excuse, but also never forgives you.

But now I also want to make you understand that you cannot wait for others to ask you to do good things for your friends. You must always do them enthusiastically and proactively.

Both Pyrrhus and Hannibal fought with the Italians. A Roman soldier captured by Pyrrhus escaped back to his country and told the Senate that he was willing to sneak into Pyrrhus's camp and poison him. The Senate did not hesitate. Cicero hesitantly escorted the prisoner of war to Pyrrhus. Cicero said that it was because Pyrrhus was too upright that the Romans did not have deep hatred for him, while Hannibal was hated by all Romans because of his cruelty. , and hate him forever.

Now the emperor tells you that he is wrong. Great victory should not be achieved by underhanded means. People with despicable ideas cannot see the sacred and noble things.

Exercising favors involves justice as much as punishing crimes. When it comes to dealing with the exiles, the government's approach is to punish the villains and reward the good ones. I don't care if they are religious militias or any form of sacramental groups. Once they go off track, they must be ruthless. to be processed.

1. They can spend the rest of their lives in their own parishes and maintain their previous habits, but they cannot recruit new believers.

2. Do not contact pastors or bishops.

3. If you are willing to return to your country, you will be closely monitored.

Give their list, age, details, Christian names and, if possible, where they come from, to the intelligence services, and you can set off tomorrow at the latest, don't keep us all waiting for you.

"Track, what track?"

Carolan asked after reading the letter.

"What do you think?" Georgiana asked.

Carolan was lost in thought.

"Give it to your uncle." Georgiana said, taking the letter from Carolan's hand, using a cutting spell to remove the "order" part, and then handed it back to Carolan.

Coraline took the lower half of the letter and left, while Georgiana read the rest.

He even used the word "enemy", which was really scary.

She laughed a little helplessly.

Then she picked up her quill and wrote on a blank piece of paper "Charitēs," the Latin name for the goddess of grace, or, if she transformed it, "charity."

Of course, in Aristotle's time, there was no concept of charity. In addition to heroes, a city-state also needed donors. They would fund public activities such as banquets, and these banquets would connect people in the city-state with each other. stand up.

She remembered the "Wedding in Ghana" she saw last time in Venice. The characters in the painting were all happy, even though the "protagonists" the bride and groom were pushed aside.

Aristotle believed that it is easier not to take than to give, because people would rather not take from others than give up what they have.

The "No Ones" still live the ascetic life of the Middle Ages, and those who are too hard on themselves will also be hard on others.

In fact, she doesn't need to kill those Muggles. Even if the "no one" is unwilling to accept prisoners, they are not homeless. This country is so vast, there is always room for them to build a new town and become neighbors and family members.

This has nothing to do with abandonment or being abandoned. The Death tarot card represents the end of a relationship, although many people think Death is very unlucky at first glance.

There is another sentence in Cicero's article he read, that friendship comes from dependence on a person's virtue. If he abandons virtue, it will be difficult for friendship to continue to exist.

She really shouldn't have given such an order, no, she said those words.

When she was in Venice, she heard that Napoleon had robbed a lot of Venetian art, but she didn't know that the Venetians had sent people to attack the wounded soldiers' hospital in France.

If a person loves a class of things, he loves them because they embody certain characteristics that are shared together, not because those characteristics are unique to each member of the group.

Even though the 12 people who went to the Giant's Cave with Odysseus committed crimes in Troy, in Odysseus' eyes, they were partners regardless of good or evil, justice or injustice.

Odysseus lived on Calypso's island for seven years, but he still left.

Rather than saying that he misses home, it’s better to say that he is that kind of person.

He will not sleep soundly on the couch and get what he wants in his dreams.

There are many ways to express I love you in French, one of which is mon amour. Amour sometimes has a derogatory meaning, but it is very similar to the Latin love "amor".

In Jane Austen's novels, the male protagonist is usually an upright and moral gentleman. Even if he is misunderstood at first like Darcy, when the misunderstanding is clarified later, he will be seen to have noble moral character.

But love has always had nothing to do with justice. In Milton's Paradise Lost, Satan saw God not only creating a happy paradise for "new loves" humans, but also watching "old loves" being abandoned and exiled. , he fell into a whirlpool of fear, jealousy and despair, and became more determined to corrupt mankind and thus lure them to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree.

Although he left hell, he took hell with him. Hell was on him, surrounding him in the center. He could not take a step out of hell, nor could hell fly away from him because of the change of location. Even though the delightful Eden was right in front of him, he cast a sad and sad look.

He hated everything, even the rays of the sun, which reminded him of how fallen he had been and how glorious a morning star he had been.

She didn't know how these thoughts came to her, but they certainly wouldn't work as a reply.

Her eyes turned to the white paper with the Latin name of the Goddess of Grace written on it, and she replaced that page.

But when she picked up the pen, she really didn't know what to write. She thought that she would leave tomorrow, so she didn't plan to write anymore. If she had anything to say, she would talk about it in person.

Then she left the tent and went to do things outside.

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