Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3165 Sea of ​​Dreams (6)

She dreamed that she was flying on the Thestral.

The forest is covered with white snow, without the colorful colors of spring, the rich green of summer, and the golden color of autumn, as if this should be the scenery of the underworld.

No wonder Sisyphus didn't want to leave after seeing the beautiful earth in the sun.

If all he had from birth was the boulder and the top of the mountain, he would not feel that his labor was meaningless.

It was precisely because he was thinking about the scenery of the earth and wanted to appreciate the flowing water, sunshine, and sea again that he felt the pain of pushing the boulder.

The other is Achilles. Odysseus came to the underworld and met the lucky man who was revered as a god in life and ruled the undead with great power after death.

He was so lucky that Odysseus said to him, "You should not be sad even if you die."

Once, Napoleoni suddenly began to recite.

"I would rather live without ancestral property and have a meager family fortune than rule over the souls of all the deceased."

At that time, she had a very strange feeling, as if Napoleoni knew that he was dead.

But what he said was actually what Achilles in the underworld said, so she didn't take it to heart.

There are several rivers flowing at the entrance of the underworld, not just the "River of Styx". The first one is the River of Resentment. All those who want to enter the underworld must pass through this river. It is said that it is much lighter than the water in the underworld, so it also has "feathers". The title of "Sinking River".

Anyone who wants to enter the underworld must take a ferry boat, otherwise the human body cannot cross.

The same goes for Odysseus. He was blocked by the strong water of the river, although he had a good boat.

He offered sacrifices at the entrance, attracting many undead souls. One of the prophet's souls made a prediction after sucking blood. One day he would reach a place where people had never seen the sea and did not know how to eat salt-infused food. Food, who had never seen a boat, thought that oars were the wings for ships to fly, and Odysseus needed to carry an oar when traveling.

She looked at the Thestral. If it had wings made of wax, could it fly across the Styx? After all, there is no need to worry about the sun melting the wax here.

As she flew, she saw a raven that looked a lot like the one that was just outside the tent.

The Thestral flew with it for a while until it began to descend, and she also let the Thestral descend.

The raven finally landed on a treetop, and the clearing below was covered with thick white snow.

She almost didn't see a wolf standing there.

Its fur color is almost the same as Bai Xue's, but the tips of its fur are gray-black, and its body is much larger than the ordinary European wolf.

It looked at her with its black eyes, neither approaching nor running away.

Hagrid said that he saw ravens and wolves working together in the Forbidden Forest. The ravens were responsible for scouting and telling the wolves the location of prey, while the wolves were responsible for hunting.

She didn't feel like she was falling into a trap.

There has always been a legend that there is a kind of "real wolf". They do not have to suffer the same pain of transformation as werewolves, and they will not become ferocious and attack friends and relatives.

But they did not remain in wolf form after the failure of Animagus, or like the blood orcs, they changed from humans to animals due to an irreversible curse.

"Do you want to tell me something?" she said to the wolf.

The wolf's ears moved, as if it could understand what she was saying.

It was a really beautiful wolf, but it was a pity that it probably didn't like girls' touch as much as unicorns. Besides, she felt that even if she wanted to get close to unicorns, they wouldn't let her touch them.

"Are you friends?" she asked, looking at the raven on the tree.

The wolf let out a long howl, as if in response.

How can different species become friends?

She felt a little funny, and then there was laughter in her ears, and three women in skimpy clothes surrounded her with laughter.

She immediately remembered Botticelli's paintings, which were the three goddesses of grace, the maids of Venus.

They are happy and glorious, embodying all the good things in life. The youngest goddess of grace, whom Hera promised to marry the god of sleep, represents happiness.

Bringing joy home, the God of Sleep is happy alone, what will others do?

She was amused by her idea, but she was reminded of Aristotle, who supported the establishment of temples of the Graces in public places.

In his "Nicomachean Ethics" he mentioned that most people like Damantus' justice, that is, what a person does will be rewarded, tooth for tooth, eye for eye, if not so If they do, they consider themselves slaves, and slaves are the lowest people at that time.

However, the Goddess of Grace advocates repaying kindness with kindness and being happy for the good fortune of others.

This is quite difficult. Maybe a beggar will not be jealous of a millionaire, but he will be jealous of another beggar who asked for more coins than him.

Aristotle, however, distinguished between envy, which causes one to feel pain at the undeserved good fortune of others, and “righteous anger,” which causes one to feel pain at the undeserved good fortune of others.

Lockhart is so well-known in the wizarding world that some young wizards may not know who defeated the Dark Lord, but they know Lockhart's name.

Yes, the chocolate frog picture had Dumbledore's name and likeness on it, but Lockhart could see it everywhere.

Pomona once thought that Dumbledore was jealous of Lockhart and called him a "bad example," but even bad examples can learn something.

What is undeserved good luck? Lockhart worked so hard to manage himself to gain fame and status, even if his books were all lies.

In the same book of Aristotle, he talks about generosity. A generous person will give to the right people in the right amount, at the right time, under the right conditions of giving, and he will not take inappropriately. Things, because a person who does not value possessions would not do that.

When Harry and Ron, James, Sirius and Lupine were together, they didn't value property. Of course, Ron would also be jealous, such as when Harry qualified as a player in the Triwizard Tournament.

In addition to giving Lupin a gramophone, James and Sirius also gave Lupine help, which was all a joy.

If a giving is in exchange for receiving something in return, even a thank you, it is another form of exchange.

Favor is a kind of giving without thinking of anything in return, and this kind of giving must be partial. At least James and Sirius didn't think of giving anything to Snape.

This is the preference of the goddess of grace mentioned by Aristotle, but would anyone be jealous of Lupine's "good luck"?

The counterpart of repaying evil with evil is repaying good with good. When the city-state is good enough, righteous anger and jealousy will dissipate, and the good luck of any citizen is the good luck of the city-state.

She felt pity for Snape, if there were heroes in the city who gave their lives, then he should be honored.

He didn't get any honors, not even the Order of Merlin. As a principal, his portrait couldn't be hung in the principal's office. Instead, Lockhart of the "Anti-Dark Arts Alliance" got the Order of Merlin. Did he deserve that medal?

The Order of Merlin belonging to Peter Peddie Road was withdrawn, which means that evil should not have good luck.

The purpose of this honor is not only to commemorate Snape himself, but also to give it to potential defenders. Giving honor is part of the "justice of the city", but the Ministry of Magic did not give it, which does not mean that the citizens of the magical society did not give it, but the way they remember him is "Snape loved Lily deeply", just like Lily was "the mother who gave her life to protect Harry Potter".

She suddenly "figured it out" that her stupid mixed-breed Veela was a "reward" given to Snape by God. She didn't need to be clever or smart, she just needed to focus on love like Fleur.

Wisdom is poison to her, even if she is blind for love in the eyes of others, she does not need to listen to the wind, but blocks her ears with wax blocks.

But the problem now is that Pomona Sprout is too fat and bloated to be the half-Veela that drives all the boys in school crazy.

If Lily wasn't beautiful, she wouldn't be loved by James and Severus.

In the story of Notre Dame, the archbishop woos the beautiful Asmeralda, and if she doesn't agree, he falsely accuses her of being a witch.

The other is the eloquent female saint who rejects the lord. The lord threatens to torture her unless she agrees to his advances.

Another one is Helena, who was killed by Barrow because she chose to pursue wisdom. She left Hogwarts, as if she was Elsie who escaped from the Chicago gang instead of going back with her fiancé. The difference is that Elsie chose death herself, but Helena was chosen for her by someone else.

Each of the three goddesses of beauty represents the same beautiful thing, rather than one person having them all.

She felt that Lily, who died early, was lucky. If one day she met her like Odysseus met Achilles in the underworld, maybe Lily would say the same thing to Achilles.

Snape shouldn't ask her for justice, it's the "city-state" that should really give justice.

"You want to clean up?"

She heard someone say behind her.

"This is the benefit of reading more." She said expressionlessly, "Like you, I love freedom and equality."

"You want to stay here?" he asked again.

She turned around and walked towards the snowy field.

When someone is faced with a dilemma and is hesitant about what to do, help him eliminate one option. In fact...


Georgiana opened her eyes.

"There's a letter!" Carolan handed a letter to her.

She lay on the bed looking at the "n" for Napoleon on the envelope.

"Is it an official document or a private message?" she asked Carolan.

"You have to read it anyway, is it necessary to divide it?" Carolan asked.

"If it's not an urgent document, I don't want to read it." Georgiana said, turning over and trying to sleep again.

Coraline pulled her up and forced the letter into her.

She didn't know where Carolan got such high energy, but she finally opened the letter.

"What did you write?" Carolan asked enthusiastically, looking at the letter.

"He read Cicero," Georgiana said with a smile. "I gave it to him as a Christmas present last year."

"You gave him a book?" Carolan frowned.

"Otherwise, what are you going to give him?" Georgiana stood up from the bed and walked to the desk to look.

"You want a reply?" Carolan asked.

She thought about it.

"Is the messenger still there?" she asked Carolan.

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