Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3140 Silver Eagle and Golden Eagle (1)

Legend has it that during the battle between Zeus and the Titans led by Cronus, Prometheus stood on the side of the new Olympus gods and was appreciated by Zeus and stayed in Mount Olympus.

But because Prometheus brought fire to mankind, Zeus decided to give him the harshest punishment. Vulcan did not dare to disobey Zeus's order, so he and two servants took Prometheus to the Caucasus Mountains, and tied him to a steep cliff with an iron chain that could never be broken, so that he could never sleep. His knees could not bend, and there was a diamond nail hammered into his undulating chest.

Zeus also sent an eagle to eat the liver of Prometheus every day until Heracles happened to pass by this place on his way to find the Golden Fleece. When he saw this, he shot the eagle to death with an arrow, smashed the iron chain with a stone, and killed him. Come to the rescue.

In ancient Greece, the liver was considered the seat of human emotions, and Prometheus's liver was eaten by eagles during the day, but would grow back at night.

What does this mean? Does he regret bringing fire to humans, or is Zeus different than he thought and no more merciful than Cronus?

Pomona put out the cigarette and decided to go to the principal's office to ask himself instead of listening to others.

However, when she opened the door, she saw Peeves passing by in the cellar corridor. He seemed very happy and sang songs along the way.

"Paul" left. He had been waiting for Barnaby and the others to graduate. He didn't like this magic school at all.

Pomona also did not report the dangerous puppet to the Ministry of Magic, although when he stayed in the chimney, he only knocked on the wall to quiet the noisy neighbors.

He only exists in the memory of the goblin, but will the Ministry of Magic believe the "testimony" of the goblin? Believe that the puppet participated in and instigated the bloody goblin rebellion?

If Hogwarts didn't accept the mysterious man back then, then he wouldn't have become so powerful.

Although the principal when the mysterious man enrolled was not Dumbledore, he was the one who brought him back.

Perhaps Malfoy's original intention was to use external forces to make Dumbledore succumb to the school board's resolution, or to change him to a principal who was more satisfactory to him, but he did not expect that the "fire" would burn himself.

Removing Alastor Moody and revoking the privileges granted to Aurors when apprehending Death Eaters was now a thing, who had allowed Barty Crouch Sr.'s removal to come so suddenly.

Robert Shacklebolt took a different approach from Fudge Connelly to please the wizarding society. Instead of holding celebrations and Quidditch matches, he planned to act like a scavenger to give everyone a "clean environment."

He and Dumbledore are not hostile, but Dumbledore defeated two Dark Lords. Only one "queen" is allowed in a hive. If there are two, the hive will inevitably split.

There would be no dark magic, no dark wizards, and there might not even be a Slytherin house to train dark wizards if someone he trusted became the headmaster.

Nowadays, disarming spells are rarely used in wizard duels, but in the past it used to work wonders. A wizard stood there and recited the powerful but long mountain-moving spell, intending to lift a mountain to suppress his opponent.

His opponent interrupted his spell with a disarming spell.

Humans are not plants, they are flexible and can move. However, in the era of Salazar Slytherin, wizards dueled while standing still. At least that was the case in the dueling chamber left by Slytherin. Both parties stood on the head of the snake. Throwing magic at each other.

Gryffindor is a swordsman, and Robert Shacklebolt also graduated from Gryffindor Academy. Compared with "Queen Bee", perhaps the Battle of the Lions is more appropriate.

The understanding that snakes represent evil is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that even Caesar used the image of an elephant trampling a snake cast on silver coins to promote the justice he represented to his soldiers.

Caesar means elephant in the Carthaginian language, although since the destruction of Carthage, the language that was once popular due to trade has almost disappeared. The ancient Greeks created the Greek alphabet based on the Phoenician alphabet. On the basis of the Greek alphabet, the Latin alphabet of the Latin people in Rome and its surrounding areas was formed.

In ancient Greece, ouroboros represents a closed system that eats itself and rebuilds itself. It is not like the greedy snake in the video game, which keeps eating the "food" outside. It becomes bigger and bigger. If Touching your own tail means "game over".

"I'm not the only one like this." Pomona muttered, then stepped back and closed the door.

Compared to what Adam Smith said about ancient Greek city-states that often fought against each other and could not expand, or what Thucydides said about city-states not being able to trust each other, she felt...

"What is and isn't this the only way you are?"

Pomona was startled.

The figure of the fat monk appeared from behind the bookshelf.

"When did you come in?" Pomona said unhappily. The fat monk was always polite and would not break in through the wall.

"Can you tell me what happened recently?" the fat monk asked "if you need someone to chat with."

She didn't want to say it.

"Or do you have any questions to ask?" the fat monk asked.

"Are the people in our college all idiots?" Pomona asked, looking at the fat monk.

"Does this bother you?" the fat monk asked.

"I used to think that idiots are the least likely to be controlled by pride, but besides pride, there are many things that can control people." She said with some pain, "Why do you expect me to be fair? It is clearly stated in the hospital rules that you are not a saint." , no need for justice.”

The fat monk did not answer immediately.

His silence annoyed her even more.

"I went to visit Alastor Moody. He lived alone, and everyone around him thought he was a weirdo." Pomona was so upset that he said, "What if one day I am old and like him?" ?”

"Is this what you're worried about?" the fat monk asked.

"No!" Pomona said excitedly.

"What's bothering you?" asked the fat monk.

She knew that her behavior was very irrational, but she felt that it was time to interpret it instead of suppressing it or even expelling it, because even if the eagle pecked it away, it would continue to regenerate like a liver.

"Is it because I have been to London too frequently recently?" the fat monk asked.

"That's right!" Pomona said immediately. "It was a noisy place, and I couldn't keep calm inside."

"Okay, I understand." The fat monk sighed, "You..."

"Can you go out? I want to rest." Pomona said.

"Take care." The fat monk said helplessly, "Idiots need a protector."

"You think I have that ability?" She sneered.

"If you need help, you know where to look." The Fat Monk said. "You are not alone."

But she felt lonely. She didn't want to be a protector, but wanted to find a shoulder to lean on.

"What was Helga like before?" Pomona asked.

"She is always happy." The fat monk said softly, "I hope you can be the same."

"Thank you and good night," Pomona said.

"Good night," said the fat monk, and went out through the door.

After the fat monk left, Pomona was the only one left in the office.

She walked to the cabinet where the cosmetics were hidden and opened the drawer.

The hiss of a snake rang in her ears.

"This color looks great on you."

A hand reached out from behind her, picked up the blush in the drawer, dipped a little with her thumb, and applied it on her cheeks.

She didn't dare to look back at all, even if she felt the other person's heavy breath on her neck.

"Why hide yourself?" he whispered. "You don't need to care about other people's eyes."

She really used to feel that not caring about other people's eyes was a valuable quality.

But even from your enemies, you can still learn something.

At least Voldemort never lost himself in love, nor did he rely on anyone.

"I want to rip your heart out." She said angrily, but the person behind her laughed, as if he found it very interesting.

"You think I don't dare?"

She turned her head, and sure enough there was no one behind her.

She didn't feel lonely, maybe because the liver that was eaten by the eagle during the day had not yet grown back.

After a brief hesitation, she left the office.

The weather was nice tonight, and summer nights were perfect for stargazing. She felt that the old fool who loved to wear starry robes would not refuse her invitation.

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