"Give me."

Pomona escaped two Muggles moving large wardrobes, and she was surprised by how busy the London Transport Museum was, which was almost as full as Diagon Alley.

The streets in Diagon Alley are very narrow. The streets here were originally quite spacious, but because there were many loading trucks and people loading and unloading goods, the spacious streets were overcrowded. She took a closer look and found out that the reason was that there was an "open air" next to the Transportation Museum. market".

She took out the map and looked at it and found that it was a garden called Covent. Then she took out the travel guide and found an introduction to it in alphabetical order.

This market has existed since ancient Rome and was the first market in London. It was converted into a monastery garden in the Middle Ages. In the 15th century, it was rebuilt into a high-end residential area suitable for gentlemen. Later it became a fruit and vegetable market. Now it is an antique and art market. product market.

Its main body is a Victorian wrought iron arcade, painted green, the exterior wall is glass, and the entrance is made of stone. The two people who moved the large cabinet just came from that direction.

When Pomona smelled the food, she passed directly past the Transportation Museum and headed towards the market. She soon discovered that there were many "weird" people hanging around here.

Muggles seem to be used to it. There are many artists setting up stalls here, and the artists are often dressed in weird and weird costumes.

However, Pomona discovered that there were actually wizards mixed in the crowd. Among them was a woman wearing an emerald green hat, followed by a young boy. It was Minerva McGonagall and Ravenclaw who were said to be visiting their nephews. Quilinas Chilo of Law.

"What the hell." Pomona muttered and couldn't help but follow.

She remembered Quirrell because he gave a speech at last year's Celestial Ball. Unfortunately, he was so nervous that he stuttered and then walked off the stage amidst the boos of the students. In the following year He was constantly the butt of teasing.

But his grades were very good and he had completed the NEWTS exam ahead of schedule, but he was not yet old enough to graduate.

Focusing on what was ahead, Pomona accidentally bumped into a passerby.

"Watch it!" the "Gypsy" shouted at her. Pomona glanced at the scimitar on his waist and wisely remained silent.

Just for a moment, when she tried to find Minerva again, she found that they had disappeared.

"Merlin's trousers." She raised her toes, trying to find the two of them over the wall, and then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Minerva maintained a serious expression as always, looking at Pomona.

"It's my turn to ask you, what are you doing here?" Pomona asked, not noticing Quirrell.

"I'm here to visit the museum." Minerva looked at her and said, "It's you, why are you here?"

"Museum?" Pomona looked around in confusion. This was a sunken market. There were many shops selling antiques upstairs, but none of them looked like a museum.

"Professor!" Quirrell waved to them from beneath a bronze lion sculpture.

Minerva seemed to feel that this was an inappropriate place to talk, so she took Pomona's hand and squeezed through the crowd to Quirrell's side, and then they entered another world from behind the lion sculpture.

This is a market that is very similar to the open-air market outside. The difference is that there is a Gothic building in the center of the market, like a church spire that has been placed in the wrong place.

"What is this place?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"Carkitt Market, you've never been to it?" Minerva asked in surprise.

"Do I look like I've been here?" Pomona asked.

"Go get us some drinks, child," Minerva said to Quirrell.

"I'm not a child anymore." Quirrell frowned and corrected Minerva seriously, "We will be colleagues from next semester, Minerva."

"Well, please get the two ladies something to drink, Mr. Quirrell." Minerva said to Quirrell seriously.

Quirrell glanced at Pomona and trotted towards the Gothic building.

"What's going on?" Pomona couldn't help shouting.

"What does it look like to you?" Minerva asked.

There were countless questions in Pomona's mind, and she didn't know which one to ask.

"You know Filius and I are good friends." Minerva looked at Pomona and said "He had Bill Weasley for a while."

"So you take care of Quirrell?" Pomona asked immediately.

"Not to mention taking care of him, he is a very talented child." Minerva said.

"No, didn't you listen to him correcting you? He will be our colleague next semester!" Pomona raised her voice again, "What's going on!"

"There are a lot of teachers missing in the school... Quilinas initially wanted to volunteer as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but Albus refused." Minerva covered her chest and said, "But we still have one Muggle Studies class left. Teacher, I suggest Quilinas accept this position."

"You 'suggest' that he become a Muggle Studies teacher?" Pomona asked carefully.

"It's all an internship anyway, so why go outside the school?" Minerva asked.

Pomona felt that something was missing in her mind, when Quirrell came over with two paper cups.

"The drink you asked for," Quirrell said.

"Thank you, Mr. Quirrell," Minerva said, taking the drink.

"And yours." He handed another paper cup to Pomona.

"Thank you." Pomona took the drink carelessly and found that it was a cup of black tea.

"Come on, let's go to the museum." Minerva said, walking towards a place that looked like a subway entrance.

They walked down the stairs to the first floor. This was an "underground mall". In the center was still a Gothic building, which looked like the lower part of the spire just now.

There were many shops around the square. Between a watch shop and a pharmacy, there was an inconspicuous-looking storefront with the sign "Museum of Muggle Curiosities."

There are electric fans, radios, microwaves and an old TV in the window. It looks like a store that collects used items. When you open the door, you will see an airplane cabin door and part of a porthole. Like taking part of the plane apart and putting it here.

"You go about your business." Minerva said to Quirrell. "I'm going shopping with my friends."

Quirrell turned and walked away, leaving Minerva and Pomona alone.

"When did you become so enthusiastic?" Pomona took a sip of tea and looked at the vice principal.

When Gryffindor Lily applied to stay at school, the Head of Gryffindor was not that interested.

"Let's talk as we walk," Minerva said, and then the two of them followed Quirrell at a distance, watching him look left and right in the pile of debris as if he were collecting specimens.


Minerva's mother Isabel suffered from postpartum depression, but this is not the most important thing. As a wizard, Isabel cannot adapt to life in the Muggle world. These two points are very similar to Quilinas' mother, but she is a Muggle. Unable to adapt to life in the wizarding world.

In the end, Quilinas' parents chose to separate, instead of living together in pain and love like Minerva's parents did. Quilinas stayed in the wizarding world with his father, but he didn't often take care of Quilinas. Fortunately, Quilinus turned 11 years old and went to magic school not long after.

He is indeed a very talented wizard, but in his first year as a teacher, he was ridiculed by his classmates. Not only did he cause trouble in class, but the Muggle items he collected were often hidden, resulting in him having no teaching aids in class. , can only explain to the little wizards what a "video game console" is out of thin air.

Combined with his stutter, even Muggle Studies as an elective turned into a disaster. Only the Weasley children visited him regularly, as Quirrell's office reminded them of Arthur and their garage.

But Quirrell did not teach this course because he was interested in Muggles. After the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was invited from the North Pole, it became increasingly difficult for Albus to find a teacher willing to teach this course, especially At that time, Severus Snape, the substitute teacher, was going to participate in the Potions Competition. Quirrell felt that he should "step forward" and play a role "in the school's critical moment".

Albus later used his connections to invite his old friend, an entomologist, to come to class and also teach the potions class as a substitute.

Unconvinced, Chilo applied for an academic study tour. When he returned from Albania, the school could not find anyone to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

When Pomona opened her eyes again, she saw an old man wearing straight and dark clothes. He held an oriental long sword in his hand and looked around in panic.

There was thick fog in all directions, and some figures could be seen faintly, and they were slowly approaching him.

The old man seemed helpless at first, but suddenly his eyes widened and he raised his sword to slash at the figure.

It was a wooden figure, but it was not painted like the nutcracker. It looked like a semi-finished product on the workbench.

The old man raised his sword and chopped down the next wooden man. He kept cutting, but the wooden men kept coming towards him, finally forcing him to a desperate situation...

A gust of wind blew by, and the scene changed into a cabin. A middle-aged, fat man sat in the cabin, crying silently. From the window of the cabin, you could see the cold wind of Siberia, and countless people walking in the wind and snow. Frozen soldiers.

She sighed silently. She used the example of Pericles going to the Peloponnese to tell others that the stars were a great spectacle, but she also regarded comets as warnings from heaven.

"What's the difference between you and those 'prophets' who misinterpret oracles at will and let others do what they say?"

At the end of the long corridor, there was a man sitting on the sofa. The man holding a copy of the Daily Prophet said that the front page of the newspaper was "The New Headmaster of Hogwarts" with a photo of middle-aged Snape. of.

"You want me to be like you, Garrett?" Pomona asked.

"You also have the 'Sky Eye'?" Grindelwald said with a smile.

"No," Pomona said.

"Do you want it?" Grindelwald asked, as if it was a "gift" that could be given to her at any time.

"I know Muggles can't use Floo to travel." Pomona walked towards him, "But they can follow Apparition."

"How did you know?"

"Jacob... the Muggle who tried to assassinate you, he was almost burned by your flames in Père Lachaise Cemetery." Pomona said, "But an Auror saved his life by Apparating. .”

"Then what?" Grindelwald asked.

"Muggles can walk through the Vanishing Cabinet...the key is just wood that looks like metal."

"Where else have you seen this kind of 'metal-like wood'?" Grindelwald asked.

"Reynold, a fortune teller." Pomona smiled. "Her wand looks like it's made of iron."

"You don't believe in fate, but you seem to like fortune telling. Can I ask why?" Grindelwald asked again.

"You think I'm like those kids who play with Ouija boards?" Pomona asked.

He didn't answer.

"If I don't answer the question, will you let me go?" Pomona asked.

"What do you think?" Grindelwald put down the newspaper in his hand.

She was extremely surprised, because that was him as a boy, looking like a student of Durmstrang, not the "Dark Lord" in middle age.

"Madam." Carolan said calmly. She was bathed in soft light, as beautiful as an oil painting. "Are you awake?"

Georgiana was in a trance. It was now bright and she was in the little boy's room. Outside was the same corridor as in the dream.

"Where are the others?" Georgiana straightened her hair, which was messed up by her sleep.

"Waiting for you downstairs." Carolan took out a comb and dressed up Georgiana like a maid. "Kornel's parents are back too."

"Cornel?" Georgiana asked.

"Have you forgotten the child yesterday?" Carolan asked while combing her hair.

"Of course I remember...you know his name so quickly?" Georgiana said with a smile.

"I know more than just his name. Do you remember the fish tank we found in the castle? He kept it, but when they left, Mrs. Grigovitch forbade him to take the fish and the tank with him. He left, so he hid the fish tank in the abandoned castle and took care of the fish through the disappearing cabinet bought by Mr. Grigovitch." Carolan still smiled easily and said, "I have to say, that cabinet is for It's good wood, and Mr. Grigovitch intended to break it up and make nutcrackers out of it."

"You said their last name was Grigovitch?" asked Georgiana.

"This is a surname they made up. They are Polish." Carolan said. "The surname Grigovic sounds quite German."

"Yeah, that's right," Georgiana said calmly.

The surname Jacob was reserved for large landowners and nobles in Poland.

Then she looked out the window. In the daytime, those German houses looked like they were made of gingerbread, as if they were from a fairy tale.

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