"wish you good appetite."


Pomona accepted the fish and chips from the waiter and, like the tourists, pulled out a map.

Her current location is to the south of the Lambdock Field, two streets away from the Opera House District, which is opposite the Royal Court of Justice.

Along the banks of the Thames is the Duke of Somerset's Palace, which is said to have an outdoor skating rink in winter.

She took a bite of the fried fish, which tasted good except that it was a little greasy, and then looked at the map, thinking about where to go next.

At this time, a red double-decker bus drove past her.

She looked down at the map again and found that the Transport Museum was right next to Opera Street. She could take a look at the buses of Albus's era and the "Knight Bus", and then go to see what was going on in Opera Street.

So she folded up the map and followed the street signs while eating, heading towards her destination.


When Frederick the Great tried the Arnold Mill Case, although he did not intervene in the initial trial, his decision was announced through newspapers, although the contents of the newspapers were not written by himself.

After his death, some documents were archived and stored in the palace in Berlin. Among them was a decree on taxing the East Prussian nobles. In the margin of the decree was written the following sentence: "I want to destroy the authority of Juncker. I will destroy the authority of Juncker." To achieve my purpose, to make my royal authority as solid as a rock made of bronze.”

Although I don’t understand what “rock like cast bronze” means, one thing is clear. This document has not been released. If he sends it, it will be a document similar to an "imperial edict", which is the emperor's instruction to his subordinates. It is somewhat similar to a "memorial". The emperor will instruct officials on policies.

“When it comes to sand, apart from Libya, few countries can compare with us.”

This was what Frederick wrote in a letter to Voltaire, and later in the same year he added in Frederick's On the Government of Prussia, "Prussia is poor and has almost no resources." , "Brandenburg was the sandbox of the Holy Roman Empire."

This is a land with poor soil and sparsely populated areas, intertwined with lakes and wilderness, and full of swamps and wastelands.

But while much of Brandenburg's land might not be fertile, at least it wasn't mountainous, which allowed Georgiana to look out from the window of her house to the moonlit Brandenburg Gate in the distance.

Diagonally opposite the house was the Berlin Opera House, which was brightly lit at night like the Paris Opera House. Behind these magnificent buildings were civilian shops and residences. She could smell the beer and pork knuckles blowing in the wind. The fragrance.

"So, we are in Berlin now." Carolan said enthusiastically, "How could this happen?"

"Maybe it's the river." Georgiana said, looking at the river outside the house. Unlike the Thames and the Venetian canals, which were lined with aristocratic houses, the river that passed through Berlin was lined with simple-looking houses, which reminded her of Dutch architecture in Belgium.

"I'm not talking about how it got here," Carolan said.

"They are Germans who evacuated from Belgium." said the wizard who was the first to pass through the disappearing cabinet.

"But I remember Belgium was occupied by Austria," Carolan said.

"They all speak German, don't they?" the wizard said nonchalantly.

"Which of you speaks German?" asked Georgiana.

The wizards looked at each other.

"I remember there is a staff officer who speaks German. Go and bring him." Georgiana said.

One of the wizards got into the disappearing cabinet and closed the door.

"Obviously, the owner of this house is not a hospitable person." Another wizard raised the crossbow in his hand. "He welcomes us with this."

"At least he's not a powerful wizard, otherwise he wouldn't entertain us with this thing." Georgiana looked at the crossbow. Compared with the crossbow used by Hagrid, it looked like a toy.

Then she looked around again.

This looks like a little boy's room.

"Search the house," Georgiana said. "Be careful not to make any noise."

"What's there to be afraid of?" Carolan said nonchalantly.

"This is not our territory, or do you want to learn the black magic of German Aurors?" Georgiana warned.

Carolan pouted, took her wand and left the room.

"Is there a Ministry of Magic in Germany?" asked the wizard who was the first to pass through the disappearing cabinet.

It was a good question, but Georgiana realized she didn't have to answer it, so she ignored him.

She took the lead in searching the second floor. Next to the little boy's room was his parents' room. Maybe because they had just moved in, the room was empty and there was no furniture except the bed.

She did not go in, but searched other rooms, and soon she found a studio. The family seemed to be making puppets, and the workbench was filled with semi-finished products.

After walking around the workshop, Georgiana discovered a painted finished product. It was a soldier doll, but upon closer inspection she realized it was a nutcracker.

"Madam," said a wizard standing at the door.

"Did you find anything?" said Georgiana.

"Please come and have a look," said the wizard.

She followed him out of the workshop and came to the first floor.

This is a shop filled with all kinds of nutcrackers. In addition to soldiers, there are also clowns, chefs, and maids.

"Where are the people?" asked Georgiana.

"Closed." The wizard pointed to the sign on the door of the store. "Maybe he went out to eat."

"Didn't he run away?" said another wizard.

"If you ran away, why would you remember to close the shop?" the wizard replied.

She imagined an image.

There was a boy who passed through the cabinet and found that the cabinet door could not be opened, and there were French voices outside. He was frightened and placed the crossbow in the cabinet, and then returned home from the cabinet.

He didn't dare tell his parents because his Muggle parents wouldn't believe what he said, so he tried his best to get them to leave home and stay to fight.

She felt funny and sad at the same time, and searched around the first floor to find nothing. Just when she was considering whether to go out of the store to search or go back, there was a slight movement upstairs, like a marble falling on the wooden floor.

Others also heard it and looked up. Georgiana made a silent gesture towards them and tiptoed back to the second floor.

Based on the location of the room, she determined that the sound came from her parents' room. She met Carolan at the door and asked her to wait outside the door before walking in.

There was a lot of bedding on the bed in winter, but the hostess kept it neatly, and it was obvious that she couldn't hide anyone.

"Okay, that's enough." Sirius put the quilt on the pillow, and it looked like someone was sleeping in it. "Let's go."

"Is it necessary? McGonagall has never entered the lounge." James said standing at the door.

"I'm used to it. My mother always likes to go to my room." Sirius said nonchalantly, and then left the lounge with them under the light of the full moon.

Georgiana bent down and looked under the bed.

"Is he hiding under the bed?" Carolan said in a low voice.

"I saw the glass ball," said Georgiana. "It was a boy."

Carolan breathed an upset breath. At this time, the German-speaking staff officer was led over by the wizard, and Georgiana asked him to stand in the corridor.

Because he was wearing a French military uniform.

"Don't scare the child, speak in a gentle tone," Georgiana said to the staff officer.

The staff officer looked a little confused, as if he still couldn't accept the fact that he was in Mons one second and in Berlin the next second.

He spoke some German like a robot, but there was no movement in the room.

"I won't hurt you," Georgiana said in English. "Don't be nervous."

As she spoke, she raised her hands and squatted down slowly.

Sure enough, there was a boy hiding under the bed. He had black hair. When he saw Georgiana, he immediately crawled backwards, as if to stay away from her.

But this was equivalent to climbing out of the bed. A wizard jumped over the bed like a cheetah and picked up the boy at the other end of the bed. He struggled desperately on his hands and feet, his expression full of hatred.

His face suddenly coincided with that of Tom Marvolo Liddell.

He does look like his Muggle father, but no matter how handsome his face is, it won't look good when it's twisted like that.

"I don't want to hurt you," she said in vain, feeling all her strength drained from her body.

She hoped that this world would be like the letter that mother wrote to her daughter. Her mother brought her into this world only after making sure that the world was happy.

How difficult is it to give birth to a boy? Anne Boleyn thought so, but like Queen Catherine, she still gave birth to a daughter.

Merope didn't read as many books as she did. She thought that if she had a child, Old Tom Riddle would marry her, so that she could change her destiny and marry the "prince" like Cinderella.

Even if the love potion is not poison, drinking too much will have side effects, or she hopes to have "real love" and stop giving it to Old Tom Riddle.

If Tom Riddle Sr. dies, as the only heir of the Riddle family, will Tom Riddle Jr. and other grandparents receive the inheritance after their death?

Even if he is not an illegitimate child, there will still be many relatives who want to divide the family business. Just like the farmer who donated the land to Cambridge, his wife did not get the benefit of supporting her life in the end. The land was taken back, but instead The “surplus land” was considered charitable and was taken away by the school to support scholars.

Elsie's trust will also be affected by her identity as an American, but a murder occurred in that manor. Like Riddle House, it is a famously haunted house. Only teenagers from the neighborhood will visit, and no one will think about it. To live in it.

If no one wants it, no one will fight for it. Except for the haunted house, the Riddle family's property has basically been divided. No one dared to demolish it. They just let it rot and found an old Muggle to guard it.

This was originally a happy life, but because of intruders like them, life has been drastically changed.

If only Slaney hadn't chased Elsie from America to England and let Elsie go back with him, breaking into Cupid Manor and ruining Elsie's new life.

She would rather die than go back.

Because of her crazy crush on Heathcliff, Isabella Linton, who married him, could not bear the torture and ran away, but she was taken back by her brother.

In fact, Catherine and Heathcliff could elope on their own and start a new life somewhere no one knows them!

What does their unavailable, torturous, crazy love have to do with Isabella?

Why go back to that hell? She can actually be the same as Elsie.

Or there is another way, Pomona will help Severus find the Resurrection Stone so that he can resurrect Lily. She really wanted to see what would happen if they both got what they wanted and no one could stop them!

She would smile and wish them "a happy marriage forever."

"You told me not to scare the child." The staff officer suppressed his fear and stood at Georgiana and said, "But now you are scaring the child."

She was in a daze for a while, and then she saw everyone looking at her in horror, including the little boy who was struggling just now.

"I don't want to hurt you." She said numbly and mechanically, and walked out of her parents' bedroom.

When she came to the corridor, she didn't know where to go, and finally came to the little boy's room.

The crib was too small for an adult, but she was small, so she slept in it just fine.

"I don't want to think about anything now, I'll think about it tomorrow." Georgiana imitated what Scarlett said, and then closed her eyes.

The straight line distance from London to Aberdeen is 650 kilometers

The straight line distance from Brussels to Berlin is 648 kilometers

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