If it is not a holiday period, the business in Hogsmeade is almost the same as that in Diagon Alley, especially Honeydukes. The business in the Hogsmeade branch is even better than that of the main store in Diagon Alley, and the store is often crowded.

Suppose an entrepreneur plans to open a store, he has two choices, either go to Diagon Alley, but the competition there is fierce and the rent is expensive. For the same price, you can rent a house in Hogsmeade, but you can only rent a house in Diagon Alley. Rent a storefront, either in Hogsmeade. There are plenty of customers here, so the pressure is not that great for entrepreneurs who are short of funds in the early stages of starting a business.

But after Pomona walked around the only wizarding village in Britain, she remembered what Dumbledore said: Where there is success, there is more success.

Once the students went back for the holidays, the place quickly became deserted. The owner and his wife of Honeydukes had already left, and a "rest" sign was hung on the door of the store. She didn't even see any tourists along the way. Apart from the villagers, there were only a few suspicious people hanging around the Pig Head Bar.

There is often a kind of common knowledge among people that can be called "convention". For example, you come to Hogwarts to go to school. You can buy everything in Diagon Alley and send it with the admission notice or the transcript at the end of each semester. I bought all the school supplies on my shopping list. Every Hogsmeade day, I went to the village with my friends to drink butterbeer and go to Zuko in the village to buy some joke products.

When choosing a store location, you should not just consider what is beneficial to you. Unless there is something special about the store that makes people take the trouble to come there, customers will still be like the pilgrims in the Middle Ages. After praying, " "By the way" go to the market outside the church.

The numerous shops on a street will also make customers suddenly think of what they are missing at home - in fact, they are not that lacking. They just see that the price is cheap and the things will not break if they are stored, so they can stock up on some, not to mention the number of customers in Diagon Alley. It’s not just students either.

So we can see that few stores in Hogsmeade can last for a long time, and many stores that existed when Pomona was a student are no longer there.

However, it is not that easy to open a store in Diagon Alley. The rent alone goes up a lot, leaving little liquidity for entrepreneurs, and the risks are even greater. Who will use the limited funds to buy insurance at this time? Woolen cloth?

Wood is a flammable substance, but it is indispensable for interior decoration. Suppose a person plans to start a tobacco business. For example, cigars are all manually rolled, and the technology is not particularly complicated. Just rent a house and find a few workers. Can do it.

There was once a case where a shop that used to be a laundry changed its business to making cigarettes. Because the business was booming, the landlord wanted to evict the tenants and start the business himself, so the two filed a lawsuit.

Suppose that there was a fire in the shop that later sold cigarettes, but the fire did not spread to the smoke-making room. The insurance company could still refuse to perform the contract because he did not notify the insurance company of his change of business. To an insurance company, tobacco and laundry pose a different risk of fire in a room full of wood.

When doing foreign trade business, you often encounter offshore quotations and in-port quotations. Offshore is responsible for loading the goods onto the ship designated by the buyer. The seller does not need to consider the problem of enemy ships. He only bears the risk until the goods are loaded on the ship. Delivery is completed once the goods are on board.

The arrival price will bear the risk of shipment. If the port is blocked, he will have to find a way to deliver the goods to the port. The seller will be responsible for the additional costs, and he will also bear the risk of delivery. If the time limit on the bill of lading is exceeded, You will also have to pay for the delivery time. If it is fresh food, the loss after spoilage will also be compensated according to the contract.

He cannot and cannot afford to wait, but that is not necessarily the case if he buys "war insurance." Although war is a force majeure in "modern times", in the 18th and 19th centuries, if some people dared to sell this kind of insurance, others would dare to buy it. The Malfoy family also owns an insurance company, which has been open for almost two hundred years. The name has been changed more than once, but Malfoy is still the largest shareholder. They lost and won when selling insurance. They also sold war insurance and lost a lot but made more money. On the contrary, they went bankrupt once because of the loss in life insurance.

War risk is listed as a deductible after World War I. Before then, life insurance still has to compensate for deaths caused by wars. After World War II, there were almost no complete buildings over three meters tall in the bombed areas of London. However, because Malfoy insured many properties, the insurance company did not deny compensation, so the loss was not too heavy.

When Severus went to London this time, he rented a house from a rental company owned by Malfoy. The price was said to be "a good deal". After all, he was Draco Malfoy's godfather.

Why didn't Malfoy lend him a house to live in for free?

People like them are like this. The contracts and procedures are all right. On the contrary, Sirius and James don't distinguish between you and me.

"I just went to take a look." Pomona muttered quietly and turned to the Three Broomsticks.

In any case, he has "moved into a new home". She can go to Diagon Alley to buy some gifts to celebrate later. Yes, that's it. This is etiquette, although she estimates that the old bat does not have a sweet tooth like Dumbledore.

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A long time ago, there were two outstanding hunters in a tribe. One day they fell in love with the same deer, but this deer was very agile and agile. The hunting ground they were in was located in a canyon with only two exits. Assuming that the two hunters could cooperate and guard the two exits, the deer would not be able to escape. On the contrary, if they did not cooperate, they would not get nothing if they hunted separately. They can hunt 4 rabbits every day, enough to feed their respective families.

However, in addition to the meat, deer can be eaten, the antlers can be used as medicinal materials, and the musk can be sold as spices. The value of the deer is much higher than 10 days of food.

If we only look at the Nash equilibrium, whether it is hunting rabbits or hunting deer, it is the optimal solution for both hunters. Because rabbits do not have sharp horns like deer, the risk is relatively low. If hunting deer, it is the same as Numa. If he is injured, it will be a big loss for the hunter. He will have to be unable to hunt for at least a period of time to recuperate, not to mention the money for medical treatment and medicine.

Every player hopes to achieve the maximum value of his expected profit, but not everyone will listen to Nash and not invite the most beautiful girl, but invite her companions, so that everyone will have a wonderful night. .

It is more likely that this situation will arise. The one who wants to be the "big winner" persuades others to invite the beautiful girl's companions. When seeing those girls who are not as beautiful as himself being invited away, the beautiful girl will feel uneasy, so She will lower her standards again and again and no longer require the other person to be as handsome, rich, and polite as the prince.

Those who invite beautiful girls to their companions will be the first to invite the second most beautiful and the third most beautiful. When others see that all the beautiful girls have been invited away, they become anxious. At this time, only the less beautiful and the most beautiful are left on the field. girl.

Two equally outstanding hunters in a tribe must have a comparison in their hearts to see who is better. Yes, a deer can bring a lot of profits, but that deer is not a rare animal, and they are not like wolves on the ice sheet. Survival crisis. If you can't hunt animals, they will starve to death. A little smell of blood can satisfy their appetite.

So the "deer hunt" ended up being a competition to see whoever shot the deer first would be the best hunter in the tribe.

There is a premise for this "cooperation". Both are "excellent hunters." If one is excellent and the other is mediocre, the mediocre hunter will really want that deer, but the excellent hunter will feel that he can hunt it alone. That deer, there is no need to cooperate and then split the deer evenly with a mediocre hunter.

Being mediocre means that he may not necessarily be able to hunt 4 rabbits every day. He is willing to only want the meat, not the antlers and musk, and the antlers and musk can be exchanged for a better bow. The gap between excellent hunters and mediocre hunters becomes wider. .

However, whether it is human "powerful alliance", "fair competition" or other cooperation methods, it is unfavorable to the deer. It is the target of being divided. Not only that, it will also have its life taken away.

Perhaps the person who ambushed them at the beginning had no intention of robbing. She had met a group of "purgers" who were raising Garuda before. Mary, who thought she had received mercy from God and gained strength, wanted to unite with the people in the forest to eliminate Georgiana. The witch, and then others, remembered the large diamond that Georgiana had received, and the very weak protection force - who would have thought that bandits would attack a convoy with the French Minister of the Interior and many high-ranking officials?

What they thought of was their numerical advantage. The Mamluks' gorgeous sabers were as valuable as the gems on their clothes. As for the consequences, they didn't consider it. There had been wars here for hundreds of years, and it had only been peaceful for a year or two.

Legilimency was not a dark magic like the Cruciatus Curse, but the Muggle was still frightened and he kept screaming.

"Are you going to kill him?" Brick asked looking at the Muggle.

"They heard that I let another group of robbers go." Georgiana laughed. "They surrendered because I promised them not to die."

Brick looked at Georgiana.

"Have you ever thought that if they don't surrender, they will only die? I am not negotiating terms with them?"

"Mercy." The robber reacted and shouted at her, "Show mercy."

She closed her eyes and imagined that her role with him was reversed. Will he let her go?

Or the other girls in the carriage, after all she could risk Disapparating, like the seamstress who invented the Cutting Charm and escaped when the Muggles surrounded her house.

Apart from using the cutting spell to cut cloth, she has no other magic and sews clothes with needle and thread.

She remembered the lesson she learned in the first grade about changing a match to a needle. This lesson has not changed at all after so many years.

She succeeded the first time, even though it was a very ordinary embroidery needle.

There are countless "matches" in this forest, but she is no longer a freshman.

The fallen leaves floated up, as if they were coated with silver, and then she fired a "volley of ten thousand bullets", and they hit the wood behind the robber like bullets.

"You can give orders." Brick looked at the slowly falling robber and said, "I can do it for you."

With Scarlett on her mind, Georgiana shot the deserter.

She had no other choice. Should she expect Melanie, who was seriously ill, to fight him with a sword?

"You can rest now."

She heard a woman speaking in French, who seemed to be a French woman named Carolyn Lestrange.

"No, I can." She said coldly, "Let's go."

Then he strode forward. The vines and branches along the way "came alive". The animals noticed something strange and ran away like a forest fire.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, the devil's net entangled many people to death, including Death Eaters, werewolves and even giants.

She is like Lily, her hands will be clean until she dies.

In "The Matrix", people in the real world will die if they are shot in the matrix.

The first person to die like this was a young man, barely a few years older than the Gryffindor who was taking pictures everywhere with a camera.

He's not like a tank, he has interfaces, he should be one of the young guys liberated by Memphis.

The people in this world have long since died, their bodies have long since rotted into skeletons, and have been placed in the Paris underground cemetery, so even if they are shot, their lives will not be taken away.

Is the soul immortal? Democritus believed that the soul is composed of atoms, which is not substantially different from other atoms. At most, it is rounder and more dynamic to a certain extent. If the whole world of Plato is a perfect sphere, then in Democritus Here, these balls are tiny atoms, and atoms are immortal.

She took a deep breath and looked calmly at the bandits hiding behind the bushes not far away. They felt something strange behind them and slowly turned their heads.

The expression was exactly the same as that of the Death Eater who had died in her hands, except this time he was hit in the head by the seeds of the knotweed vine.

Others followed suit. There were countless fallen leaves on the ground, and energy continuously provided "bullets" for the wizards until they ran out of magic power.

She looked at the expressions of the wizards. Not everyone was like this, but some of them did have hearty smiles on their faces.

At the same time, she suddenly understood why she hated Ilsa, the refugee with the "Light of Morocco" in her eyes.

If she had known this earlier, she would not have picked up the ticket that fell on the ground that day.

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